In the same way, space that collapsed near the sedan repaired itself and this shaking of the world.
The situation was as though the world was experiencing an earthquake, and it subsided faster. The situation was not new, and was something that would happen occasionally.
In deep space, lights could be seen shooting off into the distance, distorting space, and after the couple walked out into boundless space, the sedan chair disintegrated and no one paid any attention.
With that FengXian and Mu Qingzhi had disappeared from this world.
Back at the temple, the shaking of the world resulted in some slight tremors, and when it stopped.
Xiaohe stood up when the tremors stopped and run off climbing the steps up the temple, but at moment, Situ was looking at the stone at the entrance of the temple.
It had cracked and as such half of the content on it seemed to have been decimated. But upon closer inspection he got his eyes glued.
But the moment she laid her eyes on it, even Xiaohe's mind was immersed in an ethereal voice preaching.
The words couldn't be understood but the content was actually infused in their minds.
They could understand the information from the preaching clearly.
Only when the statue turned dull did they wake up from the daze.
Xiaohe's face was pale, clearly the listening was not without a price.
Even though it was easier to digest the information, it still took some time. When Situ opened his eyes, some wisdom was flashing in them.
He had already grasped his own path forward. But he didn't seem that much in a rush to cultivate.
His spirit was just like Xiaohe's, exhausted. But his spirit was stronger, as such it took him a small period to completely recover.
It was also at this moment realized he was in competition. He wasn't just alone with Xiaohe, rather other children were also going to be going after the statues.
The more the stone statues were used, the longer periods were required for them to revert back to the original state. What it meant was that the information and preaching would become impossible for those that had been used many times in a short time period.
He had to therefore seek them faster than the others, but this was clearly not possible with his current state.
In less than half an hour, Xiaohe finally regained clarity and had the same information Situ had received.
"We should hurry in listening to the preaching. But more importantly, should also start practicing with what we already have otherwise it would become difficult to compete with others for the statues." Situ stated this fact as the horse drawn carriage rushed out.
Only until another collapsed temple that resembled a Buddhist temple appeared in their line of sight, did the carriage stop.
They were able to relax because no one had visited this temple yet, based on the state it was in.
Since no one was around, they rushed into the tempe, and this time Xiaohe didn't stay behind. She also understood the importance of having access to the preaching, her understanding of cultivation in the body refinement stage improved. She couldn't be willing to lose such a chance.
Just like before, the moment they reached the statues and focused their eyes on them, the familiar feeling descended upon them.
It was as though some existence was preaching Dao to them. When they were done, they took another half an hour to digest the information before Xiaohe, she took initiative, "Next destination"
Just like that the two kept moving from location to the next. In a spam of two days, they had travelled far, covering close to 53 kilometers.
The horses where too tired by that time they arrived at their destination, an old temple, at the too of a cliff.
"We shall stay in this place for the next period of time and even practice what we have already gathered. Only after we make some progress will it be easier to travel and fight for more stone statues." Situ was really exhausted.
The horses were also the same, and his decision was the correct move in the circumstances.
While he was laying on the ground, bitting into a fruit, from the collection they had gotten in the carriage after waking up, clearly it was packed by his parents.
He looked into sky, and sighed. "Only two weird shaped moons are present in the sky. No stars at all."
He was indeed able to see that this world was different because of the fact it had two moons at night. But what was even more unnatural in his eyes was the lack of stars in the night sky.
But he could only complain as he closed his eyes, lost in thought.
"I should try and see if I can grasp blood Qi movement in my body." He was clearly aware from the preaching he had gone through during this period that to train the body, the first thing was sensing Blood Qi.
If you can't do it, then it becomes useless to understand all the knowledge from the preaching. The purpose of the knowledge is to help those that can grasp the trace of Blood Qi.
When he was resting, from all the exhaustion, he suddenly felt like his mind could see a blood red gas, flowing in his body.
He didn't think much in the beginning, but after he saw it repeatedly he suddenly realized his breathing had changed.
Right! The moment he sensed it, his breathing rythim was affected and took another rythm.
That was not all, rather he felt very hungry from just this change in breathing rythm.
"Oh no! I need food!" He suddenly stood up from the grass fast, as he had remembered something he almost overlooked.
During the preaching, something that was very common was the warning that body refinement was based on resources and not comprehension and lack of resources was like digging ones own grave.
In the night, Situ rushed into the carriage that Xiaohe was resting, without even caring, he dragged out a massive portion of fruits from one of the bags.
After that, he kept munching on them while the rhythm of breathing changed.
In the beginning, the blood Qi he could sense appeared as though it could disperse any moment. But the more he ate and followed the breathing rythim, the stronger he felt. Even his spirit was recovering faster. That was not all, this blood Qi had turned into needle sized smoke that kept flowing around his body, washing away the fatigue.
The reason the body refinement stage was simple was because it all depended on the ability to sense blood Qi. The breathing rythim that came from the blood Qi was completely different for everyone.
The more used the breathing rythim the clearer the blood Qi in the body could be sensed. Even with the stamina he had regained, he stopped the breathing rythim when he discovered he had consumed all the fruits.
"It seems that this fruits are not simple. My parents seem to have paid a great deal of detail into this. Then it would also mean that the reason we haven't met others was due to their planning." He had this assumption but couldn't prove it.
Either way, he was happy with this new discovery. What he was required to do was gather enough food and just focus on consuming it. The breathing rythim would take care of everything else.
"Tomorrow we can share this experience with Xiaohe." He finally stood up and looked around warily. His figure climbed on the top of the carriage before deciding to rest.
When he was exhausted before, he actually considered sleeping on the grass, but at this moment he was very sober and against such risky behavior.