"It's a timeless history of the great stone, that our ancestor, the once king of Singhania's, was godgifted with! The utmost willingness of him in serving people, always standing up for justice, and dearness towards his people, made him a king that would be remembered centuries down the line! His reign which was attacked by a deathly plague forcing him to see his beloved people die, helpless. Draughts, lack of basic necessities, instability over the situation that made even people fight among themselves, turned the king desperate to find any solution! The helplessness which couldn't be eradicated even after the seeking of help from other kings, made him wander across the kingdom, in hope of finding a solution that could heal his kingdom.
Then did he meet a sage who suggested him to find the green stone, the one he had never heard of! After ages in his life, he attained it. From there started the history of the fate-turning!"
Aryan and Tara heard the tale mesmerised, as they moved further into the path that seemingly kept elongating. The story giving them a sense of fairytale, making them doubt whether they really had entered into one!
The couple took a sudden halt, leading to the increase in their anticipation.
They watched their grandfather unlocking the door ahead that seemed as ancient as the tale they have heard of, with mysterious carvings that went beyond their knowledge to understand!
The creaking sound echoed in the silence as the man opened the entrance and they all entered in, into more of the darkness!
However, the glimpses of a faint green light emanated, wondering them.
Arya again seemed to have turned the darkness into light, as the faint sound of turning the switches on echoed, silencing the silence for a brief moment!
And the view ahead was breathtaking, their gaze travelling around the four sides that didn't have any decoration or even a colour paint. Everywhere, from wall to the ground, were just adorned in black while a huge golden chandelier hung high in the air, yet it wasn't the centre of attraction. Their gaze travelled to the potrait that hung to the wall which shone in the light of chandelier a little, just a little, cause 'the more' was a source that enchanted their eyes when they were occupied by the green stone that was graciously presented, in the middle of the room, being the centre of attraction, and the seemingly feeling auspicious green light that emanated from it; spreaded its grace all over to them, almost touching their souls, sending chills down their spines!
The potrait shone in green as the view showcased a man in his royal attire, seated gracefully on the throne, his crown announcing his authority and power, his eyes a mixture of audacity, dare and intelligence while his smile the symphony of kindness!!
"Here's the ultimate king of our lineage, King Achyuta Deva Singhaniya!" Adhrit announced, referring to the potrait that was hung to the wall ahead.
Both Tara and Aryan were somehow drawn towards the potrait, the man enchanting them some way.
"He's the man behind the history, the king who blessed us with the legendary green stone; Bhishajyavati mani, the stone which holds the power to heal and cure, the divine essence of life, the origin to humanity, surging within it!"
Their breath halted as their gaze settled back onto the stone, which shone divinely.
Bhishajyavati mani, Tara recited inward, the great green stone?!
Aryan watched it amazed, "I want to know more!" he whispered, his gaze unwavering.
Adhrit and Arya exchanged a look with a smile, the man giving a nod.
"Our ancestor, King Achyuta, blessed us all with this divine stone, his search for it a tale to be heard." Adhrit smiled in a blend of appreciation and pride. "The stone established a peaceful and healthy life among our people, no disease had ever touched our rule."
Tara and Aryan nodded understandingly, appreciating the efforts of their ancestor while feeling proud to have come from this lineage.
"However that isn't the only major thing," Arya smiled, "to provide our ancestors the capability to protect the stone from evil, the stone blessed the lineage with unique powers."
That took them, their grandfather previously including 'powers' while introducing their ancestor, Princess Adya, echoing.
"From each generation, a descendant is chosen, blessed with a unique power, so that the descendant could protect the stone." Adhrit explained, "And this, will continue, as long as our lineage exists!!"
Thoughts raced in their minds, trying to connect the dots.
'It's the ability that differentiates from every individual!'
'And that individuals, only can gain the ability when they come from our lineage, being the descendants of Singhania's!'
Their grandparents' words echoed, so.....
"I have the ability to control minds!!" Adhrit declared, surprising them.
"It's.....indeed family related!!" Tara whispered to herself as she stared her grandfather.
Everything being felt surreal for them.
"However, it's rare to have two descendants to be chosen!!" Lady Arya informed.
"It happened once in the past, centuries ago, the two heirs were blessed with unique abilities. However, at the time of choosing, only one was chosen while the another's ability vanished!!"
"And after centuries, the similar situation occured with your parents!!", Adhrit sighed, "Both of my children were chosen as the descendants, which was a rare occurrence!!"
Their parents were the chosen descendants?! Tara and Aryan exchanged a look.
