Chapter 24 - vi

The war queen's warning

as they continue to give him fair warning, not a crime In elven to put a death mark on someone's head, why would you go through links to bring you and others down, to put it on war it mark on death to everyone else in the whole kingdom of peace, " this would never happen if you never left. Said, Gantar, as she got closer so did her arrow. " I see if I would stay and went to see my husband, son, son-in-law, and grandchildren, you still have your wife, sounds you trying to put this on me? Said. Seldanna, " the war nerve to point blame at a crown, said. Symina, " I give a speech twenty response, said. Seldanna, " they are tired of celebrating for no reason, are you? Asked. Dasyra, " they want something more than that do you? Asked. Amerca, " we not only offer a lifetime of really, weeks, days, months or years even decades, but we also train you, nutrition you into a war Knight, what your queen of peace offers you, peace of mind your mind is not peace is it? Asked. Seldanna, " what are you offering me? Asked. Gantar. " nothing you just try to kill my only son, I gave you my war warning. Stay away from my kingdom, and stay away from my family if you want to still have peace around. She grab her arrow and walked away, " I gave you the warning of Bridgewood attack another war elf descend, you hear from the warrior kings and the only life would be lost his yours, if you have nothing to offer a female, they always going to want someone else who can satisfy them, she didn't want what you have to give her, said. Symina takes her arrow and left. " Christian Theodmer has a lot more to offer than you, and she saw that in him, let her be happy and let her go, Dasyra take her arrow and left. " be male and not the boy who is trying to be one, no female wants a boy when they can have a real male. She takes her arrow and leaves, he came close to death, " mother? Said. Theodmer, " yes my war son. " that is not wise Theodmer, he wants to go talk with him, said. Sana, " Theodmer that is not a good idea, said. Seldanna, " he blames Seldanna for happening, said. Symina, " we were behind schedule by going there, said. Sana. " I need to see my mother-in-law, and wife and my son needs to see his mother and grandmother. Said, Tarron, " our loves did you scare the pee out of him in the name of war? Asked. Theodas, " of course my love it wouldn't be me if I didn't, the war queens got back on their horses, and they ride off. As the sun beats down on them they head for the dark knights in the open, "let's take them down, Terrence, they attack them, Theidas and Aeson including Rolim attack, taking out half their strength, and the North of the lands of Elven one of the love kingdom, the loving family is enjoying the warm day, " what a peaceful day in the Name of Love, said. Yhendorn Kelgeiros, " hey look poppy there are other elves, said. Theodemer, " in the name of love all of the star war kingdoms, protection, and males, said. Tiriana. As they galloped up the lands of Elven, " we need a plan to take out the dark elves, said. Theodas, " bait them out use me, father and mother. Said, Theodmer. " no!! They both said, " stars? Said Theodemer, " they call themselves the top of Elite means they can go farther than their brothers and sisters can, Seldanna, Symina, Dasyra, Keya, Theodas, Aeson, Garrik, and who would be her husband Camus, their daughter walked up to them. " they married to their own? Asked. Ave, " yes, war married war, they raised their kids in war, war parents are different than peace parents, Protection parents, and love parents, said. Yhendorn, another dark web has opened up, "we need live bait to lower them out. Said, Theodmer. " you do not bait in the name of war Theodmer, Pearis, or Tarron. Said, Seldanna, " I agree with mother its too dangerous Theodmer and Tarron, said. Sana. " son you have our answer, we think of something else, so they plot a war trap for them, as they walked out of the dark web. They take it, they full charge at them cutting them down, and a lot of dark elves die as they slay them. Dark elves archers run-up firing at them. They call up their archers with their arrow wheels, and arrows fly back in forth, " we are getting closer to him, said. Symina, they took out his archers, the web is about to close up, and they full galloped inside it, it closed behind them. " war kings, Theidas, Aeson, Delmuth, Garik, human kings Anthony, Roland, and Terrace protection kings, Rolim, Gorwin, war queens Seldanna, Symina, Dasyra, and Amerca. " ma and pa I do not like this. Said, Theodmer, " ma let's turn around, said. Sana, " I agree with Sana's mother, said sarya," the web is close up Sarya. " you are outnumbered horns of power. Said. Theodas, they ride on as his dark elves ran up,the battle continue on" .ma and pa I do not like this. Said, Theodmer, " ma let's turn around, said. Sana, " I agree with Sana's mother, said sarya," the web is close up Sarya. " you are outnumbered horns of power. Said. Theodas, they ride on as his dark elves ran up, and the battle continues. More and more dark elves fall to the ground. " children stay out of the front, the same goes for you two Pearis and Selphine, stay with your chieftains, said Seldanna, " do as your mother and grandmother said, my love, be careful you are with our seed, said Theodas, "yes we would like to see both okay said, Aeson, they remain their wives, " Kania line them up, rapid return, ordered, Seldanna, the rapid return is the highest archery counter ability in the war elves, every war kingdoms as it. " you hear her war archers line up counter ability Rapid Return, they line up and load their crossbows, " Vasstan line up with your wife, Rapid Return. Said, Theodas. " Rapid Return line up; he looks at his wife, forever they muttered to each other " Larrel line up your Knights Rapid Return, said. Symina, " rights, line up Rapid Return they line up and load their crossbows, " Folduin line up with your wife get your Rapid Return ready, said, Aeson. " Rapid Return we go full out Knights, they line up and load their bows, " Lamruil Rapid Return, move them up, said. Dasyra, they walked up and load their bows, " Gorred line up full out Rapid Return. Said, Delmuth. They walked up and load their bows, " Darunia Rapid Return, said Amerca, they line up and loaded their bows, ' Wistari do the same, their archers line up with a Rapid Return ready to fire, " line the archer's long side their give them a Bowie, said. Anthony, Roland, and Terrace. The protection kings line up their archers all at once they fire taking out his archers and some of his elves too.