The whole day, moon pretended as if nothing was wrong between is and it was eating me inside because the more I could see her smile the more I knew how hurt she was inside. when we got in the car she told me that she had made a reservation for dinner. "Moon why are you acting as if nothing's wrong if you're hurting just say it" I said while holding her hand, " not now let's first the restaurant serves your favorite food" she answered while starting the car engine " we need to talk okay I can't go on like this " I said and turned off the car " am not ready okay am not ready to hear how you lived a good life without me forgetting about me am not, so please don't " she said while facing the car ceiling " who said I had an easy time without you, I was never happy not even once I killed me to know that I left you alone baby please look at me" I said to her while holding her to face me. " please let's go home first hmm please I know you're scared but have to get everything straight with you okay baby don't please " she was trying to pull my hands from her face, she started tearing and it made me feel uncomfortable , I wiped her tears with my long-sleeved top. I walked out and went to the drives side " move over I'll drive " I said to her so that she could get on the passenger sit. " do you want to go to my place or mine" I asked her, she decided not to talk to me and the whole ride her eyes were staring at the outside view I didn't say anything to let her clam down because I saw her hands shaking, this happened anytime she was anxious. I got out and opened her door before she got out by herself. I drove to my place and I told her to sit. I took a bean bag and sat opposite to her preparing to tell her what happened



" Baby you have to come pick me up from work don't forget it" I told moon while rushing out the door because I was late " okay hurry your uber is here" she shouted from the kitchen. in the evening I got a call from my dad and he was pressuring me about marriage and having kids, this time he was so strict about it and told me that he gave me two months to think about getting married because I had told him that I was in a relationship already. I just agreed because I wanted to end the conversation with him. well I guess this is what I get from being the only girl from five boys all my other four brothers were married the only unmarried people were me and my youngest brother. moon came to pick me up and we went to a beautiful restaurant for dinner she told me that she was one day hoping to enlarge her restaurant into something bigger that it is. after we got home we both showered and went back to doing our personal stuff. while I was arranging my documents " hey baby" moon pulled my seat next to her and kissed me "hey" I said while smiling at her " what" I said to break the silence because she was just staring while smiling at me " so I told my mum about us and you know, she wants to meet you" she said holding my hand " wait what" I was stunned because I didn't think it was serious, she had been mentioning about me meeting her mum for the longest time, "okay" I said because I didn't know what to do "I want to get married to you" she said while holding my hand. I got up laughing " baby marriage come on" I said to her. "am fucking serious, I want to wife you am not joking " she said getting up too walking towards me. before us going to bed she expressed how deep she was in love with me.

I felt the same way and I also wanted to get married to her because she made me so happy, she had always told me how she had dreamt about getting married and having children with her wife. All this trouble me the entire night because although my dad knows am in a relationship with someone, he didn't know that my partner was a woman, I hadn't come out to him because of how we were raised and our culture too did not believe in same sex love it was viewed as demonic. because of these beliefs I couldn't come clean to my father about my sexuality but my other brother knew about it and told me to be cautious not to let my dad know about it,because if he knew them themselves would be unable to help me out. the next morning I went to work and met Stan because I couldn't tell Moon about it first. we met up for a drink and I told him about the pressure from my my dad about me getting married and also moons desire for us to get married and also her setting a date for me to meet her mom.

it's has been a month now,i had been ignoring my dads calls because he threatened to get me an arranged marriage and also we went to see moons mom, she was so sweet to me. Stan told me to come clean to both of them because the more I waited the more things got worse. my dad demanded to meet the man he thinks am dating and I cant let that happen because my man is a woman and if he finds out only God knows what will happen.

I really love my girl and am not ready to let her go anytime because as much as she was crazy and unable to control her emotions sometimes she makes me happy and am not ready to hurt her and also on the other side I don't want to disappoint my dad, because every dads dream was to walk their daughter down the aisle. I decided that am going to tell moon about me still be closeted to my dad, I don't know how she will take it but am going to come to her about it. I laid next to her and kisses her then hugged her tightly and we went to bed.

the next day after we were done with our personal work I walked her to the living room. "baby I have some things to say to you" what is it baby she said pulling me to sit on her lap "you smell so nice" she continued sniffing and kissing my neck "thank you baby, wait it's something important " I said while removing her face from my neck, " okay give me a kiss first, I missed you the whole day" she said pecking her lips waiting for a kiss, I kissed her and I was getting up to sit beside her to talk she grabbed my butt thrusting me on her "babe stop" I complained to her, "what you don't like it " she said while playfully squeezing my ass and on of her hand was inside my night dress and she was holding my breasts with her hand. she stood up with me on her arms and layed me on the sofa and started kissing my neck. " baby It's something serio...." she silenced me with a deep kiss I went with it and she was know kissing my stomach then up to my lips I had almost forgotten the motive of bringing her to the living room. she went down on me kissing my vagina through my panties and she slid it to the side and lick it from the back to front "am hungry" she said with a smile on her face I was laying there moaning she talked to me while her fingers were playing with my clit. she used her tongue to play with my clit while she pushed her finger in and out inside of me while her tongue followed the rhythm of her fingers. she came up and kissed my lips she placed two fingers inside my mouth while smiling while her other hand was pleasing me ."you lick it huh" she asked while sucking my neck, "yes" I didn't want her to stop I was all wet at this moment. she went back down and removed my panty.