Standing outside on the balcony, the air fresh with a touch of humidity. No breeze just a lower temperature of 81 degrees. Breezes were always more relaxing. She imagined the clouds swirling in a humorous way. Bringing a smile to her face, closing her eyes taking in the silence of a new night. Feeling the tension leave her muscles a good day at work. Always gave her a feel of contentment, with successful accomplishment. Taking a puff of a cigar, an image flashed through her mind. A handsome male hair of black night, shadows dancing over his eyes a slow smile touched his lips. A flash of teeth of pure white as shadows moved across his face. She held her breath in thoughtful silence. Wrinkling her brow in silence suddenly very thoughtful as the image vanished. She took a relaxing breath looking around from her balcony.
How odd she thought to herself, taking another puff smelling the cigars scent of sweet cherries. She put it out realizing she had finished it, a little while ago. Taking another breath she exhaled releasing the tension within her. It always worked for her when odd things happened. A habit of hers when she seen, always reminding herself to breath. Relax she would say to herself don't force the sight or force it away. Let it play through always get details. Disconnect your emotions focus on what has been seen. It is always best to get every detail given, and every detail seen. With her calm demeanor she looked around the area with a quick scan. She turned around walking into her room, holding onto the image. Thoughtfully her brown eyes narrowed as she held the image. Bringing the image back determined of what can be seen. Turning around she closed her door than felt a sudden change in the atmosphere of darkness. Seemed to be thick with a thickness of humidity. Hmm..fascinating she thought becoming surrounded by the strange atmosphere of darkness. Sensing the difference her feet fell silent as she took a step. Even the smell changed yet not of Death, of something else. A slightly higher temperature that became very muggy. How very odd she thought...hmmm fascinating. Focusing on cool fresh air, taking another silent step the darkness lifted at a rapid rate. She remained calm as a bright light flashed before her. Taking another step she walked right into the light. Seeing trees, foliage with leaves all over the ground. A young man ran across the grounds in a fast sprint. As another looked down her black hair moving with each of his movements. Walking to her light switch she flicked it on. Grabbing her sketch pad, drawing the image out just as she had seen it. Two hours later she looked it over studied it thoughtfully. He had not been in pure darkness, yet the darkness seemed to follow him. She had changed the background in her sketch giving a natural darkness. The scenery she had been looking up at when the image came to her. Tilting her head slightly studying the image. Looking at the man she had seen, his face smooth perfectly filled out flawlessly pale. Know days they called them 'Baby face' some liked to call them 'ageless'. Yet looking at the picture, there was a slight touch of authority revealed within his gaze. A sense you could say she thought, touching his eyes in her sketch even a touch of sadness, odd she would see that in her sketch. It looked exactly the way she had seen him. Sometimes sadness came from experiences of life, and knowledge others were unaware of. Or of memories he wished not to remember a knowledge that developed by his own personal life he wished not to speak of. An intimidating darkness that seemed to move closer to him. Touching the sketch again, she whispered, "Now why would I see you handsome? Such sadness within your gaze, I know not uou?"
Feeling a slight tension within her shoulders and back. she put the picture down, taking a gentle breath. Feeling sincere concern she leaned back thoughtful such a perfect face. His eyes spoke volumes of the life he lives, or lived. Unable to release the tension within her body, taking another deep breath. Her eyes ignited into a deep purple flame, closing them gently. That darkness was something she had felt before, it had not ended well. Recognizing the darkness that she changed immediately with natural forces. Leaning back she grabbed a cigar sliding the cigar across her nose. Her eyes glowing with a purple flame she whispered softly,
"Handsome this isn't going to be a good thing."
Turning her light off she sat in thoughtful silence in a natural darkness, unlike the darkness that had been around him. Positioning the cigar correctly she flicked her lighter a flame appeared splitting into two flames. She watched them dance as they remained parted lighting her cigar she puffed. While the double flame danced, she felt the warmth of her lighter. She released the button, leaning back to sit comfortably the tip of her cigar brightened. She gently brushed her dark hair back over her shoulders, her purple flamed gaze narrowed into thought. With a confirmed silent confidence she whispered,
"No handsome that is not good news, so shall we see soon. I'm intrigued."