Chapter 30 - Chapter 30

There was no doubt. This was the sweet time to revenge on Amon. All Chen needed is to take care of him and put him down in the water.

However, looking upward, he noticed the two airships. Amon and the Chi blockers may have some technologies to escape.

In any case, he couldn't allow any escapes.

In front of him, forming lines with three chi blockers forward, a bunch of masked fighters dashed at him and Korra.

"I have been waiting for this," Korra smirked as she ran forward. She had trained for this moment. Jumping and squatting, she punched, unleashing a large fire stream. The Chi blockers jumped above the fire and flipped. Their agility was impressive, and so was the height they could reach. With their superior agility, they circled Korra, who joined her hands together. For half a second, lightning surrounded her body, striking everyone from the near Chi blockers. Some were sent flying. All of them were rendered unconscious. Some may have even died or had their hearts stopped, which meant death too.

A bit far Chi blocker reached his pocket, and he threw something at Korra, which looked like a grenade. It exploded, unleashing electricity, which electrocuted the Avatar. Korra got on her knees and put her hands on the ground. The Chi blocker tried to attack her. Avatar's will was quite impressive. Even with her being on her knees, she unleashed another lightning armour, electrocuting him, or her.

Meanwhile, Chen jumped high, heading to the roof. With his hands and legs unleashing jet fire, he was flying. Chen got on the glass roof, and he looked at the airships.

He decided to unleash one of his strongest skills, which takes a lot of Chi. Opening his mouth, he used <>. A compressed purple fire flew out of his mouth as if it was a beam. Once it hit the first airship, it exploded, spreading fire on it. The staff of the ship jumped off it. The purple fire that Chen unleashed was quite deadly. However, although he did it publicly, he won't be blamed for killing one or two. He, after all, was protecting the civilians — more likely revenging for himself.

This exploding spreading fire took around 1000 Chi points. He still could spam more. He joined his hands together and raised his index and middle, putting them next to his mouth. It was unnecessary though. Taking a deep breath, Chen unleashed another dragon breath, releasing a beam that exploded and turned into a sea of fire that surrounded the second airship. The staff were leaving the ships, jumping to the sea or the roof.

[Firebending +1000 exp]

[Firebending +1000 exp]

Now, they had no way to escape. Chen decided to beat them later for the sake of experience. Putting his hands in his pocket, Chen walked backwards. He jumped through the hall, and he found himself falling, 20-30 meters above the ring. Any normal human would fear death from falling from such a distance. Chen, however, didn't. He looked down, and he saw that Amon was taking the bending from the Wolfbats. He bet that Amon had made a speech.

Given how the audience responded, their reactions were a mix between horror and optimism. Some non-benders were happy with the equality. The benders, however, were afraid.

Korra, on the other hand, was unconscious.

Chen had one idea for the non-benders who were happy with this. 'Do they think their mom is the one who provided energy for the city? Take away the bending from Firebenders, and you all will live in the Last Airbender Era.'

Once he neared the ground, a jet fire appeared under his feet. It slowed his movement until he landed. Reaching his helmet, he took it off and threw it away. The audience was silent. Amon and the couple Chi blockers, plus the moustache man with two sticks, paid attention.

"Attention everybody," Chen said. "You guys may think that Amon is leading a new era for non-benders. But what you don't know is that he is a bender too. A waterbender and a bloodbender above that."

The audience went silent. Chen's words fell on them like a surprise.

Amon, on the other hand, lowered his head and laughed.

"I have fought him. They kidnapped me. When everyone was knocked out, he used his bloodbending. He's the son of Yakone." Chen pointed at Amon. "And I'm going to force him to reveal his power."

"Is that true?" The man with two sticks looked at Amon. He had been knocked out by Chen last time.

"Hahaha!" Amon laughed. "There is a misunderstanding. There was some bloodbending. But I wasn't the one to bloodbent you."

Chen pointed his finger at Amon, ready to unleash lightning. Just as it was about to get unleashed, he floated and his finger released lightning into the sky.

'Bloodbending, he revealed it, just like that.' Chen looked at Amon. 'No, something must be wrong. This bloodbending feels different from Amon's.'

Next to Amon, a masked man was pointing his hand at Chen. The other hand took off the mask.

