Chapter 27 - XLIV

The Supreme war queen

She opened her eyes, and a huge gust of smoke covered them up, as the dark knights arrived in the east, " Kania fire now! " wings of war! They fire, hit their mark, and fall off their horse and die. " war elves! The dark Knight commander, " hold the line. Break through them! " you wish Knight, Rania Keenor Vanya attacked all wings, she pulled out her blade and they ran out of the smoke attacking them, the smoke is blinding their vision of seeing. " wary get them Great Grammy, said. Allynna, " mother is full of war surprises today, (you never call on wings of war in less you full of war,) said. Sana, " ( today is that day in war Sana,) said, Seldanna, " Roshia now ! " charge for the war queen and war commander, they galloped down the valley, Seldanna kick one off its horse, more arrows fly at them hitting their mark, and the village Theodas, Dasyra, Delmuth, Symina, Aeson, and Amerca and Gerrik are holding the village. "( my boy how is your mother doing?) Asked. Theodas, " ( Ma, how you are you doing?) Asked, Theodmer. "( good my son, and what do you want me to take charge of?) Asked, Seldanna. Recharge war commanders, Kania continues firing, " take out their leader go! " protect the Supreme! They try to take her out, wings of protection, called. Keenor, they surrounded Seldanna, "(tell your father that he doesn't need another son and you don't need a brother.) Said, Seldanna. " ( I want a brother, mother. father she said no,) Seldanna got off the horse and pulled out her sword, " let me my supreme, said. Vanya, " I already have a supreme commander down Vanya, I not trying to have anymore injured, stay with the blitzers and continue to attack, push his arse back, ( why you want a brother son, don't you like be the baby boy and only son?) asked, Seldanna, " but my supreme you need to lead from a fr out of range, please for us Seldanna, " (what tell your mother to give me another son, she know she able to carry.) said, Theodas, " ( my love be war young does not me I am young, my body is not like what it used to be, ) carry on my commanders and be careful leave him to me, she put her sword away and got back on her horse, " (you still war lovely to me my wife, you still the same that day we met, you remember,) _(' you not trying to sweet talk her into agree to have another are you father,) asked. Sana, " (it exactly what we trying to do Sana. how can I can forget dear, after all, you beat me in combat,) Darshee waken up, Shalavear walked up, " Darshee you had me worry, thank the war queen you are okay. " Seldanna, Seldanna. she called for, " the supreme war queen is in the East, my sister, she waved her hand, " ( my supreme she okay and calling for you,) said. Shalavear, " (thank the elves of war you okay, thank you for saving her life, your life is even greater to, your family needs you around, ) said, Seldanna. " (that is not dark riht?) asked, Darshee, " (no remember before he went into slumber he created knights of power, this is one of them.) answered, Seldanna, " (get some rest, my friend, we see you in a few minutes,) Gormor ride up to them, " my supreme war king more is coming from the west, said. Gormor, " we got this Theodas, Montwood ride! they regroup and ride for the west, " (why am I picking up this is a trap, ) said, Theodas. " (I getting that this no test of power, this is open attack, he moving against us, Theodmer call of the war kingdoms and tell them Dark is moving against,) Regroup, from the war wings of Richwood and Wing wood, as your queen I with you fight for me, hold your lines for me, we are not to spinner or run, this is not our last hour but his, show Dark how fearless and swift war elves are, they form lines which call the wings of power, "girls lets go mother need her daughters, you four put the shield up and elite war archers on the walls, stay in the castle Pearis, Selphine, Gantar, and Shalana, war knights mount up we ride to the supreme war queen Seldanna, they got on their horses and left the castle heading east, " come on father needs his sons, protect the little one's son, war knights lets ride, they got on their horse and left, they begin to call the war kingdoms and telling that dark is moving against them, they arrived in the east, " wings of Richwood and wingwood, called, out Sana, " form up, you need your girls mam, said. Lusha, they form the lines, " this is your war queens, Dark want to see what war is, let's give him a taste of war in the name of war, said. Sana, " fire at first sake, ordered Lusha, " rally the wings for our supreme, war is to not be taken likely! said, Theodora. " those my girls, they pulled out their elven blades, they ride into the village, " wings of the hammer form the lines, this your king Dark thinks he takes out war, what a fool we, not peace or love we are war we do not go down without a fight, said. Theodas, " your sons are here, wings of a hammer take your place let put Dark to shame, said. Theodmer, they join the lines, " about time we are moving against him, said. Tarron, and the far East the war kingdom Featherwood, the supreme war queen Jhilsara Qizorwyn and the supreme war king Toross Qizorwyn, ride out of the castle after getting the message, they send out their war scouts to spot the Dark commander and his knights, " ( Theodas and Seldanna, Aeson and Symina, Delmuth and Dasyra, and Gerrik and Amerca we take care of the ones in the East that attacking,) said. Toross, " ( Toross old boy good to hear you, thank you, and be careful,) said. Delmuth,