Chereads / Abyss Blood / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Arrival

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Arrival

Sliding open the doors of the transport a young man with ashen hair and enchanting green eyes steps out of the vehicle, stretching out his stiff muscles from the long ride.

Letting out an exaggerated yawn, Levia eyes the front entrance of the academy where they had just arrived at.

Looking up only to see a monumental wall surrounding the location, keeping the academy hidden and protected from the outside.

Looking around Levia notices an entrance the size of a building on the wall, knowing it to be a passageway In which cars and other authorized transport are let through, although he wonders why they had to let him out there instead of bringing him through.

The young woman steps out of the transport her long black hair flowing in the breeze, and as if understanding Levia's confusion she answers his thoughts accordingly.

"We're not authorized to bring you through yet, not until you do a test of sorts.."

"Oh, and what might this test be?"

Rather intrigued, Levia eyes the young lady waiting for her answer

"That…. I cannot say.."

The young woman's face cold and distant as of trying to hide her true emotions.

"Then when might this test of sorts happen, i wouldn't want to stand outside all day…"

Wondering why she cannot tell him, even more questions appear in Levia's mind.

"Hmmm, interesting.."

"Maybe they're trying to gauge on whether I'm a cultist or not?"

"Not that I care what their motives are, I'm just here for the bed"

Now grinning, Levia asks her whether he can start the test now, since she hadn't answered him of when the test would start.

Seeing a slight tinge of hesitation in her eyes he realizes that the test has probably already started, From the moment they didn't enter through the gates.

Realizing there was something he was missing, without wasting a moment, Levia glances around trying to find something,anything that stood out or seemed out of place.

And before long he found it, the gate seemed wrong in a sense, as if there was something off about it. Going closer Levia realizes something that he couldn't understand why he hadn't noticed it before.

The gate had been open the entire time, yet it seemed to have been hidden with a sort of camouflage.

Understanding that the humans most likely set it up in a way that an unqualified holder wouldn't be able to notice, and thus would be unfit to join the ranks of the academy.

"Rather smart of them, how fun"

"Although it'll take much more to trick me than just this.. hopefully they'll have more fun in store for me in the future"

Walking up to the woman Levia tells her that which he had found

"Hey raven, the gates not completely closed and is instead hidden from view by some sort of camouflage, correct?"

Seemingly surprised at the speed in which he's completed the test, the black haired beauty congratulates Levia on finishing it in record time.

Asking about the name too, the woman's eyes showing slight confusion through the cold front she gives off.

"Oh that haha.."

"Well you have rather long black hair that reminds me of a raven, and since I was never informed of your name I was naturally inclined to call you as such"

Levia grins showing off his attractive canines

The woman slightly flushed now seeming to have just now noticed how beautiful the man in front of her was, as if a nickname was her trigger.

"How innocent"

Levia thinks to himself feeling very entertained at the current situation.

"Well i.. if that's your reason, then I guess I have no problem with it"

"Call me what you want.."

The woman accidentally stumbling over her first word, making Levia smile even wider

"That's good then, now what do I do?"

As if completely ignoring the current situation Levia asks raven the question.

"Ah.. I'll take you in right now, my apologies"

Raven seeming to have forgotten what they were actually there for, just now remembering, her face bright red.

"This initially cold woman seems to show much more emotion when embarrassed, guess she's not such an ice princess after all.."

Levia licks his canines and chuckles, entertained by the woman.

"Follow me then Levia"

The woman takes Levia through the big gate walking through a screen like hologram, with which was working as the camouflage before.

Heading through the gate they enter a large open area seeming to be parking for many different forms of transport, from cars to trucks, to jeeps and even bikes.

This place being packed with a multitude of different ways to get around.

Meanwhile in the slums all they have to get around being their two feet, and even then many slum-rats didn't even have that.

"Man this would've been convenient to have in the slums"

Levia thinks to himself, glad that he decided to join the academy.

Walking further along Levia passes the parking area and into a door at the end of it, heading through to be greeted by a young male at the front desk.

A young man seeming to be his early twenties, with cool grey eyes and brown hair that flowed naturally over his well sculpted face had greeted Levia.

"Welcome Sir Ashton, are you here to take the second test?"

Unsurprisingly to Levia, the gate test wasn't the only one he would have to face, already knowing that he'll have to do more than just one he replies in kind.

"Of course I am"

Grinning at the prospects of new entertainment Levia glances at the young man waiting for his next words.

"Kindly follow me then Sir, and I will guide you to your second test"

Understanding that no more questions would be asked or answered Levia follows the male through a corridor and into a wide room, resembling that of an arena.

Walking into the arena Levia notices another male standing in the center of the room holding what appeared to be a wooden sword.

The male looking at Levia with annoyance, spits on the ground

"You told me I'd have a battle with someone good today, yet instead you bring me this pretty boy, who's obviously never held a sword in his life. Dont be toying with me Ezekiel…"

The man aiming those words at the brown haired male, seemed to think that Levia was merely a pushover, not realizing how sorely mistaken he was.

Levia just eyes the male, a sadistic smile making its way across his face.

"Interesting, something fun seems to have come up"

Seemingly interested in this prospect Levia walks up to Ezekiel and tells him to start the test in a cold and murderous tone, making the young male shudder.

Ezekiel taking a step back obviously frightened announces the second tests commencement, catching the annoyed male by surprise.

Now with a face fully devoid of emotion Levia speaks with a loud and ominous tone

"let's begin our game, shall we"

Chapter 2, Chapter 2: Awakening