"Allow me to introduce you to one of the benders who believed in our case. One of the very few with courage and fair enough justice sense to admit our case. He is the councilman, Tarrlok. He'd been helping me. But the police had arrested him just because they'd suspected that he helped us. I freed him. This man had devoted his power to help us, and he will only give it up when we release the world from its impurity."

Amon surely knew how to play the fact. Tarrlok revealed his place. Chen just realised that before coming here, Amon had attacked the police station to free his brother.

Now that Chen was floating, Tarrlok smiled at him, and he said. "Last time, I haven't had a good look at your face."

He felt a force trying to twist his wrist.

However, it felt very weak.

Maybe because he'd already used his Chi to increase the power of his body.

Right. Chi.

Chen may not be able to stop bloodbending by controlling his blood flow.

However, Chi may be different.

Taking a deep breath, Chen controlled his Chi.

It danced around his hand, creating a misty red aura around him. The aura spread from his hands, covering his body.

His body's muscles started growing up visibly. Although he was floating, he could control his body.

For the last three days, he had been playing with his Chi, creating balls and beams. He'd learnt how to circle it around his body and create a small layer.

Other than making him float, Tarrlok couldn't control Chen's limbs.

"What!" Tarrlok muttered in shock, staring at Chen with wide-open eyes.

On the other hand, Chen couldn't use his lightningbending or most of his firebending techniques. Since he was using his Chi purely in that way, he couldn't manipulate it. Maybe he needed to reach a higher level anyway. He could create fire, but bending it effectively was questionable.

"So you can bend your Chi to that level," Amon muttered as he raised his head. Beneath the mask, he opened his eyes wider. Chen felt some force trying to piece his defence and make him lose control over his body. Combined bending between bloodbender would surely be hard to counter.

Chen extended his hands at the ring. Taking a deep breath, he started exhaling.


His arms started glowing in red colour.

He would call this, Heavenly Charge.

But he wouldn't declare its name for his enemies.

"Throw him!" Amon turned to Tarrlok, who waved his hands.

They couldn't control his body. But they were making him float. Tarrlok waved his hands down, throwing Chen, who didn't lose concentration. He gathered a huge amount of Chi.

Two red beams were unleashed from his hand, combining into one. It hit the centre ring, making everyone around it fly away. The ring cracked, and its pillar didn't seem to handle the impact. It started crumbling, and everyone fell.

Just as they were falling, he noticed that the unconscious Korra was falling into the water. She would die if she sank.

Clicking his tongue, he extended his hand in her direction. A whip of yellow fire formed from his hand, and it surrounded her wrist. He grabbed her, using the whip. She was a firebender, so she would resist the heat from an average fire. His other hand aimed at the falling Amon and Tarrlok. Once they reach the water, it would be useless to fight them. You can't race a fish in the water, and neither can you defeat a waterbender inside the water.

Forming two fingers, Chen summoned his black flames. He drew an arc, throwing a small compressed ball. It was small for sure. Yet it was the hottest flame Chen had. Like a bullet, it headed down. The fire hit Amon's jacket, piercing his stomach and getting out of his back.

For sure, Amon's internal organs would suffer.

Just as the black flame hit the water, it started boiling. Thick steam rose, covering Amon and Tarrlok.

Chen aimed his hand forward, and he pushed himself and Korra up with fire. There was standing on the edge of the pool, which had a lift next to it. It's for the people who get knocked out of the ring. It was Chen's first time standing on it. Well, he'd never been sent to the water in the first place. He put Korra down.

Activating his thermal sense, he could see underwater. Tarrlok used his waterbending and surrounded Amon and his follower to leave the ring. The cowards didn't seem to go for a fight. Just as Chen was about to release deadly lightning at the water, a few people — civilians and benders, started getting out of the water. Chen stopped his action of releasing lightning. If he electrocuted civilians publicly to death, then he would be in legal trouble.

If that happened, he could forget his dream of living a rich life with nothing to do. That's his dream, a slacker life. And he can't simply kill.

Seeing that he'd a little bit of 5000 Chi left, Chen lifted his head. He'd destroyed the airships. The anti-benders had no means of escaping.

'Time to level up.'

He cracked his fists. His plans of taking down Amon had been ruined, and he needed to venture his remaining energy somewhere else.


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