"its time i do something I've neglected to do for a while now", i was hiping myself up to meet my roster of geodudes and my pair of onix, its been a week since i reincarnated and all i have been doing is studying, taking my kid... siblings to school, feeding them and working at a local construcion site that is uderstaffed and undermuscled, this for multiple reasons; the first being to see who in pewter is trustworthy to become a business associate after my lessons at the museum, which gave me insight into our economy and how we barely make ends meet. With our taxes which are affecting our nurse Joy's pay, officer Jenny doesn't even have a Growlith because we are so poor, but that unit of a woman even though she is a laughing stock of her clan pulls through by herself and keeps the station running and crime rate balanced, the league collects monthly tax from gym leaders and if Gym leaders are low the collect from the city.
Secondly is for physical training "can't clap those Jenny cheeks being only bones" and any of you asking how old i am im 13 rn but having a pokemon licence and multiple pokemon makes me an adult so yeah "big boy status achieved".
anyway back to what ive neglected to do "come on out, Onix, Geodudes" a blinding azure light fills the room followed by 5 feodudes materialising floating in the air, and 2 massive no gargantuan onix standind before me in all their glory.
Time for the moment of truth "guys im sorry I've been ignoring you, its been a stressfyl week since dad left, and i didn't want to go straight into being a gym leader with no knowledge of anithing araund me, please forgive me and help make transform pewter into the gem its meant to be, for my family and everyonein it" there was silence for a few seconds, which was interrupted by my onix roar of approval followed by the geodudes spamming rollout arount me, "thank you so mech guys ill clean your rocks every 2 days to keep you in shape, hows that sound" another stampede of approval assured me that i was going to have fun in this world.
/following day/
"mr mayor, i have a idea to save us money", after a mindblowing discovery i was almost slepless last night, the pokemon gym leaders have access to the gobal interegional servers to observe eachoyhers progress and ask for advice, and thanks to my meta knowledge on certain characters (sophocles, clement, Wattson and Volkner) i had schematics for a power plant to distribute power to all of pewter saving us money and being a source of profit, "enlighen me on this "plan" of yours young man, however if you are wasting my tyme, I'm afraid ill have to revoke your gym leader privileges to political interference"-"but.."-"no buts young man, your father up and left us in the dry, the incompetent fool didn't even win enough battles or set up businesses to help his home, i have no expectations from his offspring to make a difference, you are young inexperienced and i will not put the faith of our peoples lives in the hands of a child with enough free time to meddle in politics, are we clear."- gritting my teeth at the first person with common sense in this world i say "yes mr mayor"-"good proceed".
"after rigosous research intou out taxation by the league, and city essentials i realised one of our biggest money voids is cost of enengy and lack of entertainment in this town alingside produce & export." - "very true, astute summary mr Harrison but telling me the problem doesn't fix it.."- "i was getting to that mr mayor" i interrupted him rudely for his dismissal of me and my families worh to the city exept for flint, he is doodoo. "we are currently under Vermillion voltage as a power provider for the gym, the pokecenter the pokemart and the museum, but ive been recently talking to specialists on how to circumvent the issue and i have a solution sir.."- i can see the excitement in his eyes hope for new change but still some hesitation, "which is ..."- our own power plant under the gym connting to the main buidings, and also to our residents for 70% reduced cost as long as they pay taxes to the city and only use us from now on."
"As admirable as that is, the town cant shoulder the cost for such a building it would take..", interrupting him again for the last time.-"leave that to me sir, the cost is inconsequential, i have enough league credits for this project an plenty to spare fo future projects, the local construction crew plus my pokem can have it ready in 2 weeks tops, and we can say goodbye to 40% of our monetary loos which can be reinvested into the city, i only need to to sign this for...."
Next thing i know, i witness something i will forever be terrified by, right before my eyes the man did a frontflip over his desk to sign th papers with a happy grandfarherly Garp like smile, revealing he was wearing no uderwear due to to getting his "pokeballs" and "pokeflute" poloshed clean by his secretary under the desk
"thank you for saving the city from financial ruin young man, you are officially the best Harrison I know, as a gift Desmond over there can "serve" you, he is skilled i promice"- internally(thatsa a duuuude!!!!nigga what!!!), "no thank you good bye." and i fled the schene faster than an abras teleport.