The queen dowager wrote the sealed letter to the royal physician twenty five years ago, when Suk-bin choi first came to the place and is with the king's child. In the letter, the queen dowager had instructed the royal physician to do what it takes to terminate her pregnancies by all means and make sure even if she gives birth, the infant must die as soon as possible.

Thus, the letter has the royal seal of the queen dowager. Anyone who sees the letter would know that the queen dowager terminated all of Suk-bin pregnancies years ago, and even killed two of her infants children with the help of a common physician who is now the head royal physician. The physician became a royal physician all with the help of the queen dowager.

"How did she lay her hands on that letter? How did she get that?" The queen dowager asks herself still very confused.

"Your majesty." Lady Jung calls and enters immediately. "The prime minister and the queen are here." She whispers.

"Let them in." The queen dowager answers calmly.

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Jung whispers with a nod and walks out to carry out the message.

The called for visitors enters and bows. "Your majesty." They bow.

"Why are you both together?" The queen dowager asks as she wonders why the both of them are together.

"He was in my chambers when lady Jung came to deliver your message your majesty." The queen whispers lowering her head to face her mother in law.

"What is wrong your majesty?" Lord Yoon asks worriedly.

"Sit." The queen dowager whispers as she adjusts her royal robe.

"Yes, your majesty." They chorus and sit.

"There is fire on the mountain." The queen dowager whispers as she moves her head close to them.

"What is that your majesty?" The queen asks.

"You know about Suk-bin dead children and terminated pregnancies?" The queen dowager asks both of them.

"Yes." Lord Yoon nods. "What about it your majesty?"

"Do you know how I got rid of them?" The queen dowager asks again.

"I thought you said royal physician Nam helped you out on it." The queen whispers back in doubt.

"Yes." The queen dowager nods. "To give physician Nam my word then and to make him rest assured, I wrote him a letter with my royal seal on it."

"I know of that your majesty." Lord Yoon adds. "Did something happen to the letter?"

"Yes." The queen dowager answers almost crying.

"What?" The queen asks in shock. She is aware that if something happens to the letter, it might put the queen dowager in trouble. And once the queen dowager is in trouble, it is done for her and her son alongside with the entire northern faction.

"Is it the hands of someone?" Lord Yoon asks.

"Yes." The queen dowager nods. "It's in the hands of our worst enemy."

"Suk-bin Choi?" Lord Yoon asks in his lowest tone.

"Yes." The queen dowager nods again.

Lord Yoon bangs his hand in rage on the floor. "That woman!"

"What are we going to do now?" The queen asks with fear, even with the fact that she is the queen. She can never pray or hope to experience the wrath of the king.

"Lord Yoon." The queen dowager whispers. "She came here to threaten me with that letter, asking me to help her son become crown prince. Please, help me out. You know you are the only one that can do something. I am totally powerless at the moment."

"Your majesty." Lord Yoon calls calmly. "All I need is a word from you and Suk-bin's head will be rolling on the floor." He says confidently but whispering, cause he can't be too sure, walls might have ears.

"Really?" The queen dowager asks with interest. "Can you really do that?"

"Yes your majesty." Lord Yoon nods boldly. "I just need your order and your word to give me maximum protection."

"If that's all you need, you have my word. I will protect you no matter what." She stops for a while and continues. "Kill Suk-bin Choi this night."

"As you wish." Lord Yoon says and bows. "I live by your word."

"Yes." The queen dowager nods with smiles.

More than anyone else, the queen is happiest. Finally, she is going to get rid of Suk-bin. If her rival is gone, then her son will be the only one aiming at the throne. She smiles broadly and nods too. "She has acted up for too long, I think it's time for her to rest perfectly and forever." She whispers.

"But how do you plan on doing it?" The queen dowager asks. "Will you kill her and her son together." She asks again quietly.

"No, your majesty." Lord Yoon shakes his head. "If we do that, then it will be very glaring that we are the culprit." He exhales deeply. "Once we uproot the root, the tree is meaningless and will die in no time."

"That's good." The queen dowager nods again in satisfaction. "Suk-bin is the root while her son and the supporters are the trees."

"Yes your majesty." Lord Yoon says with a broad smile. "Finally, I will have my dreams come true. Even after killing her and I get caught, I will die a fulfilled man."

"What do you plan to do? Will you send some people to kill her? or will you poison her?" The queen asks almost whispering.

"Your majesty." Lord Yoon calls with a smile again. "Why not leave that to me, my private sword fighters will take care of that. All I need is your support and protection."

"You have my protection, I will do all it takes to protect you." The queen smiles in return. "Have you forgotten that in no time we will be turning in-laws? Soon, you daughter will be the crown Princess of Joseon."

"You flatter me so your majesty." He blushes shyly. "It will be such a great honor to be your in law."