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Rebirth of a Astral Lord

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Chapter 1 - Reborn

For a very long time I knew nothing but darkness, my last battle against the corrupted Patron of the Cosmos ripped my soul apart and I died. I knew my life had ended, and I was happy for it. I traveled the Cosmos for 40,000 years fighting, killing; sundering entire worlds whether innocents stilled remained there or not, because my enemy was just that great. In the end my greatest victory ended in my death, and my blood stained hands could finally be washed clean with my sacrifice. Even being reborn in the great cycle wasn't a possibility my soul was sundered and ripped apart; it's energy scattered in all directions.

I had been called a scourge, a hero, destroyer of world, killer, murderer, lover and friend, but all knew I was loved the Cosmos itself, and it made me it's judge and champion . My final judgment ended with my eternal death and now I felt nothing.

Even now as my thoughts quickened I wondered when I could even think again. How long as it been since I could reflect, and wondered about this. I should of vanished from the Cosmos, my very soul destroyed but here I am thinking like I am whole again.

It didn't take very long before a voice began speaking to me in my mind. It was a voice I knew very well, and not one many where ever blessed with hearing. To me it always sounded like a mother, not my mother, but just a mother. It was said the voice of the Cosmos itself sounded different in everyone mind, it was said it was a matter of perspective, my friends who know about my close relationship with the Cosmos said I must of been a "Mothers son" in jest. I was her chosen champion to fight a great threat, and for that I was loved by the Cosmos itself and was granted the means to obtain great power, while it was never given freely because the Cosmos wouldn't spoil her greatest champion, I was able to stand above all.

In the end I died fighting a piece of the Cosmos itself, she had split parts of her soul govern the many Universes, to create the worlds and the ones who called themselves Gods to govern them. One of the pieces called Patrons had been corrupted and sought to corrupt the rest, the Cosmos and its other Patrons where unable to fight itself, for just being in the presence of the corruption would cause it to spread like a uncontrollable fire. So an entire Universe was cordoned off, hero's were chosen and many sacrifices were made.

No one was safe from the corruption, from great and powerful kings who conquered entire planets, to the Gods themselves. Even the world spirits who breathed the very life into planets aspects of pure life energy couldn't hold out for long. I fought for thousands of years obtaining strength that was unfathomable in the eyes of all the races of the universe, many began to call me a God, to my utter disdain Most of these Gods were easily corrupted and caused entire worlds to burn worlds that they were entrusted in protecting. When they saw how easily they fell to corruption they hid like cowards. Causing mortals to lose faith and without faith they lost hope and without hope there can only be darkness. So when I arrived on these worlds destroying all who were corrupted even the gods themselves, many began to referred to me as a God of War and Blood, or a god of Strength and Brutality, the Elves feared my destructive world ending power but they were to close to the Fae and knew the truth, many other races had a name for me as well, always trying to deify me in one way or another, but I refused to accept their faith, faith energy cultivation wasn't my path and would never be. Only the Fae queens knew the absolute truth and were the only beings that were able to reign in my power, I gave 13 of the most powerful Fairy Queens the ability to seal my power, so they knew the truth of my existence and what my purpose was. They saved me from insanity and were the very reason I lived for over forty thousand years without losing my mind. Once I was human and man was not meant to live this long without going through the cycle of rebirth.

I was able to live for short periods of time with my power sealed, the Queens would choose a world in there care and place me there to live as a mortal until I could recenter my mind and soul. While I could never have children because of a great sin I had committed, while I was loved by the Cosmos, I was also punished severely for disappointing her, while she knew I had killed many to prevent the corruption from spreading, I had in my anger destroyed an entire unique race of beings, there emperor had fallen to corruption and began to use portals to conquer other planets, my one and only love happened to be on the first planet they made it to. As a Fae Queen she stood at the head of an army and was targeted by a spell that caused her to become so close to death, that we all considered her dead. When I arrived to fight this new threat and found out the events prior, I lost all reason. I became death to those people. Once I pushed there armies back, I was able to enter the portal to they're home planet. It was in a hidden section of the universe, some great mage in the past managed to make a pocket in the universe to hide it. I cut off all avenues of escape from the world, and sundered it. The corruption had found the planet even hidden and in my anger I thought my actions just. In all reality these peoples were unique and only found on this world, so I ended an entire races spark. The Cosmos herself descended upon me like a bolt of lightning, and brought me to my knees. This is when I first saw a part of the Cosmos brought into reality. It was just a hand, but the hand was made of space itself, with entire universes inside it, in its greatness all I could do was drop to my knees as it plunged into my chest and took a part of my spark. It was the part of me that could make life. I could never use healing magic, or even have children. Eventually I was forgiven, but was never given back my life spark. My lover was eventually healed but lost all memories of me, the magic used against her took what she cherished and ripped it from her mind. While people told her about how once we were lovers together for hundreds of years, she couldn't feel anything for me again. Thus how my slow decent into insanity began and why I had to be sealed and allowed to live as a mortal for brief periods of time.

These times allowed me to perform my greatest accomplishments. I raised orphans into Kings and Queens, I fought for simple things like protecting people from monsters or rampaging warlords. Sometimes I just cultivated the land and farmed never bothered by anyone. My greatest times of peace.

All of these memories, forty thousand years of them good and bad came back to me like a flood as I heard that familiar voice.

"Jerricho Aldeen my champion it is time for you to wake"

I replied not with a mouth and tongue because I had no body, but with my mind, "my lady Cosmos did I succeed with my final attack was the Patron defeated?" I heard a bell like laughter in my mind "Yes, you succeeded the Patron soul was damaged enough for me to capture and seal it with no threat of contaminating my own soul. As it is a part of me, it can never truly die, but my daughters will stand guard until we find the source of the corruption and destroy it"

"I'm happy that my final act was successful, please forgive my selfishness of ending my existence, I knew no better way to defeat the Patron, and I knew if we kept fighting the fabric of the universe was coming undone, although I don't understand how I am even able to think or remember with no soul"

The Cosmos then smiled, and looked at me with the eyes of one who knew me, even with no body I could feel the love and warmth coming from her. "Your soul was exceptional, even when you were a mortal, while it broke apart and scattered it wasn't destroyed. It took even me awhile to gather the pieces. You are to be rewarded for your life of sacrifice. You will be reborn, you can be reborn as the warrior Jericho Aldeen with all your past power. Or you can be made new being, with all memories of your past, the body of your past will be made young. What is your decision champion?"

"I have no desire to be as I was my lady. I choose rebirth…"

I was unable to finish as the space around me warped into a spectrum of unending colors, and once again heard my ladies voice, " your past memories will come gradually or as you need them. You will keep the name Aldeen, the Aldeen bloodline will continue with you, but you will be made new, no longer Jericho, find a new name, or let one be given to you. You will not remember this until you unlock the oldest memories you have, and you can't have all your memories at once because it will overwhelm your mind as a child I have remade your body as a final gift, be well and enjoy your new life!"

As the space around me folded and flung me distances I couldn't fathom, I began to slowly lose consciousness. How does just a soul lose consciousness you ask? Well I suppose being flung by the creator of all to a distant universe at a speed that can't be calculated by even Gods, can make even the impossible happen. At that point I didn't fight the fading of my thoughts. I allowed my very soul to be moved at the will of my Lord.