As Kei slowly reaches his hand out, Yuruna gets so eager that she grabs his arm and places his hand into her hand and shakes vigorously shaking his whole body, Yuruna's aura suddenly turned bright and the gloomy scary aura around her has passed away, how strange he thinks...
Kei and Yuruna have now formed their seal of friendship with this overreacted handshake of hers, they start to talk and suddenly out of nowhere Yuruna gets the impulse to drag poor Kei to all the stalls and taste all the food they can find! With a expression of stuffed to the point of barfing, Yuruna still has the energy to checkout the activity stalls like scooping for goldfish or playing some genreal festival games they have around for the children.
Out of nowhere Kei's back started to hurt a little, he thought it might be from all the dragging around recently at this festival, but what happend may be more terrifying than anyone could have imagined...
As time goes by and the clock is now 10pm, the shrine maidens are tasked with ringing their big bell for informing people that it is now time to bring out the sealed bottle and take a moment to worship life, death and the sealing of Wazu, as they have done for generations.
For a whole 15 minutes there is just silence, only the wind and some wind chimes in the distance can be heard, after praying for a while they bring out a long table, decorate it and start to plate the table with a big variety of different foods, desserts and drinks for everyone to enjoy for free.
After a satisfactory night, and Kei making friends with Yuruna, they get tired and decide to walk home together, but Kei thinks it's a bit strange he usually had no neighbours, but when walking with Yuruna it seemed like a whole new house had appeared as his neighbour from nowhere, Yuruna then goes to say "it seems we were neighbours without knowing, how funny is that?!" and she gives a small laugh and a cute smile, they wave eachother goodbye and walk into their homes to rest.
That was the plan to say the least...