Chereads / Werewolf King Of Ireland / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Order

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Order

Lord Wellin unbuckled his belt as Molly squeaked under me and scooted closer to shh her. I didnt dare move as I heard it slide free. Mybheart beat harder as I heard him grunt. The belt struck, but the pain didn't come. A deep voice echoed through the house and it seemed to shake. He was definitely an alpha I thought as I listend to his words. "They are mine now. I hereby order you to give up your omegas. We aren't enslaving wolves any longer, and those two are coming to the castle." I glanced up to see the handsome man release the belt and Lord Wellin's face turn red.

"They are mine, and you can not take them!" Thr man chuckled darkly and stepped closer to Lord Wellin as I pulled Molly down towards the kitchen. She ran and I slid quietly. "I can and I will, now I'll take all your Omegas because of your tongue. Speak again and I'll offer your guards a job as well." Lord Wellin pushed the man's chest and he snarled grasping Lord Wellin's throat. "My Mate just threw herself over an Omega to protect her and I will not sit here and allow you to bully your way out if it. I am King by blood, and now you will loose these lands."

He turned and pointed to me. "Come here Holly." I slowly stood and everyone's head snapped to me. "Who was the nicest man here to you." I looked around and I shook my head. "None your Majesty. The nicest person would be Ms. Maryann. She is the kitchen servant here at Wellin hall."

He shook his head. "Tell me which men gave you those scars on your back Holly?" I gulped and pointed to the meanest two guards Wellin had. "The fresh ones are from those two by the door, although it was Lord Wellin's order." He sniffed the men. "Mother what do you think I should do?" I turned to the woman seated at the table and she glanced at the man who had just spoken to me. "You are King Gavin, not me. I raised you proper and in all my years have never seen you act improper."

Gavin, my heart started pumping harder and he turned flashing his eyes again. "Pack your things Holly we will leave tomorrow morning with Maryann and Molly." I nodded and bowed before running to the kitchen. Maryann smiled as she handed me my cloak. "Go grab my label and my pot Molly." Maryann said as she pressed her hear to the door. He's coming make yourself busy. Maryann whispered as I grabbed some flour and water to make bread.

"Maryann do you like cooking?" She nodded and he nodded. "Would you like to work for me at the castle. I will provide a room for you and you will be required to shout orders to run the kitchen for whatever meal you choose." She nodded. "Your Majesty I am old, and would loved to have ran a kitchen in my youth, but now find myself happy to make bread and soups. Perhaps I'd be better to work under someone." The King nodded and looked at me before returning to Maryann. "Ms. Maryann it will be as you wish, and if you wouldn't mind packing so we can leave in the morning." She nodded and picked up her pot. "All ready packed your Majesty."

He glanced at me. "And you as well Holly?" I nodded and Molly threw open the back door. "Ready?" she said as she pulled in a wheelbarrel full of hay. "Molly, you can not bring that into my kitchen!" Yelled Maryann as she shewed her away with a flick of a towel. I laughed at my sister to find the King looking at me. My face dropped. "Sorry your Majesty." I said as I looked down. He stepped next to me and raised my chin. "You don't need to call me that, you are my mate Holly. And if you accept one day my Queen. You can just call me Gavin."

I looked up to meet his dark eyes and they flashed again. "Do you not feel it?" I shook my head. "I'm afraid not, we are not..." I glanced st his guards and he waved them away. "Leave us." They bowed before heading up the stairs leaving the King alone with me. "Tell me." I looked back at the empty staircase and shook my head. "It's not my place." He took my hands from the dough and backed me against the sink. "It is your place to tell your King your problems, did you not send your sister to get help?"

I let out a deep breath. "I did not send her. She ran away and I got beaten for it. She heard other talk of the King opening the castle and wanted me to come, but when I shut it down explaining what would happen she left on her own." He nodded and stepped closer. "And you don't feel the current?" I shook my head. "No we are underfed on purpose to keep us from having the strength to shift, bleed, or reproduce."

He snarled and I jumped feeling the anger roll off of him. "I am not going to hurt you Holly!" He roared and knocked over the table. I looked back down as he moved away. "Darling why don't you ready the carriges now. We can make it to the keep before dark." I didn't dare look at the dark haired woman he called Mom as he left swiftly.

"Holly love." She said as her soft hands touched mine. "Come let's get you a proper coat and get your sister and Maryann into the coaches." She felt warm and her voice was smooth. She pulled a fur cloak around me. the inside line with something softer then anything I ever imagined. "Mam, your Majesty this is to fine a cloak is to fine." She smiled and buttoned it under my chin. "My son says differently, and I believe he is correct." She took my arms hand and led me outside. "You can call me Paisley Holly, I am not royalty." I nodded and she led me to a gold coach. "Your sister and you will ride in this one with my son, and I'll ride in the one behind you with Maryann. Climb up and snuggle in. No doubt there will be blankets inside." I nodded and a man opened the door for me. "Thank you your Maj- I mean thank you Ms. Paisley." Her eye cut was serous I thought as she smiled and nodded her head.

