"We've never failed our clients", is what Lady told me once, when I was still fresh.
"There really is no way to find out we exist except when we let people know. Occasionally, we give people the chance to contact...someone. There's never a guarantee we'll show up but people do it anyway. There are times when the people that seek to hire us have that...mettle. In that case, we are obliged to hear their story. Naturally, no one knows any details about us."
"Well, my father said that-"
"You're gonna have to forget everything he ever said."
I was taken aback. The look she gave me back then chilled me to my core. I suppose if there ever was a time when I considered running away, it was then. I should have taken that chance and yet, I know there was no way that would have been possible. Ever since the moment my father told me about this opportunity in the capital, I was bound to the Valkyries.
"In here, we are all dead people. If you don't want things to get harder on you, you need to forget everything."
It was windy that afternoon. And as we stood outside on the green mound, the wind muted our voices as it shuffled with the leaves. The church building, called Valhalla, was surrounded by something of a grove. The closest human dwelling was a barracks and a military hostel which were about 30 minute walk away.
I stood there looking into her blank eyes as she told me I was dead. And she was asking me to murder everything I had ever known in my life.
"I'm not sure I can be that ungrateful."
She smiled, almost mockingly, "That's all the more reason to do it."
I was given a room, introduced to everyone and dragged back to that mound that evening. It was just me and Lady. I avoided looking at her out of my modesty, having been a country kid where staring at midgets and witches was considered a tradition. At least, I knew my manners.
"You are special, unlike the rest of us", she broke the silence.
"Aren't you just saying that?"
"I don't need to. I'm telling you this because at some point you're going to want answers."
"And is that good?"
"It is what it is."
"Lady...what's the reason for all this? Why do you do this?"
Her response was quicker and shorter than I'd expected.
"Is that...all?"
I couldn't understand where I'd fit in all of this.
"What more could there be? That's why I said you were special. You'll know soon enough. And so would we. You see, there has never been a time when we've failed to fulfill a request. Except for the first one. Even the best of us have been unable to do anything about it."
"And you think I can?"
"Yes, I'm certain of it. If that doesn't work out, well... wouldn't that be something. Actually that gives me the idea!"
She paused, turning towards me, with a glitter in her eyes.
"Your name is Seraph", she declared.
"Seraph...but my-"
"The serpent doesn't realize its own potential, it hisses and cowers away", she then laughed and started back inside.
I was utterly confused. It took me too long to realize what she really meant when she said that. It was already too late, everything was over. At that time when I thought back to that evening, it seemed so obvious and also, surprising. Lady knew me far more than what I gave her credit for.
I followed her inside, asking her about this and that as we entered the hall where everyone was sitting.
"Anyways Lady, what is your real name?"
That question rang out in the church as I was surrounded from every possible direction. Countless murderous weapons inches away from claiming my soul, I forgot to breathe. All the Valkyries were hungering for my life in that moment as they stood with blood in their eyes. I thought I saw devils. There has never been a time when I could sense such sinister auras.
What had led them into such quick and hostile action? I tried to figure out if it was something I said. Surely, asking a name is as harmless as it gets, right?...Right?
"Let this be a lesson for the kid", Lady herself wore a dark look but still came to my rescue.
"Let us make that lesson a little long-living then", it was Deli who proposed that, her claws itching to nab my neck.
"Come now, I bet he won't forget this anytime soon."
The Valkyries pulled away immediately, dispersing as if nothing had happened.
"Don't ever question Lady", some deeply threatening voice whispered in my ear.
"Seraph", Lady smirked at me, "Everything you want to know...I'll tell you everything."
I was still frozen.
"But you'll need to look for it."
That evening fell into a stormy night. And I knew, everything to come would be something I had never seen before.
So why am I telling you all this at this point? Why am I thinking of all that forgotten stuff now as I lay with my guts open right beside me? They've caught on fire now and I think I lost my fingers somewhere in that nearby pool of lava. I didn't think I'll get to think of Lady again. But there she is, right beside me, I can almost see her, if only it weren't for the blood in my eyes.
I suppose my brain has exploded, I can't smell anything, which isn't altogether bad. I can't feel most of my body, actually any of it. I wonder what just happened.
Oh hey, there's Prophet. Or Lucy...Lucifer. Lucy is the one I'm supposed to be fighting. She's using Prophet's body though. What difference does it make? Who am I really fighting...? Who is really killing me?
Its all the same.
Lucy...Lucifer...that's just a name. Lady was right. Its just a name. Its just a life.
I am the country kid. My name is Seraph.