Chapter 36 - Liii

seeking a cure

They arrive at Tender wood Sillavana and Jassin walked out the castle, " you blasted male i am not going near that wirch take me home, said, Seldanna, " you are going to war the day you ever married me! said, Symina. " turn this horse around now you witch lover! roared, Dasyra, " you are going to be sorry about this, Amerca told him, " you got to love when they war zone brothers, said. Theodas, " Seldanna my love you going to get down or do i have to get you off?" you not thinking about your seed at all, this is coming from a male that bug his wife to give him another son, said. Seldanna, " i love when she war out, my love get off the horse please, said. Aeson, " tell me about it my friend, they cry for us to carry their seed agian , once we decide to do so, they forget that we can easy lost it by them being rough, i rather get maul by a wild dog, Symina told Aeson, " we are thinking of our wives, she might can help get it off you four, so please get off the horse so we can go in, said. Delmuth, " Might doesn't say the witch can, i rather eat a poison mushroom, no you four are thinking of yourself, said. Dasyra. " come in the name of war you four is not be warfare, we do not want to slumber without our wives is that being selfish? asked. Gerrik, " yes! they all said, " give us a minute we got wives troubles, said. Theodas, " oh, that is not the only trouble you going to have, " said. Seldanna. " try it you really are going to slumber alone, eat alone, and rally alone. said, Symina. " for the rest of your wary lives you can take us home or, said. Dasyra, " lose your wives pick wisely supreme kings, said. Amerca, that hit them hard in the heart, " you threat to leave me, war you are not going anywere Seldanna Roran, " you may war that, you will always be my wife and queen, Symina Featheron, said. Aeson, " war you are not going anywhere Dasyra Phinora, said. Delmuth, " there is a war law once you married in war you can not leave out it remember Amerca Jarxina, they grab them off the horse and carry them inside of the castle, yelling , screaming, and war raving. " you blasted male i should never married you! " to late you did, now act like a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother and a supreme! she war out, " tell me about when we get home your war butt is slumbering on the couch tonight, " you can't kick me out our room either, our daughters and son-in-laws shouldn't see you this way, said. Aeson, Symina scream at the top of her lungs, " ow, said. Jassin, " put me down Phinora you be war sorry, " keep it up you are wary me up. said, Delmuth, " you made that up, there is no such thing take me back now Jarxina, " i would dare so stop it, could you tell him to leave the room, and can you help them? asked. Gerrik, they sat them on the ground and block them from running, " how can they tell which one is which, asked. Jassin, " there is a war queen for every war king step out of the room son, said. Sillavana, " why can i see mom?" they do not want you to look at their wives war husbands is terrortaral over their war wives it a sign to them disrepect for another male to stir at their wives, go. " the same for us witch, said. Seldanna, " will you not behave today supreme wing wood!? asked, Theodas, " if you can't just tell us no, he left the room. " tounch me and lose a arm witch, " Selanna please act you age you acting like our great grand kids! she see it in them, " how lng have they had it and how they got it, " a mother go to her end to protect her son and daughter, said. Seldanna, " even it means if she has to be cast in slumber, she never use her chilld to brainwash someone else kid to get what she want, said. Symina, " we gladly put our lives before our kids to keep them save, even that mean cast them back in protection agian, what you know of being a mother witch, said. Dasyra, " even the same for our grandkids and great grandkids, our families come before us, therefore we gladly push them aside in take cast, blade or arrow for them, it sadly that our husbands do not understand that, said, Amerca. " we don't our wives? asked. Theodas, " tell while we here, wing wood is open for anything, what do you think what a war supreme is Theodas? asked, Seldanna, " exactly with no supreme defense, dark could send his commander to attack, our children and grandchildren is not ready for that, Seldanna is right we need to strike first! supreme is not a war force it a protection and defense war army, why tou think our parents step up to supreme, so while we are out rallying they stand guard ready for an attack, said. Symina, " i know that Symina, they are saying that we thinking about ourselves not the family and kingdom, said. Aeson, " you are you just left ou children and grandkids and great grandkids defenseless you arse! are soul purpose is to defend our families and kingdom even that means face the knight of darkness entire armies, dark specters, dark challengers, dark knights, and his dark commanders, Dasyra to him, " right now he probably planning to send his challengers as us to strike the next desennds of war which is our great grand child who can't defend themselves, are you even thinking about them because we are, said. Amerca, " it deep in them, i am a mother to, i didn't use my son. i can try a peace cast to lift it out, but it going to take a while to work they need to wait here, said, Sillavana. " give us a minute alone with our wives, Seldanna, i told, she cut him off. " you drop it, if we lose a grandchild, or great grandchild over your selfish reason to leave them open and defendless, you will lose Theodmer, Lusha and Sana