Chereads / Cancer Man / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Color Theory

Cancer Man

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Color Theory

It's a sunny warm day, in a middle class neighborhood.Dalton Murphy was a nobody in this place but this summer I was a made guy around here.It's started well when I turned 18, my friends and I decided to rob a liquor store for the hell of it.It was me, Ricky, James, Danny, Ellie and Marvin.Boy it was a hectic day, well Marvin was the oldest out of us all.He was 19 at the time, he was the getaway driver.He and James wait in his 69' chevy Impala as me, Ricky and Danny prepare.

"Alright keep it running, don't pussy out on us Ricky, this is for real…." Says Danny as I say quickly in the backseats,

"Imma say this now, any of you want to back out ? Leave now or forever hold your peace …."

It's quiet as they all look around the car.

"Alright then, let's go…." I say as me, Danny and Ricky exit out with ski masks on.Only Danny is carrying a sawed-off shotgun as me and Ricky carry a .38 snub nose each.Keep in mind it's a cold night as no witnesses seem nearby at this hour.

I got the door as we walked in casually, the clerk jumped as Danny aimed at him and yelled

"Don't fucking move you fuck, I'll blow your fucking head !" He yells as the woman aside the other register yells.I run over and aim as I say

"Calm down Sweetheart, just hands up, Cmon now …."

She is in shock as she stays still, Ricky starts to run over to the cooler with his duffle bag and starts to fill it with all types of liquor.Danny jumps over the counter and smacks the clerk with the shotgun.

"Open the register, Cmon !" He demands as I start to see the other clerk cry.

"Oh don't cry…..we ain't hurting you darling, just breathe alright " I say as the clerk opened the register for Danny.

"Alright get the hell outta the way ! " says Danny as he takes out the money.I calm down the female clerk as i tell

"Now will you please open up the register please ?…" I ask as she slowly opens it.Ricky rushes through to the exit as he says "Cmon now, hurry it boys !"

Danny aggressively gets the cash out of her register as he's shoved her over.

"Whoa go easy now…" I say as he's taken out all the money and replies "I don't give a shit …."

He jumps back out the counter as we all run out.Danny turns to the clerk who's recovering from the hit still and says "see you next week pal !" He yells on his way out as we all start laughing.We run back into the car and I yell "drive !"

We drove up to Ellie's home as he's sitting outside his apartment building smiling and laughing.

"You dumb fucks, Come on get in !" He cheers as We walk quickly in laughing and joking as Marvin goes to park.We walk by Ellie's Father, who's sleeping in the living room and rush into Ellie's room.

"You crazy bastards ….haha !" Exclaims Ellie's as he closes the door of his room.

"Marvin will be here in a bit so let's wait on him…" says Ricky as Danny goes to a little white chest that's filled with junk foods and soda.

"Alright put on a movie Ellie…" says James as Ellie goes to his shelf's full of DVDS and replies

"Which movie today ?"

Danny comes back with a box of Ferrero Rocher and a box of pop tarts.

"Let's watch Scarface …." Says Danny as Ricky adds on

"We watched that last week, let's watch Gladiator!" They all joke around as Ellie say

"Fuck Gladiator, let watch Snatch…." They all joke around still as Danny passes around the box of chocolates.I'm sorry I forget to mention his room, it's a small room but a big expression.He has a bed that looks like it belongs in a mental Asylum, a small couch next to the window, and a big 3-set drawer with a mirror.The mirror holds multiple Polaroids and pictures of the crew.There's a big Dynex television in the corner of the room but is sets the room, you can't miss that screen.Near the closet is that white chest with the shelf of DVDS aside it.Ellie is a very pop culture type of guy but doesn't get nerdy about things, he's subtle about it.They're all still arguing and laughing as I just stare at the duffle bag on the bed, it's still filled with the money and liquor.

"We're gonna watch Apocalypse Now " I say with force as they all quietly nod.

"Sounds good to me …." Says Ellie as he gets the dvd out and puts it in his DVD player.Ricky and Danny sit aside each other on the bed as they eat the chocolates.I'm standing around the shelves as James is sitting on the couch as Ellie starts up the film.I get a call as it's Marvin,

"He's outside !" I tell Ellie as he runs out to let him in.Danny opens up the pop tart box as he passes them around,

"Aye once boys, a happy birthday to Dalton !" He says as they cheer.

"Thank you…." I say calmly as Ellie and Marvin walk in.Ellie locks the door as Marvin goes to hug me.

"We did it ! " he says as we still cheer.Danny gets up as tells Ricky

"Move over !" He says as Ricky moves off the bed, Danny gets the money out the duffle and leaves the liquor posing there.

"Christ it's beautiful ain't it ?" Says Marvin as all 6 of us crowd around it.In reality we got away with Five hundred dollars worth of booze and Two thousand from the registers.

"Alright we split this money equally boys, 330 dollars each, around there and just give the left overs to the birthday boy …." Says Marvin happily as we all laugh in joy.Danny starts to give the money out as we all talk amongst ourselves in our own conversations around the room.I still stand around the room as Danny hands over my cut and says "Dalton you alright, Cmon cheer up now, this was your plan after all and it worked !" He says as Marvin adds

"Hey you're only 18 once man, I know that, so really give a smile or something you ugly fuck …" he tells me as I laugh.They all laughed as the movie continues on, "Christ never mind don't smile, doesn't look so good …" says Ricky jokingly as they all laugh.I sit next to Marvin and Danny aside Ellie's Bed as Ricky, Ellie and James sit on his couch.

"Here drink up, you've earned it ." Says Marvin to me as I reply "You know I don't drink man …"

Danny takes the drink instead and says "I'll take it …." They both drink as Ricky and Ellie do as well.It's only me and James who don't drink, he doesn't because he's four months sober, I don't because of my father.If you know like me, when you drink so young and keep the habit.When you're old, you'll have that beer belly a big one at best.He's my personal PSA of why not to do it.

We all relax around the room as we watch the movie, Snacks all around.

Marvin gets up and says "listen up real quick boys, what we did stays with us and will keep us bonded now …." He says as all listen in agreement.

"I do hope if you guys are willing too, we'll expand on bigger things to make more money…..this alone for night, we've made what i usually make in a month… are you guys in ?" He asks as we all one by on say "yea "

"Well alright, from now on, we are the 19 Club…."

Says Marvin as he takes a sip of his beer, we all nod in silence as Danny says

"That's a dumb fucking name, the 19 club, the hells that even mean ?" He asks as we all laugh at the thought.

"Because, We live in this neighborhood, right on 19th street, where the crazy Motherfucker were born…." He says as they all cheer now.

"Alright then the 19 club !" Says Danny as we get back to the movie.

What he said was somewhat true, Me and Danny knew each other since our mothers were still conceived with us.Our mothers hanged out frequently in those times.Ricky and James were born here and so was Marvin.But what's the odd one out is Ellie, he was born in a different neighborhood area but stayed here when he was 9 years old.Still he's one of us now and we all have a special connection since knowing each other since elementary school, we're still together.