Chereads / An Italian in my life / Chapter 27 - Chapter twenty-seven

Chapter 27 - Chapter twenty-seven

It is already night and everyone is getting ready for dinner at Athena's house, because for the Greeks a new house needs an "Inauguration".

Iris is in her room with the door open when Tereza, her mother, rushes in. She watches Iris put on makeup and sits on the corner of the bed behind her daughter, she looks impatient and crosses her legs swinging them.

She holds the face brush, putting on the blush she glances at her mother through the mirror.

— What's up mom? — She opens the makeup case in front of her, picking up a pink lipstick. — Every time you look like that you want to do something gossipy! She put the lipstick on her lips.

Iris, I don't gossip, I share my thoughts with others, it's different! — She crossed her arms and brushed her hair off her shoulders. — I just don't see how your cousin could buy a house on top of Santorini, it's too expensive, Iris.

—Oh, I knew it! She rolled her eyes, and batted her eyelashes quickly, checking her mascara on the mirror.— She stood up and straightened her yellow dress. - Now stop it!

Tereza raised her hands to the sky, in drama. — I'm only commenting, because until yesterday Sebastian was a bricklayer, who didn't want to go to college and then out of nowhere he...

Iris interrupts saying: — Mom! First Sebastian did want to go to college, he just did not pass the scholarship exam, only Atena, Cibele and Apollo passed, put her hands on her waist

— And you too! — He raised his eyebrows, and faced her with a proud smile.

Iris shook her head and explained: — And mom, but you did well in the playoffs, she shook her head, I could barely sleep waiting remember? She let out a deep breath — Leave them alone mom, you don't have anything else to gossip about.

— Iris! — He ran his fingers through his straight hair and swelled his cheeks, — I don't know what I did to deserve a daughter who doesn't like to talk — She crossed her arms, firmly, making drama — At least I had Alexia, but now even she doesn't want to talk to me anymore, since she left the salon we barely talk?

Iris played with her earring, and walked to the door, —Mom, she stopped working at the salon to focus on her college entrance exam — She giggled and laughed -Mrs. —She said ironically, walking out of the room. I was about to become your apprentice... She said loudly as she walked down the stairs with her hands on the banister.

Tereza came down behind her to ask how the afternoon with Stefan went, Iris said she didn't want her mother mixed up in this until it was serious, which she wanted it to be soon! She looked away and saw Apollo come in so she went to him.

— Apollo?— she joked with a curl as she approached him.

— Hi Iris, I've been meaning to talk to you! And about . He scratched his beard.

— Stefan! Yeah, I know, I saw you saw him today! And to top it all off you were with his daughter! She must have said some awful things about him," she pursed her lips, "Apollo, be careful, Stefan told me some awful things about her! Can you believe she asked for her father's inheritance even though he's still alive, she acts as if

Apollo raises his eyebrows and frowns, — Really? I didn't know that! But anyway I'm just getting to know her.

Julia comes through the door screaming, with her mother waiting outside the house.

— Come on, come on! Mom and I already closed the restaurant, Julia shouted and stared at Apollo.

Then everyone left on their way there, Cybele and Pietro would go straight from the hotel.


Everyone arrives and is in the living room admiring Athena's house, in fact it is too beautiful, modern and large, and everyone is amazed, her aunt is restless.

And a question hovered in the air, how did Sebastian manage to pay?

Julia turned away from everyone in the room, walking with a bottle of wine to her daughter's enormous new kitchen, where Athena was leaning over the stove.

My daughter, where is Sebastian? Everyone in the living room is missing him.

— Oh mom, you know I don't know — he's always early! Bite the side of your mouth, I'll call him,

She stepped away from the stove and rubbed her palms on the apron tied around her waist. She picked up the cell phone on the table and gave a half-smile disguising her nervousness to her mother who was watching.

Sebastian answers the phone, she didn't say, but it was the sixth time she'd called her fiancé...

— Hello! Baby, I'm coming home, she took a deep breath holding the cell phone to her ear.

Atena where away from her mother, and shrunk into a corner her kitchen was as white as it was huge, which was good she had room for her mother not to hear the conversation.

— What are you doing! She said hysterically — Everyone's here— She waved her arms impatiently — You said you'd at least be early today! She starts talking and talking...

— Love, Love! — He remains silent listening to her screaming, her cheeks swelling up - Can I talk? — She stays silent on her cell phone - I had to stay for treatment... — He raised his eyebrows, took a deep breath while holding the cell phone to his ear — Of some business, but I'm already promised - He completed saying.

