Chereads / The Ker: Danmachi Fanfiction / Chapter 17 - Festival

Chapter 17 - Festival

Exiting the Guild Hall with a heavy heart, I made my way to the Caishen Bank, planning on turning in the banknote and receiving my funds, before going to place a custom order for my spear, using the wyvern claw as the spear tip.

However, even though the idea of getting a new, custom spear was exciting, I felt... nothing.

Sigrid had grown on me during the journey, and I wanted to comfort her; to tell her that I was joking, that I would take her and make her mine.

Yet, I knew myself too well.

Yes, I enjoyed the way her body felt on my skin, how her moans and cries were heavenly, and how utterly delicious her tears were, but I didn't want to give her false hope.

I... don't know if I could truly devote myself to her.

Even though I enjoyed the night we spent together, I was still looking forwards to getting a taste of Astrid; I would still be drawn to the incredible softness of Gia from the Garden Red, and I wanted a taste of Inaya.

I just couldn't see myself remaining true to just one woman.

Sigrid was great; again, the way she felt as I pressed her underneath me was divine, but I just didn't... feel anything other than lust with her. She was fun to talk to, sure, but I couldn't see myself lying with her night after night, living with her and doing things a normal couple would do.

She just... didn't give me that 'spark' people talked about; the way you know you are in love.

Of course, that still didn't mean I liked seeing her sad, which is why I was currently shuffling down the road, my head low.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the bank when I reached it, before looking for an available teller.

Waiting in line, I handed the banknote and my emblem over, before nodding to the teller when they handed me two heavy pouches.

There were a few hours left until dusk, but I just wanted to collapse into my bed, so I made my way towards home.

Entering, I heard the sound of Bia moaning in her room, making me give a dry chuckle before quietly entering the bath, sinking into the warm water.

Closing my eyes, I let my mind go blank as I dozed off, only to jump when I heard someone knock on the door.

Looking over I saw the masked figure looking into the bath, making me raise a brow.

"We need to talk."

Hearing the fluctuating voice, I just nodded. Getting up, I dried off before throwing on a clean set of clothes, making my way towards the kitchen where the figure sat, a bottle of wine on the table.

Taking a seat, I looked at the wine bottle before sighing.

Grabbing it, I poured myself a glass and sat back, swirling the deep red liquid as I looked at the figure.

"There is the Monsterphilia coming up soon, and the Ganesha Familia wants to have a segment where they host a tournament between Adventurers. I want you to participate, bath because the Gambling House has your Familia with a fantastic return on investment, and because I want you to get the experience."

Pursing my lips, I drained half my glass before asking "Why do you want me to get the experience? I already know how to fight and kill Adventurers."

Shrugging, the figure said "Training, mainly. There is a bet among the upper Families that you can't reach Level 4, and I have you slated to reach it with ease. So, make me some more money, hmm?"

I chuckled, saying "What are the odds for me to win?"

Nodding, the figure leaned forwards and said "Its a 10 times increase. So, I put in, lets say 100,000 Valis, I make 1,000,000 from it. As for the Level 4 bet? Not as drastic, just tripling my money."

Sighing, I took another sip before nodding.

"Fine, fine. I always wanted to participate in the Monsterphilia anyways. However, I'm guessing there is no killing?"

Seeing the nod, I sighed again, before asking "When is it? I broke my spear, so..."

"In a week."

"Alright, sounds good to me. I'll put in my order tomorrow and hope it'll be done in a week. Was that it?"

Shaking their head, the figure leaned forwards and whispered "What does Bia like? I was thinking of getting her a little something, y'know since our anniversary is coming up..."

Raising a brow, I said "Revealing your face? A bottle of wine? Taking her out somewhere instead of just coming here and bedding her?"

Sighing, the figure got up and looked down at me, before saying "Fine, I'll take her somewhere... does she prefer fancy places or quiet?"


Nodding, they left the house, stroking their chin as they contemplated their options.

I just shrugged, before refilling my glass.

Downing it, I filled up again before finishing that one. Sighing, I made my way to my room, flopping onto my bed.

Closing my eyes, I thought over the conversation before clearing my mind, enjoying the warmth coming from the wine before slipping into unconsciousness.


Picking up all three pouches of Valis, I made my way towards Babel, dressed in my normal clothing, the only weapon on me being a dagger hidden in my boot.

Making my way up the tower, I eventually reached the Fifth Floor, and I looked around the various shops for a weapon smith.

Entering the third store, I looked towards the counter to see...

Astrid, leaning against the counter as she spoke animatedly to the other woman, who listened with a small smile.

Sneaking up, I caught the conversation, chuckling slightly.

"...She was so beautiful! The way that gray corset I made hugged her body almost made me faint!"

"Yup, I remember you almost had a nosebleed when I put it on."

She yelped, turning to look at me before blushing furiously.

"Ah... Ni-NIkoletta! I-I didn't know you got back!"

Chuckling, I slid behind her, pulling her into me as I whispered "I came back last night. And after I take care of my business today I was planning on 'paying' you back~"

She shivered in my arms, before looking over towards the other woman, who was smirking at us.

"Oh, don't mind me. In fact, Nikoletta, do you think you could blow in her ear? She's quite sensitive there~"

Grinning, I looked down at the fidgeting Astrid before I nipped her ear, enjoying the way she shivered as she let out a low moan.

Chuckling, I smiled at the woman and thanked her.

"That's going to be real helpful tonight~ Thanks!"

She nodded, grinning as she said "She reacts really well when you do that and use a heavy touch~"

Widening my eyes in surprise, I shook my head, saying "Hey, no spoilers. Half the fun is finding out what makes her tick!"

We exchanged a laugh, much to Astrid's embarrassment.

"So, I take it you didn't just come in because you saw Astrid?"

Nodding, I said "I need a spear custom made. In a week."

The woman pursed her lips, before asking "Well, that's a short time frame. What materials are you looking at?"

Smiling, I let Astrid go before taking the wyvern claw from my belt, placing it on the counter.

"How about a wyvern claw?"

She looked at it in surprise, before revealing a wide grin.

"Y'know, because you were nice to Astrid, and because I get to brag about working with a rare material, I'll give you a discount. Names Skela."

"Nice to meet you, Skela. Shall we go into detail about this spear?"

She nodded, and we slowly lost ourselves in the requirements I wanted from her, and she told me what she could and couldn't do.

It took a while, with her making me use various spears around the store as references, but we eventually reached a decisive answer.

"Well, if I had to guess, this'll run you around 430,000 Valis after the discount... I mean, the materials you want are quite high end you know."

I nodded, placing a pouch on the counter before counting out the 430,000 Valis.

After signing a contract, I watched as Skela scooped up the claw with a reverent gaze, before shooing us out of the store, her last words being "Have fun tonight!"

I chuckled, placing my arm around Astrid's waist as I lead her out of the store.

Leaning into her, I whispered "I plan on it~"