and Tarron love and respect, they would want to leave wing wood, i will take my entire army go with them, you will have no choice to live alone Roran! Seldanna told him, " Pearis Shalana if we lost her not only we lose Montwood because her perants would want revenage on the one that left her in the open, Selphine and Gantar, you think Holome and Kantar step now when they just lost there only son , even Theodora and Daffin would leave, with a war crown in wing wood , what the point, a course you thinking about your own needs because Theodas Roran do nor want to try to slumbering alone, eating alone, waking up alone, he rather leaves is children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren defendless and in the open, they hurt him, she open the window, " Nephinae) called, Seldanna, she is sammon her full war forces, " ( yes my supreme, ) -(" awaken my cheiftian of war, get your knights to wingwood fast as you can, Kania get your elite archers on the walls, at the windows, the mount your archers, arrow wheel, Darshee and Shaleavar take your scouts search the entire castle for a dark challenger that deguise as me, do not let her fool you, she have my voice, hair, armor and eyes, her nails is dark and long, tell Sana and THeodora and Lusha get the little ones i mean all in the sitting room locked them in, he going after the great grand kids get my grandsons and granddaughter, in-laws in there as well, i have been friends with Symina for along time i have no attention to ruin it over Theodas selflessness, Rania, Keenor, Vanya, and Saphielle, mount up and get your knights at the gate, war want to attack i going to return the favor back to him, thriple tap, Nephinae is on her way with the war wings, i about to wake the others, your supreme will join you soon, awaken Saphielle Bizeiros of the war lancers, awaken Verrona Iarvalur of the war horn rise and rally for wing wood your supreme need you! awaken, ) all awaken by her command, they mount up and head for wing wood, she walked away, her armors turn from pure white to white and silver, he looked down, " war she awaken all three she going after him, " when you for going to open your eyes see dark is nor bind his time, he attack all the war desendants us, gold and silver, a course you too and war with what you want you not thinking about our littles and grandkids, you leave us with the choice to take full defend and rally, ( Allisa awaken get your war wings to Montwood fast, ) said. Symina, " ( Zestari get your elite archers on the walls and at the windows, N mount up your archers up get to the front gate, Northren wheel, Alea and Renna search the castle for that freak dark challenager she be like me, her nails be long and black one you find it the b#tch, or save her arse for me, tell Sarya and Theodliun to get the little ones and Respen and Teanya in the sitting room in lock under guard, Nambra, Lethonel and Marioea mount up get the gate, Alea is on her way there, i will waken the other, Finnea Leokian of the war axes awaken and rally! Sumina Torqirelle of the war horns awaken and rally! your supreme have awaken you to rally! they awaken and rally to Montwood, she look at Aeson and walked away, her armor turn to white and silver to. " no, when they awaken all they are on full protection mode and rally mode Theodas they take war to dark, said. Aeson, " either fight with your wives or get the h#ll out of are way, (Syndra and Geminara search the entire castle the dark challenger she be exactly like me but her voice will have cracks and dirty long nails either killer or trap leave her for me, tell my daughters and son-in-laws get every littles and my grandchildren and the sitting room now, dark is making his move to the next in line, Shelara get your elite archer up on the walls and at every windows, mount up your archers up at the gates wings of fury, awaken Cellica get your war wings to Bird wood fast as you can, the time of war is now, tie of supreme defense is uppond us,) said. Dasyra, " ( on our way my supreme,) said. Cellica, " ( Rina, Viessa, Vasati mount up get your knights at the door now, heavens reign Cellica is on route to you, i will waken the others, dark want to attack i going to teach him a lesson in attacking, awaken Arthion Ianlee of the war rings in rally for your supreme war! awaken Jastira Jolar of the war horns rally rally your queen command you to rally!) they waken and heads for Bird wood, she walked away from, Dasyra armor went from supreme white to war white and silver, " do we dare not act like loving caring husbands? asked, Delmuth, " are you four doing that now by bring us here to this dump and sorry excuse of a kingdom? ( waken Yumanea get your war wings to Plum wood,) said, Amerca, " ( yes my supreme.) said, Yumanea, " (Madris get your elite archers up on the walls and at the windows and mount up your archers get to the gates Solace bliss, Laamlora and Dessielle take your scouts search the entire castle for Dark challenger killer and it never to deguise as me agian, or trap let me end her life, tell my son and daughter to put the liitles ones in the sitting room and with Dafin and Isarrel, Dirue, Namys, Ratha mount up get to the gate now Yumamea is on her way, dark wants another dark war he got, this i will burn to ASHES! i will awaken the others, awaken Ashera Reyfina of the war stars, awaken Jhanandra Pernelis of the war horns this your supreme i ordered you rise and fully rally!) they awaken and rally for Plum wood, she looked at Gerrik, as she walked away her armor turn from white to white and silver, " i terrifly to say stand back, said. Gerrik, " what isgoing so we doing it, asked. Sillavana,