{Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!}
Ugh, give me one more minute, please.
{Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!}
Ugh, I want to sleep.
Agh! What happened? Hmm, oh yeah, I asked the voice...Mai, for his name, and then it seems like I passed out. So, just now, I woke up? So that's what waking up feels like...which leads me to, how do I know what waking up is when I obviously don't recollect ever waking up?
-Hey, Mai, you there?
'Yeah, I'm always here. And, no need to ask me, I can read your thoughts so I already know what you want to question me. Get on with it, what do you want to know first? I will answer to the best of my abilities.'
-What do I want to know first, huh? Well, do you know who I am?
'No clue.'
-Do you know where we are right now?
'No clue.'
-...Do you know who, or what, you are?
'No clue'
-' Ok, I do have a clue about that one.'
-Thank god, I was beginning to believe that you actually didn't know anything. So, what is it?
'It seems like I am a part of you, somewhat. No, that's wrong. I am my own existence but at the same time tied to you fundamentally'
-So, a parasite?
'No, that's wrong. While I am somewhat autonomous, I am not foreign to your existence. I suspect that I originate from within you. It seems like I am something called a System. What that means though, I don't know a lot. The only thing I know is that I'm supposed to help you with my powers. That's about all I know for now'
-Huh, okay. So, for my main question, why is it that I cannot remember anything from before that nothingness yet I seem to posses some knowledge. Was I born with that knowledge in that place, or?
'About that, I can only say 1 thing with certainty. You were not born there, you existed before that. I can also say that I existed with you before that as well. Though in what form we existed, where, who we were, and anything else I do not have even a single clue about.'
-Well that's not very useful information. What else, what else...I can't think of anything else to ask abo-Oh wait, yeah. That thing you said, after we fought the wolves. Your power lets me get information about my surroundings AND myself right?
'Yes, that is correct'
-How can I access that information about myself then? Maybe it will show me who I am?
'I wouldn't get my hopes up about that If I were you. But, it's simple, just say the word Status in your mind, and by that, I mean not think about it but say it through our connection'
-Wait a second, about this connection, what is its point if you can read my mind?
'Well I can read your mind but I need to use it to talk to you, as well as for you to access your Status. I also suspect that it might have more uses later down the road as well. Though you can talk to me without it, I can read your mind after all'
-Sure, it is kind of...weird to talk through this, I'll just think. Anyways.
[Body Age:1 day]
[Left Eye(Mai####):Awakened, 60%]
[Right Eye(####):Dormant, 100%]
Huh. I guess Mai was right. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, this doesn't really answer any questions, instead, it simply poses more. Mai, care to explain?
'I can explain some parts of it. First, I said to not get your hopes up about your Name and Age, it seems like it will be a long time before we get to know those, if ever. I can kind of explain everything else though. About body age, I think that's self-explanatory, it is the age of your body.'
Huh, so my body is 1 day old? Wait, that makes no sense for many reasons. First, back when I was in that nothingness I am sure I had no body, so how come I have a body right now? Second, how is this body 1 day old, I have the knowledge that a 1 day-old body should be a toddler, yet it's obvious my body is bigger than that. Also, it hasn't even been a day, it's been barely...how long? I don't know, it shouldn't be more than 10 hours.
'Wow, wow, wow, chill out with the questions. Answer to most of these is, I have no idea. I have no idea how you have a body now and I have no idea why or how it's 1 day old. I'm sure we will find the answers to these questions, but later on. Now, back to explaining your Status. HP should also be obvious, it's your Health Points, or basically, how healthy you are. It is 8/10 because you got injured yesterday, but it should heal soon.'
Health points? What does points mean?
'...You're not going to like the answer.'
Don't you dare say i-
'No clue'
FUUUUUUCKKKK. Why. Why do you know nothing? Actually, how is it that it's displayed on my Status and you have no clue when you are displaying the status?
'I'm not the one displaying the Status. It's part of my powers but it's a part I can't control. I'm sure that I could control it before that nothingness but now I just don't remember how, it also has some parts that I don't even know. Like the next one, with those question marks. Though those question marks, while displaying the unknown, are different from the unknown of your name and age. Your name and age almost seem like not forgotten but...erased from your and my memory. While the question marks, while also forgotten, can be unlocked. That's what the 10% after the question marks means, it's 10% towards unlocking. It seems like the percentage goes up with the passage of time, so it should be unlocked by around tomorrow.'
'Moving onto the next one, it seems like it's showing...me. Awakened means, well, that I'm awake, you can use my powers, and the 60% means that my powers have 60% energy left, seems like I used up quite a lot of energy yesterday saving your ass.'
Well sorry about that, but what did you expect me to do when I could barely walk, how am I supposed to defeat 3 wolves?
'Excuses, excuses. Anyways, about the Right eye, I honestly don't know much. Ever since you got your body I was able to faintly feel something else residing within you, it seems to be specifically in your right eye. Dormant should mean, well, dormant, it's currently not available and before you ask, I have no idea how to awaken it. Well, that's about it for your Status. Any other questions?'
Hmm, no not really. So what do we do now? I'm kind of thirsty. Hey Mai, what should I do?
'Go look for a river or something nearby if you're thirsty. While you're drinking you might as well just go in and bathe yourself, you stink with all that dirt and wolf blood on you.'