"Your mother has the ability to read minds, dear!!" Adhrit said to Tara as he caressed her hair.
Her mother can read minds?! Tara's eyes widened at the realisation, no wonder she was known to be the brilliant woman.
"And your father Aryan, he has the power to heal others!" Arya said with a smile, remembering his son healing her everytime she fell sick.
Aryan was as well amazed to hear that. He didn't know his father had such ability!! Did his mother had any knowledge about this?!
So, their parents had such abilities too?!
Tara stared Aryan who looked back at her, a concerned look taking over them for they couldn't help but think only one thing.
Their parents.....suffered the same fate as them?!
Their grandfather's voice grabbed back their attention.
"Usually, the unleash of powers happens on it own around the age of twelve, and that's the time to decide whether the heir is capable to become a descendant or not!!"
At the age of twelve?!
The time when their sufferings began?!
It was beginning to get difficult for them to grapple with these revelations, Tara soon holding Aryan's hand for support, his hand holding back hers' in firm. Both seeking each other's support.
"However, it's different with you two, children!" Arya sighed, "The inheritance's life is related to the stone, no one can choose to stay away from it neither deny it unless the stone itself denies the person!!"
"And if you still chose to stay away, you have then chosen your life of distress, a fate that's wretched!!" Adhrit said with a heavy heart, "I suppose, that's the reason behind your suffering!!"
Their eyes widened, feeling confused. The realisation hard to swallow, a lump settling in their throats.
They were suffering cause.....they had chosen to stay away?!
The till now assumed suffering of theirs', were in real their powers?!
Tara, as if wanting to assure she wasn't imagining anything, gazed at the man whose hand she held in support.
Aryan gazed back, not knowing what to say.
With a heavy heart, Tara began, "Our parents.....", Aryan completed, "they.... didn't suffer the same, did they?!" their gaze shifting back to their grandparents.
Arya gave an assuring denial shook of head, "They didn't!"
A relieved sigh escaped them. However Tara began to have a headache again, a severe one, her hold on Aryan's hand tightened.
A concerned look took over Aryan's face as he watched her in pain. With a deep breath, he asked his grandfather, "And .....what is the cure....for us?!"
"The delay in the process is the problem, Aryan!" Arya explained.
"We have decided to discuss it briefly once you both get adapted to the situation here, however, we can no longer delay the process after the incident!" said Adhrit, "Your presence is now acknowledged, the stone is attracting you both, urging for the necessary to happen!"
"The more you get close with it, the more you will suffer, unless one from both of you gets chosen!!"
Aryan took a deep breath while Tara tried to keep her calm, her pain increasing by every passing second. Her heart beginning to ache.
Aryan felt his head getting heavy, eyes burning, however, he had to put up with this pain. "Will we stop suffering then?!"
"As I mentioned, it's a rare occurrence Aryan, we don't know the outcome as well!! For, no heir had ever chosen to stay away!!" Adhrit sighed, "However, we cannot step back now!!"
Aryan watched Tara for the one last time, he secretly wished that he would get chosen so that her suffering can eventually vanish. He didn't know the consequences of being the chosen one but, all he wished was her safety. As he knew, with this suffering, her life, was at risk!!
"We are ready!!" Aryan declared, making Tara look up at him.
He gave an assuring nod, she took a deep breath nodding back.
Adhrit nodded, "Come with us!"
Aryan and Tara taking another deep breath, followed them, reaching the stone which still amazed them.
"What .....do we have to do?!" Tara wondered.
"Just put your hands above the stone, the rest will be the probable!!" Arya guides.
With a nod, according to the instruction, Aryan placed his left hand above the stone while Tara placed her right hand. Yet, their other hands held each other, announcing their support for each other in silence.
Their eyes getting shut as the stone shone brighter, reflecting on their faces.
Adhrit and his wife Arya, watched them in silence, hoping everything good for them, time passed by while they have witnessed few changes in them.
Tara's left hand suddenly released itself from Aryan's hold, reaching up, clutching her chest in pain, tears flowing down from her closed eyes freely.
While Aryan's free hand clutched his head in pain.
Arya attempted to reach them, unable to watch her grandchildren in pain, however, her husband restricted her to do so, holding her hand, giving her a shook of denial.
With a loud gasp, Tara shot her eyes open, the pain in her chest slowly easing.
However, Adhrit and Arya were momentarily halted as they witnessed her emerald eyes glowing in pure green, reflecting the stone.
Is she....the chosen descendant?!