Chapter 7 - ON MY BED, AGAIN

I walked out, down the dark passage till I got to the streets. As I walked with Rocky behind me, I felt oddly aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing any panties. I felt even more mortified when I thought of what had almost happened in that place.

I almost fucked him again. I face palmed and dreaded facing the handyman. What if he finds out? But luckily enough, the handyman didn't even question me and Rocky at all when we finally found him.

Either he knew what happened between us or he just didn't care about whatever must have transpired. But still yet, I was grateful for not being questioned.

I managed to get almost all the things on the list the baroness handed over to me earlier today. It was already dark when we went back home.

I couldn't stop stealing glances at Rocky all the way home and it seems like he was doing the same cause any time my eyes just drift to him, his eyes are always on me.

We haven't said another thing to each other since that tryst in that place. I don't know if we'll ever be able to talk to each other but I certainly don't feel like talking about that little incident again.

What do we call it? Is it a one night stand? That's funny right? Cause one night stands are only supposed to happen at nights.

"Rena... Rena," That deep yet husky voice that now seems to send shivers down my spine called out and I looked up.

"We are home," He told me quietly. Home? That word sounded somehow cause I've been striped of what I called a home when I was eight. My fists clenched when I let my mind drift away to that unpleasant day I already promised myself not to think of anymore.

"Rena," He called out again, worry laced his tone. I looked at him in suprise wondering if I just imagined the worry I heard in his voice.

But no... The worry was evident in his eyes and I immediately slipped out of the car before it gets more awkward than it already is.

He came out to help me and the handyman offload the things we bought. When we took the last package inside, he suddenly said,"You should ask for a pain reliever just in case you start to feel pains later."

I blushed and looked at the handyman beside me. The poor man probably doesn't understand but I know too well what Rocky is talking about.

I didn't respond and he sighed. I just don't know what to do. Why is he acting this way? Shouldn't he just go ahead and ignore me or at least act a little bit cold to me so it would make what happened easier to forget?

"Is Serena back yet?," I could hear Camille's voice down the hall. I immediately turned around and left. I didn't turn back but I could feel Rocky's gaze on me as I walked away.

"What took you so long?," That was the first question Camille asked me as soon as I appeared in the sitting room. Margaret and Nivia were also in the room. Nivia as always is giving me that annoying condescending look of hers.

I bowed at first to greet her as I ceased that time to think of what to say. But before I could say anything, someone else replied,"Greetings baroness... It took quite a while for us to get all the things you asked her to buy and even so, we still couldn't buy all."

I stood upright to look at Rocky in suprise. The baroness seemed to buy his words cause she nodded and immediately dismissed him,"Murray's been looking for you. Make sure to see him first before leaving."

He only nodded and left. My eyes trailed after him as he left the room and even when he already left, I kept on staring at the doorway.

That was until someone coughed. I immediately turned back to Camille. "You can leave. Make sure to have dinner since you missed lunch. I do not want to have to waste my money on taking care of a sick slave," Camille told me and I gave a low response of "Yes ma" before leaving the room.

Walking to my room, I began to feel little but sharps in my private region. I took in sharp breath when I finally got to my room. Was this what Rocky was talking about earlier? I immediately shook my head when this thought escaped to my mind.

I do not want to think of him and certainly not of the confusing things he did today. I still don't get which one is the real Rocky. I have heard of how cold and arrogant he is but the Rocky that had thrashed me in that room by the dark passage certainly wasn't like the Rocky I had envisioned.

He was gentle and a little bit brute. Now, just down the stairs, he helped me. I shook my head again. I do not understand why I keep thinking of him. Even if he is just a mere driver, his status is far above mine.

I almost groaned when I stepped into the room and noticed the familiar man on my bed once again. 'Another trouble to face,' I murmured underneath my breathe.

"Where have you been?," He asked me and I instantly wished he would just leave. What I feel like doing right now is stripping off this sundress and bathing in the cold, dingy shower of mine but he obviously won't leave so easily.

"Baroness sent me on an errand," I gave a curt reply.

"An errand that took a whole day?," He asked again, standing up abruptly which made my bed creak loudly. As he walked to me, I immediately informed him,"Sir, Baroness won't like it if she were to find out that you come to my room like this. You don't belong here."

He chuckled softly like I had just said something funny. He then reached out and stroked my face. I could feel my heart beating nervously as his fingers danced on my lips... What is he trying to do?

I looked up and saw that his eyes were locked on my lips.