Slowly opening her eyes, Emilia remembered of everything that happened today and felt a horrible sensation.
She got up and instinctively stretched her limbs like she had this dragon like body for years and was used to.
Emilia walked out of the cave, the trees still had some drops of waters on the leafs, the ground was still muddy aswell but it didnt bother her.
The sun was barely up, she smelt the air and was stunned at how good her nose was, she could distinguish almost every smell, there were some of unknown origins, most likely other people? She could also distinguish the smell of deers and squirrels even though she never felt the smell of them before, it was only natural to her.
She walked around the forest, she didnt feel any urge to eat anything like yesterday. Actually she didnt feel hungry at all.
As she walked around the forest, she came to an opening, a field of flowers with a distant shore and a giant ocean, by the looks of it Emilia was on elevated land as the shore below was about 450 meters down. Very far away she could see a giant octopus fighting something that looked like a Whale that could fly.
"My vision surely is good.." Her mind felt at peace here, she sat down and started to organize her thoughts, she knew she would get nowhere if she kept having a crysis.
"This is my reality now, though i dont like it." Looking at her paws and extremely sharp yet small claws, Emilia started to recall what Chronos could do.
"Chronos was a boo-hoo evil dragon, stepping stone of an overpowered protagonist. But it could rewind time and stop it besides having monstrous strenght and durability, being the size of a mountain." She didnt know how accurate those informations were, but she could guess by looking at her apearence that she was Chronos.
"But i am barely.. 140 centimeters if i stand up." She sighed in disapointment and wondered if she could get a human form.
"Since i am Chronos i should be able to do everything it could do." Emilia lifted her front paw and picked a small flower and plucked out their petals.
"Lets try rewinding time.." Putting though into it, Emilia felt a weird energy circle her body and leave her body towards the flower at an extremely fast speed, expanding into a small dome wich everything in that dome started to get rewinded.
Emilia was surprised and looked around, the flower petals came back and floated back to it's previous spot, time kept rewinding back and only stopped once 5 minutes passed.
"..It looks like i rewinded about 2 hours?" The dome slowly crumbled, next she tried to stop time.
The effects werent the same as the rewinding time, as this time she felt the same energy circulate through her body, giving an extra feeling of durability.
Taking a good look into it nothing moved, she plucked a petal and it throwed away the flower next, the flower moved for a while until it stopped and the petal was frozen into the air.
But something unexpected happened once time was resumed, the flower that she threw flew at a speed that was nearing the speed of light and broke near a hundred threes in it's path, the petal was also instantly vaporized..
Emilia got spooked at the sudden noise but then realized what caused it.. "When i threw that flower.. It gained that speed because time was stopped?"
"Wait, that doesnt mean when i stop time i dont actually stop it, but i go super fast?" Emilia scratched her head, that would explain that extra feeling of durability.
"Then let's try to actually stop time!" Emilia tried once again, this time a small dome formed infront of her paw, the size of a baseball.
"Huh?" She took a look at it but saw nothing, so she decided to throw it away.
Once it crashed onto a tree, a gap of darkenss appeard and then air was pulled into it alerting Emilia.
"This-" She looked at the direction of the small time stop ball she throwed, there was nothing left but a crater.
"Let's stick up with being super fast to stop time.." Emilia didnt know why that happened but decided not think about it.
She took another look at the ocean that was far away and approached the edge to take a closer look at the ocean, the smell of it was quite nice.
Emilia took a deep breath, "I really hoped this was all a dream, but it seems so real.."
"..There are strong monsters, weird creatures and it seems other people have turned into fictional characters?" Emilia giggled a little, this sounded like a plot of a novel.
"Whatever the motive is that i am now here, the only way to survive is to be strong and even if i am strong now, there might be things even stronger!"
"That huge green thing that looked like an ogre, there could be an army of them! And i am not confident of destroying more than a thousand, i dont know how much power i can put out before getting tired either."
"Then, i must find a way to become stronger, no, to become the strongest dragoness! So that i can finally live in peace!" Emilia was determined, this day she kept on testing other things besides 'Time Destruction', the attack that destroyed those trees, she though it was a befeting name.