Chapter 27 - Chapter 27

It was a new day, and Chen was in a high spirit. Although he hadn't lost his virginity to Asami, he had a good warm date.

While eating a banana, Chen was on the phone.

Last night, he'd talked with Korra about buying land, so they can train. He'd asked her to ask Tenzin, a member of the council, to provide him with one.

Of course, the land was for Chen's benefit. He'd gotten tired from testing his abilities around his house. He'd already destroyed two things.

Now, someone had called him on the phone and told him that there is available land on the eastern side of the city.

It was around 1000 cubic meters. Since it was in a remote place and it wasn't suitable for farming, it was quite cheap. Chen had agreed to buy it for 300.000 Yuan. He'd more than enough.

Once the deal was closed on the phone, Chen put the money in a bag. He then went to a lawyer.

There is one rule that he'd put in his mind.

Whenever buying anything from a stranger, always take a lawyer.


"Congratulation. This is all yours, Mister Chen." The entrepreneur shook Chen's hand and smiled widely. "If you would like to build this place, I can recommend you an architect. I believe that he can turn this land to suit your taste."

"I'll call you when I have something in mind."

Chen took his hand back and turned. The land was vast, and it was suitable for bending training. He thought of building a gym here. He'd enough money from his underground fights, and he'd the money of the Agni Kai gang. He didn't mind spending it since he was financially secured.

"Please, don't hesitate. I will assure you that if you call us, we would give you a discount. We always take care of our clients."

"Sure." Chen turned to the lawyer he'd brought with him. He asked. "Everything is done?"

"The paperwork is done. This land is officially yours, Mister Chen."


Now that he was left alone, Chen stood up in his land, shirtless.

He was finally in good mood to train.

Last days, he'd slacked a bit.

However, he had never forgotten the pain he'd suffered against Amon. Although Chen had defeated Tarrlok, a bloodbender, that was nothing compared to Amon, who was shown to be the most talented waterbender with the strongest lineage.

Aiming at the sky, Chen extended both of his hands and shot fire. A black stream of fire flew from his hand. It was pitch black, and it disappeared as soon as he took his hands back.

"So hot!" Chen waved his hand. The atmosphere got hot all of the sudden. He had realised the power of the black flames that he'd created. They could even burn him.

[Flame Generation +30 exp]

Though, there was something that Chen had noticed. The higher his Flame Generation level, the higher his resistance became.

In the beginning, he'd found the purple flames hot. However, with time and practice, his body became more adaptive to the temperature.

After practising for a half hour, Chen got used to the black flames. But it consumed a lot of his Chi and hurt him a bit. He figured out a trick to keep his energy and safety. The black flame was very hot, yet he didn't have to generate a huge amount. All he had to do is create a small one.

Extending his fingers to the side, small black flames appeared on their top. Chen started bending it around him, making it float. Becoming a full grand-master had taken his bending skills to a whole different realm.

[Flame Generation +300 exp]

Squatting, he aimed his fingers as if they were guns. As he shook them, the black flame flew as if it was a bullet. It was aimed at a small rock, which cracked, a hole appearing in its middle.

[Flame Generation level 15 (2200/50.000)]

This skill has a long way to level up.

Chen lifted his hands, they had few burning marks. He wasn't worried about them at all. Since he'd enough Chi, he decided to use his other flame and see how it did work. Green flames lit up from his hand. They were cold, and they gave a sweet feeling. The last time Chen had used them, he hadn't known about their effectiveness. The only thing he had known as they heal. Now that he was injured, he could see how. The first thing he noticed was the pain vanishing. It acted as a pain killer. Other than that, his burning marks started fading.

[Flame Generation +200 exp]

Chen turned off the fire, and his hands were healed. Sitting down, he started thinking of his next step while waiting for his Chi to get back to its peak. Chen had many ideas and forms of training in his mind.

Lying down, he thought for a bit.

"Speed is the key to defeat any bender no matter what. That's what I should improve."

Chen extended his hands to the sky, and he focused his Chi on his palms. Last time he had created a beam accidentally. This time, he thought of a different idea. He tried to visualise the Chi gathering between his hands, forming a ball. Since his level of Chi control was high, he could control it with thought. The Chi formed a red ball. He tried to compress it, and it happened with ease. He then tried to add more of his energy to it, and it grew up bigger in size.

[Chi Control +100 exp]

[Chi Control +200 exp]

Manipulating the Chi ball was a good exercise. He finally found a good way to cultivate that skill.

'Doesn't this mean that I am the first Chi Bender? Hold on, Aang did it, Amon did it, and people used to bend energy before the Avatar.'

"Now, I just wonder, what will happen if I used Flame Generation on this Chi? Maybe separate the Yin and Yang. Maybe an explosion"

Flame Generation was a skill that turned his Chi into the fire. Now that he could hold his energy with his bare hand, he couldn't help but think of possibilities. Standing up, he aimed his hands at far, unleashing the beam, before breathing. The beam seemed to get hotter, yet it didn't turn into fire. It hit the ground, and it blew up, creating a small hole. Chen lifted his hands and put them in front of his face when he heard the explosion.

"I shouldn't play recklessly with energy bending. Not to mention," he opened the system screen, and he frowned. "5000 Chi points out 18000. That's like my energy when I was at level 5 or 6." It was a scary amount though. No wonder it looked deadly. It took him the energy of many people.

It may be not the way to use it. Chi, from what he knew about it, was energy used for martial arts. It increased his power and speed. But he didn't know any martial art. It can be solved later. There are many schools in this world that taught self-defence.

