Chereads / Fated:- Unfortunately Fortunate! / Chapter 35 - Memories Does Haunt!!

Chapter 35 - Memories Does Haunt!!

Tara when woke up, got to see him still asleep, on the couch across her! 'I have never mind you crossing though!' his whispered voice lingered in her ears! "Should I take it serious?!" she questioned herself, before shaking her head and getting up, well her neck didn't hurt but her back did! Stretching her arms as a yawn escaped, he got awake too!

Later after having breakfast he drove to the place she had said, so that she could buy whatever she needed! He just took a seat like a customer, and when Tara noticed that he was just caged to his mobile's screen and wasn't shopping for himself, she shook her head at him, "Men's wear is present too!" she reminded!

Aryan looked up confused, "So...what?" he shrugged!

"I understand you want to be naked at the party?" she mocked with her brows raised!

He chuckled, "I have enough to wear, you just carry on!" and as soon as he completed saying, he looked down his screen, it had been a while that he focused on to news, which was his hobby!

Tara rolled her eyes before leaving him on his own!

After what seemed like minutes for him, she returned, he didn't expect this, "You are quicker than I expected!!"

"I had already planned what to buy for myself ahead! And this mall belongs to me, so it was easy!"

He nodded thoughtfully, getting up, "Shall we go then?!"

She nodded, while Aryan saw the staff were placing the carry bags in her car, well she was the commander of everyone! He chuckled by the thought, as he was driving she was still silent, was she giving him the same silent treatment again?!

"I just read the news! It's really appreciable that you thought of to implement family and health security loans to your staff! It's good to hear that there isn't any time limit to pay back as well!" Aryan said, Tara sighed, "Wasn't it something needed to be done?!"

He smiled!

"Can I know more about your parents?!" she asked out of blue!

He halted, why was she asking it so suddenly?! Wasn't the dream enough to suffocate him in the reality that now even she began to ask about them?!

"It's okay if it's personal!" she added!

Well she didn't make it okay for him now!!

"Why do you ask it....all of a sudden?!"

She was silent, he was silent as well for a brief moment, "Do you.....feel unfair?!"

Tara turned to look at him, as he continued, "Unfair that I know all about you and you know nothing about me?!"

She chuckled, "I know you had shared a lot of things with me which you might have never shared with any!"

She thinks so?! Well he did, but not completely!!

Later silence continued again until he stopped driving and she looked confused as they haven't reached home yet! "Where are we?!"

"My home!" he said simply taking off his seatbelt! She still was confused but said nothing as she took off her seatbelt as well following him in! His house, it was nice! Classic just like hers! Gates were large, tall, and with sharp edges! As they entered in, first welcomed them the garden, it was large as well, full of rose, hibiscus, and lily plants! She could even see jasmine plants! The place just was swaying with sweet scent of flowers! Bright sun with few butterflies flying around, she liked it! As they crossed the garden, they could see a house, which almost looked like a mansion! She almost suppressed her gasp, it was all of white, decorated with green long plants at the edges perfectly! Even the entrance door was large, it was no home! A mansion!

Aryan opened the door and soon they entered into the hall which was huge! Furniture was of antic piece! Even the floor was of white marble, and the ceiling had the huge chandelier, of candles which weren't lit yet! She could see the kitchen just from the hall, which was also huge, and the hall was followed up with stairs left and right! Tara could say, this was huge, but...."Why do you choose to stay in orphanage?!" she asked but almost as a whisper!

Aryan breathed, "Memories does haunt!!"

She sighed! Aryan had showed her his room which he used to stay in, before he left this place! She even had him let her see his album, she smiled having a look of his small figure with his parents! His parents, she wanted to see them and here she was!

"Is it because I asked so?!" asked Tara looking up the album, staring him who kept staring her, who kept smiling seeing photos and her fingers still were rested on his image! Aryan shook his head, "It is cause I missed!!" he admitted!

She said nothing more, while spending some time there, she had discussed few things with him! Having a walk all through the mansion, every inch, it was clean, nothing looked like he had stayed away from here for years! Well his house was larger than hers, she chuckled!

"Were you staying here before you moved in?!" she asked while taking a look at the paintings that were hung to the wall, most of them were antic pieces as well! Almost making her feel like....a royal palace!

He shook his head, "After returning, I had this place renovated, but I stayed in hotel!"


Aryan just smiled faintly, she knew to ask no more! After having a walk, they got seated in the garden, "This palace is amazing!" Tara said honestly!

"More than your castle?!" he asked!

She chuckled, "It doesn't have a name for nothing!!"

Aryan chuckled as well, Cursed Castle?! There was something really weird about it!

"My father was an archeologist!" he began and she could already see the spark in his eyes!

Interesting, she thought! "And your mother?!"

"A doctor!" he smiled!

"Like you!!" she beamed a smile as well!

He laughed, "My mother was a surgeon!"

She nodded, he then continued to say a few things about his childhood! What he liked to eat and how his mother used to cook for him! The way his father used to take him for a long walk in the evenings, letting him enjoy the nature! Their few funny talks!

Aryan laughed while explaining while Tara just had a smile observing him say thing's he never said!

Aryan shook his head stopping his laugh with a chuckle, "It was even more funny when...." his voice got stuck while a frown settled on his face slowly!

"When..?!" she asked, her brows raised slightly, he looked at her, then down to the ground, staring the green soft grass, "When....." he repeated but kept stopping at that one word!

She frowned now as well, "You.... don't remember?" she asked!

Aryan looked confused, "I don't remember?!" he questioned himself, his hand reaching up his head, massaging his forehead, "How can it be?" he questioned!

Tara couldn't understand, "Are you okay?!" she leaned forward, kneeling down the ground, her hand rested on his lap, "Aryan?" she called confused, what was wrong with him? He seemed lost!

Yes he was lost, trying to find a piece of memory, how can he forget his own memory?!

"Aryan!" she whispered shaking his leg gently, he looked down her, "Are you alright?" she asked with a nod, wanting to make sure he was okay!

He still seemed confused but gave her a nod, assuring her, "Let's go home?"asked she after taking a brief look at him, he didn't seem alright!

Aryan looked at her for a brief moment, before nodding, even while driving to her house he kept thinking the same, and she remained silent! She can see he was lost in thoughts, so much that he even didn't realise that she kept staring him!

Once they reached, he still with lost sense, took all the carry bags with him entering in, while she just followed him, his right hand which attempted to open the door after unlocking, his eyes suddenly widened, his fingers rested still, bags falling down his grip! She frowned!

What did he just saw now?! How could something like that happen?! He flung the door open, rushing in, she gasped, not knowing what was wrong with him!

Aryan's eyes searched the whole place, the kitchen, living room, garden, he then slowly, calmly, tried to touch things, and Tara who came in taking the bags he left outside, was utterly confused to see him touching random things with eyes closed!

What was he doing?

She tossed the bags over the couch reaching him who still didn't care to see her, "What's wrong with you Aryan? What are you trying to do?" she asked calmly!

"I can't understand!!" she stressed!

Aryan shot his eyes open, turning back to face her, "Someone was here!!"