Chapter 46 - ix

Getting to know you

Tarron Thanala left the protection kingdom to follow his calling, but he don't know is it peace or war, so he went to the war kingdom of Scotch wood, Theodas allowed him to be one of his war knight, during the war rally gathering Sana and Tarron is getting to know each other, " looks like we might have a son-in-law soon, said. Seldanna, " it's to soon my love, they need to get to know each other first, said. Theodas, she rubs his leg. " our way is over now the war future way, they gallop through the woods, and Mont wood they to was doing a war rally aid, Aeson let a retiree season elf son joining his war knights, but also Aiduin and Sarya is talking, " i do not like this Symina, said, Aeson. " oh war Aeson they are talking, " war mother lots can happen by just talking, he is from another war kingdom, said. Theodluin, " war exactly, " war sense my son, lots can be done with war talk you sound like both of your grandfathers, said, Symina, and Bird wood Arbane Sablar, left the protection kingdom went fall his true calling, that is to join Delmuth war Knights, he let Arbane become one of his war Knight, they are out to rallying to. Saphielle and Arbane is talking, " he make a great son-in-law my love. Said, Dasyra, " when did we decided to marry off our children all of sudden. Asked, Delmuth."they are just talking Delmuth, said. Dasyra, " in the name of war talking is not good, said. Delnuth, and plum wood another protection elf left the Protection kingdom to join Amerca war knights her name is Nabeora, they left the castle and went out rally, Glorandal and Nabeora is war talking, " the boy found his war queen, said. Amerca, " what when did that happen!? asked, Gerrik, all of the kingdoms is out rallying, patrolling, and the peace kingdoms are breaking peace bread and celebrating peace, as war age, protection age, and peace age the honor, court and Supreme is getting old it was time for them to pass on, also the dark knights of Delmar is out, but also the dark challenger is in raw mode, they dark challengers is the new nemesis to the war knights, now out of the blue the dark Spectors is turning fallen elves into dark knights, this how how it all begin. " Darshee head out, said. Seldanna, " Haldir ride out, said. Theodas. they gallop down the valley, " where they going? asked. Tarron, " scouting they are war scouts, answered, Sana, " mother father we got coming coming what is that? " i see it to, are they war elves? asked. Theodmer, " no they are not us, my love. said, Theodas, " i am at a war lose what ever they are they are attacking us, Kania arrow wheel, ordered, Seldanna, " you hear the war queen arrow wheel, fire on command, said. Kania, they load their bows and got in formation, " Haldir flaming arrows, i do not like this my love, said. Theodas, " either do i my husband, they knighted their arrow heads and point up, now they in clear view to see, " fall elves that lost their kingdom, said, Theodas. they told them to fire at well, arrows fly over head hitting their marks, they fall to the ground, " they not stopping, Sana, Theodmer and Tarron stay out of the front, Rania, Vanya, and Keenor double tap, and blitz attack, said, they put their face mask down, and pull out their blades, the war kings and war queens do not charge if they have to, her army charge down the hillside at the dark elves, " let's get in on this, you three stay with us, you are not ready for war, flaming charge and blitz strike, Theodas army charge down the hillsides at them, their scouts ride up to them, " our war king and war queen, they both said. " there is something strange going on in the lands, have of our gates is down, said, Darshee, " there are black spikes in their places now my war king. said, Haldir, " what is going on in the name of war mother? asked, Sana. after their armies dispatch the dark elves they ride back up to them, " so much for a family rallying, " huh won't we go see what those spikes is mother and father. Said, Theodmer, " we do not know what is going on or what they are, he rub her leg, " feast, and enjoy time with our families then say good by, said. Theodas, " that it mother we not going to war inspect?" we can do that from the globe Sana, i do not like what we just went up against, only time a free land elf fallen into dark is by well or by taken another elf life, they regroup and head back to Scotch wood, North up the fields of Elvin, arrows fly at them, " shields of war! Shouted out Aeson and Symina, a huge war shield appeared over them and the dark arrows bounced off, " what in the name of war is going on! roared, Aeson, " war call we need to if our brothers and sisters run into the same thing, return fire, her archers fire back and taken out the dark elves archers, the shield disappeared, dark elves is charging, " what in the war is that? asked, Sarya, " this land is going south in war, war strike and blitz thrust, said. Aeson, " sound of arrows and wings of war, they charge at them, as arrows fly over head. taking them down, " Yunaesa go out, said. Symina, they ride down the fields, " Ryo time to scout go with your wife, he went with her. " what is going on, asked. Aiduin, " war don't know, mother father? said. Sarya, " you three stay with us, said, Symina. After they take care of the dark elves their armies ride up to them, as their scouts ride up. " my war queen my war king, they both said, " the war rally gates is down, said. Yunaesa, " spikes has taken their place. said, Ryo,