Chapter 41 - iv

the first children of eleven

it is the second day of mid-Autumn, and they went to be with their husbands after they came from their rallies and slumber, in the war kingdom of Scotch wood in their bedroom, Seldanna is with her husband seed, both parents is in Scotch wood and waiting for the new of the seeds, Kania and her archers also find their husbands and were having daughters as well to, the seeds are pink, the daughters of Rich wood, Seldanna and Theodas walked up to their parents and tell them, " it's pink a girl, they hugged them. There first grandchild, " i have a daughter her name will be Sana, he got on his knees and his her stomach, and in the war kingdom of Mont wood. Aeson and Symina is having a girl, " my love its pink its a girl. Said, symina. " we are going to have a daughter? Asked. Aeson, " yes. They walked up to their parents. " the seed is pink, it's a girl. Said, symina. He got down on his knees and kissed her stomach. " her name is Sarya, and Henderson of protection kingdom in there room, the seed turn pink, " it's pink my king, it's a girl, said. Shalendra, Castien smiled. " we are going to have a baby girl, they walked out of the room they told there parents the happy protection new, that the protection seed is pink, " and what is our new granddaughter name? asked. Edraele Trasalor, they looked at each other, " her name is Ralliebtha. said, Shalendra, all of war is having their first born sons and daughters, peace have their first born sons, and protection have their first born daughters. In Scotch wood the first daughter of war Sana, Scotch wood got their war daughters now, in it was the first mid-Autumn of the lands of Eleven, even a new human male king and his family is assending on the lands, and more dark elves is submerging, and a creature that eats anything call Wild dogs has came to feed on the lands now, they enter the room, " war, wheres my rally at my warheads, asked. Seldanna, " how far? asked, Theodas. " my war queen east there is a spread of dark elf's near, said Ceada, " seven-month rally, my war king. said, Folwin Caigeiros, " war what do you say to a join rally my wife? asked, Theodas. " war my husband we meet up every mid-Autumn and do a join rally sound delighted, they kissed each other, they summon their armies and mount up with their infants and left Scotch wood, as their castle guards Kali, Jastira, Alias, and Saida, and Ballis, Kivessin, Garynnon, Gormon closed the gates and locked it, and the kingdom of protection they set off to aid the lands of eleven, every kingdom is out rallying, and aiding this day. mid-Autumn is very important today, the rally points is at the harvest points, and the aiding distance is far. as the sun is burning bright in the sky and the wind is roaring hard through out the lands, " Darshee head out, said. Seldanna, " Daylor out you go war, said. Theodas, they both took their armies out to scout, with their daughter, they saw Motwood rallying South and Rich wood in the kingdom of peace, this Mid-Autumn they have breaking of the peace, everyone is inside of the castle at the tabls, eating and celebrating peace, " she hasnt be home in few days mother and father. Said, Silliavana. " your concerns is the peace people and the kingdom of peace, not the kingdom of war and the war queen, said. Pywaln, " this mid-Autumn she is with her new husband, maybe you should find a hundred to, our brothers and sisters did, said, Nabeora, " peace words has it everyone got married and starting having their first born, we not getting any younger Sillavana it is time to find a peace king and merge into one kingdom. Said, pywaln. They already cover 15.7 miles of land, this is a seven months, rally. Their war Scouts are at the point, there is dark elves there, , " what do we do? Asked. Shaleavar, " hold ground until the war queen and war king gets up here. Said, Darshee, " blades and repair to hold, said. Daylor, they pulled out there blades and from the war lines, " they allowed to marry? Asked. Sillavama. " we all is allowed to find our peace king and peace queen, and just like they are allowed to find their war queen and war king, just like protection is allowed to find their protection queen and protection king. Said, Pywaln the dark elves saw them, turn their attention to them, they full gallop at them, finally they got to the rally point, " protect our daughters, Kania spiral arrow, Keenor Rania Vanya spiral attack, ordered. Seldanna, " Gormer flaming arrow, Zoas, Darlan, Sontar fire strike, arrows fly over head striking down the dark elves, both war armies charge cutting down the dark elves, will and the distance new knights call dark knights of Delma, they took down the dark elves, " what the heck in war is that. asked, Theodas. " let's not find out Theodas our knights got infants we got a infant, " regroup war, they regroup, and a new rally gate appwared and they ride back to Scot wood, as, they reach the gates, it was time to say goodbye, as her war heads and guards ride out, they say goodbye to their daughters and wives, they ride by to Rich wood, they arrive in the lands , ride down the trails into the castle, how they do on there first rally, asked. Auborn, " we protect them got the second rally gate up and clear the land of dark elves, looks like your grandfather and grandmother step up to supreme war. Said, Seldanna. " all need supreme guides my dear, one day you and Theodas will have to step up to Supreme, said. Theodora, she hand her mother Sana, she takes her and kissed her, " warish we have to be next to Peace who tell them to move on my lands, so when is there talk of a grandson, Seldanna we do not protect, we rally and fight off darkness, the lazy elves want aid let them turn to the protection kingdoms, said, Aubron, " warish father, in the name of war we just give you a granddaughter, said, Seldanna, they got off their horses, " go slumber with your daughters my knights, when we awaken we have awar feast, said. Seldanna, they went into their rooms and slumber for seven days, " i would like a grandson and i bet he would like a son, " okay father when i speak with on the globe we talk about, she told her father, " thank you my war queen come my supreme, they went into their rooms to, Alias and Jastira closed and locked the gates, and Kali and Saida locked the arrow heads and got in position,