I climbed in to see Molly already tucked under a blanket. "Wow you look almost human." I tickled her and she laughed loudly. I stopped as the door opened to reveal the King. "Don't stop on my account." Molly tugged on my hand and smiled big. "I told you he would help." I nodded and looked at the King whose eyes where already on me. "So you did Mol, so you did."

We sat in silence and Molly passed out as she leaned against me. A deep rumble came from the King. My eyes shot to him and pulled amolly towards me. "Tell me something about yourself Holly." I didn't really know what he wanted me to say. "I have been an omega for thirteen years. Before that I was the daughter of Miles and Bridget McLoughlin. They ruled a small farm near Dublin in Northern Ireland. When they where killed we got captured I was six at the time and Molly was a newborn." The King nodded amd looked over at Molly. "How did you find each other?"

I smiled and laughed remembering how sneaky I was. "I kept her hidden in the barn. We snuggled at night. I have her scraps of food and apples that where meant for the horses. I started on goats milk, but Lord Wellin thought his goat was dry and killed her for dinner a few weeks after, so I switched to cow milk and traded apples for it."

he was silent for a while. "How old are you now?" I gulped and shrugged. "If I had to guess nineteen or twenty." His eyes darkened, and he swallowed loudly. "What do you do for fun?" I shook mybhead and my bun loosened letting my red hair tumble down the cloak. "I don't have time for fun, I can read a little bit, but most books are to hard for me, and honestly after the chores I pass out." The King's chin jutted out. "Are you tired now Holly?" I nodded and clung to Molly who slept soundly. "Sleep I will..." The carriages stopped and the king tossed his coat.

"Stay here. There is a rogue situation. Stay here and I'll protect you." He left with no further instructions and he slammed the door shut jolting Molly awake. I quickly put my.finger over my lips to tell her to be quiet. Howels broke out and she looked up at me. The carrige didn't shake once until the door opened up and the King sat back down.

"Minor issue." He said as he leaned foward and rustled Molly's head. "Sleep we will be there soon." Molly cuddled back in and fell asleep, but I forced myself to stay awake. "Still don't trust me Holly?" The King asked as I stared at a red smudge on his face that early was not jelly. "Not to be rude You're Majesty, but I don't know you." He nodded and knelt in front of me careful not to touch me or Molly. "You don't, but I intend to fix that. Know you can ask me anything or for anything and it will be yours." He took my hand and his calloused fingers felt warm.

"You are cold." he stated and I nodded in return. The King slipped his cloak off to cover me and Molly. "You should have told me. Do I scare you Holly?" He asked and looked away. "No, I'm just not sure what my sister has gotten me into this time is all." He smirked and ran his fingers through the ends of my hair. "She found me my mate, and for that I will always begrateful. She's brave and bold. Came waltzing in cutting everyone in line to beg for an audience." He smiled and he ruffled his hair.

"I find her refreshing and so I gave her an audience. She didn't tremble as she approached me and my Mom. She just stood there and asked if she could tell me about her and her sister who lived as slaves." He glanced at me and I shook my head. "She never did have any self preservation skills." He laughed and I found myself smiling at him. "Well I do find you both intriguing, and you to be quite beautiful." A blush rose in my cheeks, so I looked away. "Holly please don't hide yourself from me." He said and I nodded meeting his eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked as the King leaned foward. "Whenever you want." His eyes shined and I swallowed before asking. "What made you believe her?" I looked from my sister to the kings dark brown eyes to see they contained flecks of green and gold. "Why would I not believe her? She strode in woman, er rather girl on a mission. She didn't faulted or look away. She stood strong and told me her problem. What kind of King would I be if I turned her away? It wasn't the first Omega rescue and it won't be the last."

I cringed as he said Omega. "Sorry I didn't mean to insult you." I waved my hand. "It's fine. It's what we are right." He leaned foward again and whispered. "Not anymore. When I smelt her I knew she would lead me to my mate. She smelt of lavender and wildflowers, my wolf went crazy as I sniffed her cloak. Your scent. You are my mate Holly, and with your help we can free all the Omegas and help them rise." He smiled and thr carriage came to a stop.

"Will you allow me to carry Molly to her room?" I shook my head. "Well yes, but can I stay with her?" He tilted his head. "Do you not want the room she picked for you?" I shrugged. "You can stay with her tonight if it will make you feel better. My Mother said she had food and a fresh bath brought to your room as well." He climbed down and I handed him Molly. A guard helped me down as the King watched with his golden eyes. "Thank you." I said as I hurried after him and followed him through big white marbled doors.