Chereads / The Unknown One's Reincarnation and The Unremembered System / Chapter 2 - Arrival, The Forest and The 'Voice'

Chapter 2 - Arrival, The Forest and The 'Voice'

The chirping of birds. The hot sensation of the sun on my skin. The hard ground beneath my buttocks. The movement of small insects and worms in the ground. A cool breeze. The gentle swaying of trees.

I can feel it. I can see it. I can hear it. I can sense it. Finally, I can actually sense stuff instead of just that boring nothingness, the annoying voice of that thing, and the disgusting sensation of moving way too fast.

I wondered a bit before I finally arrived here, where do I belong? It seems like I got my answer. I suppose I belong to this forest. It's...pretty nice.

'Yeah yeah I get it, stop being so melodramatic and start moving already' -What????????

I almost yelled out loud in surprise. I heard a voice, sounding like that of a young boy, no older than 12, speaking in a monotone tone.

'What are you so surprised about?'-Who's talking, who's there?

'Who's talking who's there your head! No, literally, it is your head'-What???????

'Ugh, do you seriously not get it? It's me, I'm talking. Don't you remember, when you started having those "flashbacks"? That wasn't you having a flashback, that was me trying to give you the information you desired. Also when you tried to talk to that...thing, I conveyed your words to it'-Oh yeah, now that you mention that, it did feel kind of weird, so that was you. So, who are you?

'I'm you...I think.'-You think?

'Yeah, look, I'm not in that much of a better situation than you, just like how you can't remember jack shit, I'm the same'-You're right, I guess.

'Look, I don't think talking like this will get us anywhere, we should probably move'-Move where?

'Move...I don't know, just move. I guess our first task should be to acquire some information so we can understand where we are right now. Go and find some people to talk to'-Makes sense.

Let's see, the area around me in a 20-meter radius is a field and from then on it's filled with trees. I can't see anything distinguishing in my surroundings so I guess I'll just move forward.

I took 5 steps, wobbling and almost falling over, making it obvious that I hadn't yet gotten used to using my body when-


It didn't even take a second for 3 wolves to jump right in front of me. They were white, around a meter tall, 2 meters long, and 40 cm wide.

With celerity they jumped in my direction, ready to pounce on me.

'Fuck, seriously? Fight boy, Fight'-What? How do you expect me to fight when I can barely wa-

I couldn't even finish my retort before having to dodge, barely missing those deadly teeth of these wolves.

I guess I can only fight.

I swung a fist at the wolf nearest to me, only for me to do no damage to it. Figures, I don't even know how to swing a fist.

Taking a step back, I braced myself only for the wolf to pounce on me and bite at my guard.

With a kick to its head, I somehow got it off me but not without it leaving a wound on my arm.

By the time this happened, the 2 other wolves had already encircled me, leaving me no room to escape.

The one on my left tried to strike at me with its claws while the one on the right pounced on my leg. It was too fast for me to dodge or counter.

Deciding that my legs would be more useful, I dodged left and put up my guard, leaving the one on the right to bite on air and the wolf on my left to strike my arms yet again.

This gave enough time for the wolf opposite of me to pounce on me yet again, extending its 2 claws in an attempt to shred me. I could only dodge at the last moment, escaping from a fatal attack but leaving a painful wound spanning from right below my neck to right above my legs.

The wolves, seeing that I am in no condition to do much anymore, decided to seal the deal, jumping at me all at once with mouths open wide.

Is this the end? Am I really going to die when I just got here? I closed my eyes, praying for my death to at least be over quickly.

'Fuck, it seems there isn't any other choice.'

The second I heard that voice, something changed. It felt like I no longer had control over my own body, like I was only a spectator.

Then a strange noise, like the methodical turning of gears, resounded from my left eye and it opened right after not with my intent.

When I saw through that eye, I felt shocked.

It looked like time had stopped, the world had a strange blue tint to it. I could see something different on those wolves now, some parts of their bodies glowed, and on 2 of them, the one I had punched before and the one I had kicked, there was a red tint on the spot I had hit them.

All of a sudden my perspective moved up a meter. Seems like 'I' had jumped, although I hadn't given my legs that command.

My legs parted, one going on the glowing part of the head of the wolf on my left, the other foot-the same thing but the wolf on my right. Then I felt that my legs had applied pressure on those glowing parts and the next thing I knew, my perspective started spinning.

Wow, I didn't even know that my body could do something like that. Seems like I did a frontflip by jumping off those 2 wolves. Once it seemed like I had done a whole 360 flip, my 2 legs got back together and my body straightened out, my whole body now like a needle pointed at the last remaining wolf.

Then, an intricate combination of my feet touching the glowing spot on the head of the wolf and the head itself touching the ground resulted in the head of the wolf being squished.

3 wolves and one man turned into 3 corpses and one injured man. I had somehow survived, the wolves-not so much.