Oh, what about men. All men in the community bow before Kai, without any feeling of disgrace. Some sitting before their idols beg him, some sit before him begging for their idols. Some before their gods think of him all the time.
Men and women are far behind, oh! But he gives his most priority time to them. Is he bound to time. No. Men far beyond, the birds encircle and praise him in their flights his eyes. All other creatures too, circumambulate him but with his will...all the time... knowing and unknowingly.
If Romeo loved Juliet, he went down to the feet of Kai telling," Juliet too is yours," "You don't need her, I want. She's not beautiful for you, but she's." "She's mine,"Kai raged. "Romei!" He told, "She's beautiful, and above all, I love her more than than you." Romeo murmured, "But I need her and you don't." "I would love her love! I don't need her to marry ,but! yes! She loves you for this reason... But I still love her, but I'm careless to those who don't heed. And if I tell you a secret, you love me before her." "Yes, yeah! Yeah! I love you the most, though, I will never tell Julie that I can die losing her her but if I lose you, O Kai! I won't be then able to die." told Romei.
"So," said the Kai," she's yours even if she doesn't become yours. The world will remember her after your name, and you both as being one." "I am contented, I am still contented!" thus sighed the Romeo.