— Okay! My mother is impatient, my grandmother won't stop asking about you, and my aunt... —Well, my aunt is just being herself! Annoying and curious! -Well, my aunt is just being herself, annoying and curious," she emphasized, placing her hands on her chin and smiling, fixing her hair.

He took the cell phone out of his ears and turned it off.

— Apollo! — She hugged him tightly — So what did you think of the house! She took her red hair from her face and walked to the table.

— I don't even know where to start, Teninha! She's beautiful, he smiled broadly, "I'm glad you two are doing so well!

Athena swallowed dryly, and tried to smile, she didn't know what to say all night, she seemed nervous, quiet, her marriage had just started and something didn't seem right, was Sebastian still the same? She asked herself as she walked to the living room, grabbed a glass of wine and looked around as if he wasn't there.

He was still romantic and still loved her, but he was hiding something and she knew it.


As he hung up, Sebastian put his hands on the gray interrogation table and with a serious expression faced the subject in front of him.

— Hey! Sebastian took the gun and loaded it with a tired expression — I'll only ask once more, and I don't want to take too long — He took a deep breath — Who is your supplier?

The man looked at him with fury in his eyes, but didn't say a word.

The man looked him in the eyes with fury, but didn't say a word. Sebastian was not good under pressure, much less in his new job, which, no, was not with the mafia...

The boy had a good heart, and would never get involved with that, but as an infiltrator. It turned out that he had been trying for years to join the police and always failed the written tests, which frustrated him. But after taking the test so many times, he made a friend.

Max, his friend, came to him weeks ago with an offer that was tempting to Sebastian. To work undercover in one of the biggest operations against the Greek mafia?

But why him? You ask me, dear reader! Because Max has never seen a man as fearless and courageous as Sebastian, and when his chef asked him for someone to recommend he had no doubts!

Sebastian is the one I'm going to call! he thought to himself, besides, he provided a good living, the salary he paid in dollars could even make him rich.

He leaves the place where he interrogated the boy he had learned on the sly without his "chef" seeing, everything was too dangerous to tell Athena who never even approved his thought of joining the police, let alone the FBI.

It was a dangerous job, but what could he do, the brunette liked danger...

Everything in this operation needed to be secret, and knowing the girl he loved, he knew that Athena was not quiet, bad family! he thought.


Hours later Sebastian then arrived home opening the door and is faced with the whole family there, he gives a smile of few friends and goes to the grandmother of Athena, and out hugging one by one.

Everyone then sits down at the table for dinner, a '' Macaroni and Bolognese'' They were small balls of meat with noodles to accompany, Italian recipe.

— Good! Before we eat I want to thank everyone here! Athena smiled widely, and felt her stomach growl. — I pray to God that this will be our home forever! — She took her fiancé's hands in hers, intertwining their fingers. — But Sebastian, I want you to know that you are my home, my house!

Sebastian kissed her cheek, sat down beside her, and looked up at her, his eyes shining.

She looked at her husband, her cheeks red and her tearful eyes shining, and raised her wine glass, saying: — Stin Ygeiá sas! Oh, and by the way, I made you some Italian food to make you feel at home. — Welcome to the family!

(Translation: Stin Ygeiá sas = Cheers)

— Wow," Pietro took his fork and smiled beside Cybele at the table, "thank you Athena, I don't even know what to say...

— For starters, whether you approve or not! — She laughed and with her hand made the shape of a drumstick.

Everyone laughed, but Cybele didn't even open her mouth, Athena glanced at her sister who didn't look happy she noticed.

Cybele was so tense, she clamped her feet around the legs of the chair as she felt like she was going to explode any minute and it wouldn't be a good thing. Apollo felt terrible, he didn't want to be there, but his friend insisted so much.

Paolo was happy, and deep down he was hoping for a fight or argument, but he didn't want to come out choking on this one.

Julia couldn't stop looking and staring at Sebastian. Agnes was proud of her granddaughter's success, and Tereza was questioning everything around her. Iris couldn't take the passionate smile off her face, she couldn't stop thinking about her afternoon with Stefan...

And Pietro? Well Pietro was feeling welcomed, and everything in that house made him think, "How lucky I am to have met Cibele" And something that night as he watched her eat and talk to the family that was what he wanted to be part of, to build something so beautiful and welcoming and new to him ... A family Pietro wanted to have a family....


Dinner ends and after a pleasant evening everyone goes home, Julia didn't have the courage to ask her son-in-law what was going on, she loved him like a son...

