Adrian, Sally, Tina, Chris, Myles, and Miles stepped into the warehouse using the secret portal that Sally had created for them. That was her unique ability. She could create escape routes through dimensions allowing her to enter anywhere, anytime. She was also good in hand to hand combats too, in case she was not able to escape, she could fight her way out.
"Spread out and look for the new Inner. Be careful not to alert the Force of our presence." Adrian whispered, as the rest nodded their heads, separating to search in different directions.
"There she is, open fire" one of the Force officer shouted as what could be heard next was the ringing of bullets.
"Guess they spotted her first," Myles said
"Come on, lets help her, Chris said as he ran towards the direction of the gun shots.
"What's the plan again because I don't think poof in-get her-poof out is going to be valid."
"New plan- Myles, Miles, Tina and Sally, act as bait while I go save someone from being killed. And no matter what happens, stay alive" Adrian said as he went after Chris.
"Ok, Myles, Tina take out the soldiers in the south and Sally and I will do likewise on your end." Myles said.
"Sure thing, bro come-on Tina," Miles said as they both left.
Meanwhile Sandy was badly hurt as she used her Sonic scream on the Force before ducking for cover from the uncountable bullets being pelted out, she had already gotten shot twice and it seems to be dampening her powers and making her weaker than usual.
She didn't know how long she could withstand before being caught by the Force officers.
"God, I know I don't believe in miracles but I would gladly welcome one right now.
The next thing she knew, something zapped out from nowhere scaring the hell out of her.
"Who the fuck is you?" Sally cursed, ready to attack.
"Your miracle, what else?"
"Kidding. Name's Chris, I am here to save you."
"But how did you get here so...."
"Fast? Superhuman speed. I am like you, a fellow Inner
Yeah, you know, a set of people who can do impossible things.
"Now how to find a way out" Chris continued raising his head above the barricade to see their surroundings.
The Force officers released their guns making Chris to duck down once more.
"A way out? You didn't have one before coming?"
"I did....
"Well, whats it?"
"I kind of left it behind with Adrian, Chris said chuckling nervously.
"Oh my God," Sandy said.
"I've got bad news and good news."
"What's the bad news"
"We are regrettably surrounded by Force officers."
"And the good?"
"You're not dying alone"
"Now's not the time for jokes"
"I know, I know, just trying to relive tension."
"What about your friend, Adrian is it, where is he?"
"I wouldn't exactly count on him to come."
"This is the Force. You are surrounded, surrender peacefully and we might let you live." An officer announced using their microphone.
"What's going on here?" The newcomer said as he sauntered in with authority.
"Sergeant, we have surrounded the runaway Inner and she appears to have a friend."
"Good, I will take care of this. You and your men go look for the Inners backup. They never fail to come in pairs." Cyril said.
"Sergeant, but what about this two?
I will kill them. I always loved killing in close range anyways."
"Sure thing sergeant, come on, let's move." Their leader said as they all left, leaving Cyril with the Inners.
"What are we going to do now? "
Chris whispered.
"No idea, wait get behind me and cover your eyes and ears. I am sure a pretty close range will kill him." Sandy whispered back.
The footsteps approached slowly but surely. Cyril reached the barricade and faced them. Sandy wanted to open her mouth but Chris covered her mouth stopping her.
"What do you think you are doing?" Sandy struggled.
"That's not Cyril. Don't scream"
"You two are pretty pathetic" Cyril said metamorphing into Adrian.
"Adrian! I never thought I will see you again" Chris said dramatically.
"What's going on here?" Sandy asked.
"Hi Sandy, I am Adrian we are friends sent to help you. You can leave now on your own or you can accompany us back to our hideout where we can treat your wounds."
"I'll stick with you two for now, but if I ever suspect anything, both your ears will peel."
"Feisty, I like you already," Adrian said helping her to get up.
"How about Tiny, Miles, Myles and Sally?" Chris asked.
"Well, I do hope they are performing way better than you.
"And that's the last of them, " Myles said as the last officer dropped dead.
"This is really getting old, where Adrian and Chris anyways?" Tina asked.
"Probably coming, let's go check up on Miles and see how he's holding up."
Miles was busy fighting the last officer when immediately a gunshot was heard and the officer dropped dead.
"I didn't do it." Sally said raising her hand up.
"I did" Myles said coming in with Tina.
"Bro what did you do that for, we aren't supposed to kill just knock them out."
"The people wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through our heads so why hesitate to do so too?"
"I'll take it that you killed all those men you fought" Miles retorted.
"As if they had a chance in the first place."
"Adrian is not going to be happy when he finds out about this.".
"Adrian is not the boss of me."
"I heard gunshots, what the hell happened here" Adrian said as he walked in with Sandy and Chris.
"Just taking care of business as usual" Miles responded sharply.
"You killed them?"
"I tried to warn him" Sally cut in.
"What have you done?" Adrian asked, disgusted.
"They would put a bullet in our heads the minute they get the chance."
"That's because they are scared of us"
"And they should be, come on they have killed hundreds of us" Miles stated.
"And we have killed thousands of them."
"It seems you are forgetting that we are in a war and people dies in wars"
"But we are not killers. If we do kill, it will make us no different from Cyril."
"Speaking of Cyril, I thought he was here" Myles cut in again.