Voll would be at the Colonel office when the Major General would come in and would ask Voll to follow him to his office. Already a Brigadier General by the name of Yunna would already be seated, "Both of your are here because I want to demote and promote one of you. I have questions for you Yunna since the Battle of Hiroto when what have you done? And Voll I heard you've been harsh, and according to others a bit annoying?" As Yunna would think Voll is going to get demoted. The Major General would ask "Yunna how did you become a Brigadier General become from how I see it you haven't done shit". "What Major General. I HAVE DONE THINGS I ROSE TO RANK OF BRIGADIER GENERAL BECAUSE I WAS POWERFUL".
The Major would retort "Don't raise your voice. No you didn't becomec a Brigadier General based on your actions or your power. You are the most useless of all the Brigadier Generals and you rose to the second highest rank based of your popularity. YOU ARE USELESS BECAUSE YOU ARE IN THE GENERAL RANK DOESN'T MEAN YOUR POWERFUL". Yunna would start crying "STOP FUCKING CRYING" The Major General would yell as Voll would laugh "Oh you think this is funny? Well if you do I really don't care well it obvious who is getting promoted Voll Starting from next week, YOU are Brigadier General Voll". Voll would he happy he would start shaking in joy.
Three hours after this even. The Major Generals would gather in a hall. "Now Tobi Dante" The second year Major General would start "You have been arrested and detained for the following crimes: Treason against the Lieutenant General and Nefa, Conspiracy, Assault, Grevious bodily harm, Attacking a Officer and battery". The fourth year Major general would Continue "You have been found guilty by the all the Brigadier Generals and Major Generals. Your punishment is you will become a no insignia private and six weeks of active service in the non-aligned regiment". The third Major General would finish off "Also due to your rank anyone with a higher can use you. The Major meeting is finished.