Emilia has waken up with the rain hitting her scales, the feeling was quite refreshing but she soon remembered what had happened..
She was frozen in shock, thinking about this how can such thing be possible? What happened? Why it happened? Emilia felt her head fill up with more and more questions.
She looked at her scaly paws and sharp claws, she felt scared. Scared by what might happen to her, scared of being thrown into a place she never have heard off and scared of what might come next.
Her little heart was beating faster and faster, feeling despair for the first time in a while. Living in a modern world could soft up a person and lower their chance of survival in the wild, like a domestic bird being released in the wild is certain death.
Emilia felt her stomach heavy, more and more bad thoughts came to her as the rain poured down together with lightning, 'What if i die here, what if i starve to death? Are there wild animals around here?'
Those shouldnt be thoughts of a mighty dragon, but Emilia wasnt a mighty dragon until a couple hours ago, she didnt know what to do.
She heard a sound coming from a bush, her head turned extremely quickly, breaking the sound barrier. "Ah!" Together with the loud BOOM, a scream was heard from where the bush that made a sound.
"A-a person?" Emilia forcefully stopped her chain of negative thoughts and focused on what was behind that bush.
She saw an.. Elf? An incredibly beautiful elf, big ears and naked.. 'Perhaps she is in the same situation as me?'
Emilia cleared her throat, though she hated socializing with other people, talking with someone else might help set things in her mind.
"H-hey!" The small dragon that was about 140 centimeters if it stoon on it's two paws got up and walked toward the bush.
The elf peeked and let out a loud 'Eeek!', "W-wait calm down, im a friend not foe!" Emilia quickly said.
"H-h-how do i kn-know if yo-you're not lying?" The elf stuttered on her words, she was as scared as Emilia.
"I-i dont know, but i believe me, im not here to hurt you!" Emily said in the most friendly tone she could.
The elf build up some courage and came out of her hiding spot. "H-hi." She covered her breasts and genital with her hands as she walked out. Though Emily didnt really seemed flustered by it she still lowered her head to the ground to make the elf a tad bit more comfortable.
"M-my name is Lucia.." The elf Lucia said..
"O-oh.. I am Chronos-" Emilia suddenly stopped, and tried again.. But no matter what, she couldnt say her name..
"A-are you fine?" Lucia asked..
"W-well considering i am in an unknown place, i am not fine.. I was just in my room a few seconds ago." Emilia said, she was confused and scared, having someone to talk to should help her situation even if it is a nudist.
"I also was walking on the street and suddenly.. i was crumbling? I dont know, but now im here and i am diffrent.." When Lucia said this, Emilia brain quickly started to work, if Lucia also came to this place and got turned into a fictional character, what about other people? Did they also come here and becomed fictional characters?
"It doesnt matter! We need to find where people are and ask help from the police!" Lucia said, but Emilia was thinking if anyone would help a dragon wich symbolize destruction and death, hell, she didnt even know if there were police around here.
"Fine.. Lets start walking then." Emilia said, taking a few steps forward, but it was at this moment that she heard another sound from the bush..
Emilia quickly turned her head once again but not as fast as before, and she saw it. A 5 meters tall green and fat humanoid, Emilia didnt know what it was and instantly got frozen.
That thing reached out and grabbed Lucia wich was also stunned, "Ahhh!!!" Lucia screamed her lungs out, but Emilia did nothing as she was frozen with fear.
At that moment, something kicked in Emilia, her instincts were telling to kill that thing infront of her, they were telling her to devour the enemy.
But even so it was too late.
Arm, head and a bit of the torso were eaten, blood splattered and hit Emilia face.. She was no longer stunned but felt something else welling up in her, the smell of blood gave her an odd feeling.. Anger and hunger, anger for daring to get her dirty and hunger for not having eating anything in the past couple hours!
Emilia instinctively swong her paw in the air, cutting the ogre in half together with 4 trees behind it also fell down, a surprised face made it's way to Emilia, though she did it on instinct she didnt know she was this powerfull.
Walking up to the ogre, she felt her hunger grow though she didnt actually feel any hunger, but the urge to eat was still there.
"Im not gonna eat that thing!" Emilia shook her head before looking at the left overs of the elf contemplating..
"No! Im not like this!" Emilia looked away and quickly got down of the ogre corpse, she did not look back and held her breath, she almost couldnt control herself at the smell of blood.
"Ugh.. If i was a little faster." She was unphased by the fact that Lucia died right infront of her, but still acknowledge that she died because of her lack of reaction.
"She died because.. of me." The rain didnt stop and seemed to stop and only got stronger, Emilia started to walk down thinking about how Lucy died because of her.
After walking a while in the rain she found a cave nearby, she also heard more noises to wich seemed to be people but ignored them and kept moving. Once inside the cave she laid down, there was too much to think about today.
"But the feeling i got by easily killing that thing.. Am i going to become a bloodthirsty psycho?" She shook her head, Emilia couldnt help but think what type of future she would have.. "Is everything that is happening even real?"
"No.. it wasnt because i killed him that i got this feeling.. But rather due to my overwhelming strenght?" Emilia tried to reason herself to think of a motive for why she found joy in killing something. As she walked through the forest her head was starting to get filled with more negative thoughts until she found a cave to hide from the rain.
She slowly closed her eyes, she couldnt sense anything dangerous nearby and her instincts were telling her everything was fine.. "Too much had happened today, i cant think properly.."
Emilia hoped that this was all a crazy lucid dream that she had, when she wake up she would be back on her comfy bed and not on a unfamiliar forest with dangerous creatures.