3 Years passed and the surgeon was yet to kill another councilor. Only 14 councilors were alive, now.

There was peace in Shéshizú. Oliver decided to go back to the US to meet his one true love, Vanya, again. He also wanted to avenge his father's death. He had ran away from home for too long.

'Oliver,' Li Chang calls out. 'Are you sure you want to really get your revenge against the senator?' Li Chang asks.

'If you have the power to avenge your family's death, would you proceed?' Oliver asks, and Li Chang was mute; he knew the answer to this question – and it was a solid yes. 'I still hear his voice; his kind counseling. I see him in my dreams. The trauma I feel is real. I will go and avenge my father's death, not by guns but by the law. I am going back to the US. I think the surgeon won't be back for a long time.' Oliver says.

Li Chang stares at Oliver, and says, 'Revenge, a destroyer of worlds, have no sympathy. This is still a war, and nobody wins in a war; you either lose something, lose someone, or lose your humanity (soul). I won't stand in the way of your fury, but don't let anger get a better side of you. I have always been motivated by revenge, and the result is never pretty.' Li Chang says.

'I'll miss you, Li.' Oliver hugs Li Chang. 'Bye, Li Chang.' Oliver says.

'Wait... Oliver. I hid this from everyone, but I trust you will keep it safe. I was supposed to die with my mouth sealed, but the surgeon can come here any moment to get the key, so it's better you go with it; no one will ever suspect you. Oliver, I know you as someone I can trust. I will give you the activation key.' Li Chang says.

'What? Please, it's your responsibility to never tell anyone about the whereabouts of the activation.' Oliver says.

'Of course, but if anyone gets it from me, the world will be ruined. You told me it was not my war alone. do this for the world, and for me. If you go to the US with the key, it's impossible for them to get it.' Li Chang states.

'Okay. give me the key.' Oliver answers.

'Thank you.' Li Chang holds up his neck chain. He removes it from his neck, and hands it over to Oliver. There was a pendant hanging from the neck chain.

'The pendant is the activation key. It's the only thing in the world that can activate the missiles. My grand father created it that way; he didn't want it to be very obvious.' Li Chang says. He orders some of his guards to take Oliver to the airport, and as soon as they left, Oliver felt tears tickling down his face. He was going back to the US, and the last time he was there, his father was recently killed. He could remember it all as if it was just yesterday, and pain of the past was lurking on his heart. But he had to get himself together, he was to the US for two reasons to meet Vanya and Stanley, and to deal with Senator Theodore. He said his prayers as the plane took off from Hong Kong:

'Oh God, help me not to let my anger eat deep into me. I pray that you'll help me do this, because you're the avenger of the weak, and the father of the fatherless.'

Oliver reached the US. He took a breath of the air of his home country. It has been long he felt the atmosphere of his country. He smiles, and walks down the plane steps.

'Home, sweet home.' He says to himself. He missed Charles a lot, but Charles had made a new life for himself in Hong Kong. He and Ai are in a relationship, and he had everything he wanted, except his biggest dream of being a basketballer. But Oliver didn't want to bother him. He was walking slowly as he looked around the airport. Then someone bumps into him. It was a lady.

'Can't you see.' The lady says picking up her bag that fell.

'I am sorry. Can I help you?' Oliver says. Oliver didn't get the chance to see her face. But he saw a necklace with the word friends inscribed on it. The lady picks up her bag, and turns back to walk away with her guards, when Oliver says.

'Vanya, is that you?' Oliver didn't expect her to turn, he just guessed. The girl turns. As beautiful as ever, Vanya stood there with a smile. Oliver's jaw drops with amazement, he never expected to see Vanya so... quick. Vanya stops and gets a good glimpse of Oliver.


'Vanya you have grown, and you are... you are extremely beautiful.' Oliver says.

Vanya runs and hugs Oliver tight. Oliver couldn't express the joy he felt seeing Vanya, neither could Vanya.

'Oh... my goodness, where were you? All this years I wished for you to come back.' She asks passionately.

'I was...' Oliver's eyes were filled with tears of joy. 'Vanya, I missed you each day. I can't say how I felt not seeing you. I really love Vanya.' Oliver says.

'Oliver, I love you, too. I'm sorry for what happened to your father three years ago.' Vanya speaks.

'It looks like yesterday; time flies, huh?' Oliver says.

'I'll take you to my house, it looks like you're just coming into the country. I travelled from Chicago back to Los Angeles. Thank God I saw you.' Vanya says, and gestures her bodyguard to carry Oliver's suitcase, but Oliver didn't let him do it. He even took hold of Vanya's suitcase.

They reached Vanya's home. The door of the mansion opened up, and the two entered inside. Senator Theodore was sitting on the couch. As soon as he saw his daughter he was happy, not until he saw Oliver. Oliver's eyes and the monster, Senator Theodore's eyes met. Oliver could feel the anger boiling in his soul. He was standing in front of the alleged murderer of his father, but he didn't no the whole truth.

'Good morning, Dad.' Vanya greets.

'Good morning, Senator Theodore,' Oliver says. He had to subdue the acrimony he felt.

'Good morning, Vanya. Who's this?' Senator Theodore asks.

'Dad, meet Oliver. Oliver Sparrow, the missing son of Asantel Dion.' Vanya says.

Senator Theodore and Myles Sparrow were enemies since their last meeting, even till the unfortunate death of Mr. Myles.

'Hello, Oliver. How are you?' He asks.

I feel like killing you, Oliver thought.

'I'm fine, sir.' Oliver says.

'He just came into the country, and he needs a place to stay.' Vanya says. 'Dad, can he stay with us for the meanwhile, while he look for an apartment?' She asks.

Senator Theodore frowns. 'Okay, he can stay here... If he wants to.'

'Thank you, Dad.' Vanya utters excitedly.

'You're welcome, my darling.' Senator Theodore walks to his room.

'Oliver, I missed you for 3 years. I thought something bad happened to you. Here you're with me.'

'I missed you more.' Oliver draws her closer to himself, with his hand on her waist.

'Seeing you here makes my heart to go up in flames. I want every moment with you to last forever.' The air was cool; the breeze made it's way over their skins. You could see the passion in the duo's eyes. They almost locked lips, but Angela came in the wrong time.

'Vanya, you're back?' Angela says. She embraces Vanya.

'Yes, Angela.'

'Good morning, ma.'

'Good morning?' Oliver greets. 'I'm Oliver, it's nice to meet you, ma'am.'

'Are you the guest?' Angela asks.

'Yes, ma.'

'Let me show you to your room.' She gestures the janitor to take Oliver's suitcases, as she takes him to his room.

The room was large and very luxurious.

'This is your room.' Angela tells him.

'Oh! Thanks Ma'am.' Oliver says, and walks into the room.

'You can't take your revenge; you're too weak!! You're nothing but a loser!' A voice tells him. it came with a splitting headache.

'Argh!' Oliver outcries.

'Are you okay?' Vanya asks coming inside.

'I'm fine, it's just a little headache.'

'Get a good rest, Oliver. We'll talk later.' Vanya walks outside, and closes the door behind her.

'Bullets, Roses, and Quirks.' He read the title of a book he saw on the table. He opens the book. The first name he saw was Oliver, he opens the book to the last page and he read. 'And Oliver dies. The end.' He breathes in deeply, 'What the heck!' He exclaims.

He snaps back to reality, seconds later. He closes the book immediately. it was only a figment of his imagination.

'Oh! Why is my mind so botched? Dad, I wish you're here with me.' Oliver says.