Apollo is walking talking with Paolo to his house when he sees Alice's motorcycle in front of the table. He frowns and as he enters he sees her next to his mother on the sofa.

— Apollo! — She d- jumped up from the couch, went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his chest — Glad you're here!

— I'm glad you're here! — He frowned, pulling out of the hug a little awkwardly. "It's okay, what are you doing here?

— But you weren't here, so your mother said I could come in and wait for you," she tilted her head to the side.

He pulled her outside to talk.

— He scratched his nose, and Apollo knew there was no better way to ask, "I know it has nothing to do with me, but... What's this story about you asking your father for his inheritance? Even though he was alive, he pressed his lips firmly together!

His blue eyes stared into Alice's brown ones, and the girl twisted her mouth.

— It was your little friend, already gossiped about it! He rolls his eyes, — Greeks! He put his hands on his forehead, and rolled his eyes — This is a long story Apollo, but I didn't mean it! Actually, actually," he puts his hands in his pants pocket, reaching for the keys, "I'm not even going to continue this, it's a long story.

She points her finger at Apollo and says in an angry tone: "A story that I thought I could trust you before you told it, but you know what it is Apollo you can think what you want! I'm tired of wanting to play the good girl... Which I already told you I'm not...

She turned around, Apollo takes a deep breath and grabs her arm stopping her.

— Wait, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked her like that, it was rude! I'm sorry, he says looking into her eyes,

She puffs out her chest, "Do you know why I came here Apollo? Because I was feeling lonely, and I just wanted some company! But if you don't want me in your life you'd better say so. She turned around angrily and got on her motorcycle.

Apollo stood beside her and put his hands on the place where you put the keys.

— Alice... I like you," he scratched the back of his neck, "You're spontaneous, a little out of control I admit! And you need to control what you say... But it's something new for me! He widened his eyes, "I like that about you... I want you to stay. Are you coming? Brazilian soap operas are probably on, my mother loves them!

He squared his shoulders and held out his hand, which was on the bike, and she smiled and took a deep breath.

- Okay! If you insist, she giggled and looked at him quickly approaching and sealing her lips — But it's not for you, she got off the bike and straightened her hair - It's because your mother is a smoker, honey!

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek and then they both got on.


Another beautiful mother starts in Santorini, and just like the waves, Cibele's sleep was also restless.

She had more intense sleep because of the pregnancy, and ended up waking up in the early afternoon, she opens her eyes and smells roses, then she flutters her eyelashes, and frowns when she sees that the room she was in has a bouquet on the corner table next to her bed, it's full of red roses was so beautiful to the eyes.

"What?" she thinks. Then she turns around and on the desk has a note written: { Everything about these roses reminds me of you, the delicacy the beauty, the simplicity in the look, and the two captivate me! }

Cybele raises his eyebrows, and puts his hand to his mouth giving a yawn opening wide his mouth, then comes to his senses, and gives a wide smile '' What Pietro is up to'' She thinks. Cybele hated surprises.

She opens the door to the hotel room, which was a master suite, so it had not only the bedroom but also ''a room'' in addition to the bedroom...

She walks over and opens the door, coming across a makeshift breakfast table, she gives a wide smile and puts her hand to her mouth.

— 'What's that? She says with her narrowed eyes.

He smiles, — You're awake, sleepyhead! He shrugged his shoulders,— - Well, breakfast for you, lunch for me, he said walking over to her.

He looks her in the eye and seals his lips, — So you like it? I made the eggs and vegetables!

— Everything is so beautiful there, she has her eyes full of tears," she cleans, approaching him and pointing to the table.

He took a deep breath — I wanted to be romantic, I even took the liberty of reading one of your favorite books — he shrugged his shoulders, and good — and in it I could find you! — He took her hands in his — I feel like I know you better! Seriously, in that book I could see every bit of you.

— Love didn't need to. — She put her hand over her face, covering it all, and turned red.

— I didn't do it because I had to, I did it because I wanted to know what you like, what inspires you, I want to learn about you every day. — He gave a quick laugh, and sealed their lips quickly —Cibele I fell in love with your sincerity and your self-respect, even if the whole world gave you the odd suspicion that you weren't all you should be... You are determined, strong! And incredibly beautiful!

Cibele was loving to hear all that, her heart was tight, she was not at peace, not until she stopped hiding the truth about his to, she tried to forget and tried to hide.

But it was no longer possible, she hugs him tightly and her eyes fill with tears, she then kisses him thanking him for everything. In her head she makes a decision she would go to her mother and tell her the whole truth?g