While sitting, Chen felt something approaching. It was his electric sense. Other than his heat sense, he could sense through the electrons that were in the air. Something with a positive charge was approaching. Chen didn't need to look to know that or to know where it happened. Lifting his head, he noticed a flying bison with an arrow traced on its head.

The flying bison descended. It was very large, larger than an elephant from his previous world.

Korra and Tenzin were there. They jumped off. Korra walked to Chen, and she smiled.

"I'm ready."

"What is he doing here?" Chen pointed with his head toward Tenzin.

Korra frowned and exhaled a long sigh. "I've told him to leave me alone. But he was like 'since I'm your teacher, I have to observe your training and see if you are in danger blah-blah.' See."

"He's just worried." Chen shrugged. The real reason was probably that Tenzin didn't trust to leave a girl with a guy such as himself. Lin probably had told Tenzin that he was an underground fighter. It would make the monk afraid of the virginity of his father's reincarnation. Probably the monk wouldn't think of that.

'I wonder what his reaction would be If he knew that his father's reincarnation would get fucked one day.' Chen turned his eyes slowly to the monk. He seemed clueless about that idea. Chen decided not to bother him.

"Mr Chen. I'm just here to observe things. Don't mind my existence." Said Tenzin.

"Sure," Chen said, slowly turning to Korra.

"So how is this going." Placing her hands on her hips, she walked around. "Are we going to shoot lightning randomly? How to do it?"

"First of all," Chen said. "You'll learn how to separate the fire Chi into two attributes. Once you can do that, you will shoot lightning."

"Chi and all…" Korra rubbed the back of her head. "I've never done that before. All I did was shoot fire and master the forms of bending."

"Don't worry. You already have a good foundation." Chen said. "Alright. At least, you can feel the energy within your body."


"Now, imagine there are two elements, just like the Yin Yang symbol." Chen extended his hands, and he started moving them, drawing the symbol of the Yin Yang. He then pointed his fingers to the sky. Lightning was released from his index and middle finger, heading to the sky. This was the most basic movement in lightningbending. It is suitable for beginners. As for masters, such as Ozai and Chen, they don't need to do this in order to release lightning. They can just release it by extending their fingers.

"Okay. Which one is the Yin, and which one is the Yang?" Korra asked.

"Good question." Chen put his hand under his Chi. "That, I don't know. Just separate your energies. When you breathe, the air turns into energy, which you release in form of fires. Imagine it as positive and negative energy. In chemistry, positive is what is usually receive or take, and negative is what lose, give or release. The positive Chi takes energy from your breath, and the negative one is the one that let you release. Think of it that way."

"Oh, I get it." Korra nodded. She stood up, taking the same stance Chen had taken earlier. She replicated his movement, over and over.

"By the way Tenzin, which one is the Yin and the Yang." Chen turned to the monk, and he asked the question. For a full grand master of firebending such as himself, not knowing such basic information was quite odd.

"Dark and light. Cold and heat. Yin is the cold, and Yang is the heat. Provided what you said, Yin is positive energy, and Yang is the negative one." Tenzin said. "Though, you can use negative and positive charges to describe it as if in the electricity. Different names, same meaning. But I prefer the old names."

"I see. You seem to be knowledgeable about electricity."

"I'm a member of the council. Buying energy from the city is made it a must for me to learn."

*Tzz* *Tzz*

Chen turned his head.

From Korra's finger, lightning was released, striking the nearest object which was a rock.

"I did it!" she jumped up, happily at her achievement.

[Ding, + Speciality: Teacher (Fixed level) ]

[+ Associated Skills:

Teacher Voice: A hypnotic voice that grabs your student's attention and plants the teachings in their head from their first try.

Skill Translator: Allow you to translate skill into writing or voice, provided it is 3 levels than your skills level.

Teacher transfer: Use your Chi to transfer a training method or information through touch.]

'As if I'm going to bother teaching my secret techniques to anyone.' Chen shrugged as he turned and saw Korra smiling at him.

"Alright, teach me how usually you use lightning. Chief Beifong said that you could spread it on the ground."

"That's too advanced for you. For now, focus on releasing it." Chen said. "Once you master that, try mastering this. By controlling the negative energy around your body, keeping a bit of positive one in the core, you'll get this."

As he took a few steps away from Korra, Chen's body glowed up in a blue aura. Sparks of lightning danced around him, forming an armour of lightning. When he had gotten this associated skill at the beginning, he could do it for one second. Now that he'd levelled up his whole speciality, his associated skills levelled up. The lightning armour was sustained for around 5 seconds. Chen could go for a longer period. However, he felt that his temperature raising too much and his control over lightning getting weaker.

If Korra was ever to learn this, she would keep the armour around her body for 0.5 seconds.

As for his other skills, Chen had no desire to teach her. He only meant to teach her two things, and then starts fighting her so he could gain experience.

"Amazing. I can't get near you." She clenched her fists, staring at Chen with stars in her eyes. "No Chi blocker could get near to you like that."

"Also, I won't have to fear Amon. If he tried to take my bending, I'll just shock him."

Chen subconsciously smirked when he remembered how he'd electrocuted Amon.

"Now, once you master this, let's train," Chen said. "You have to change your style."

Using the avatar to train would guarantee him some experience. He had noticed that his skills were barely gaining any experience, so he needed someone good to use such as Korra.


A/N: If you want to support the story and read advanced chapters ahead, go to:
