Chapter 75 - Chapter 75

" What the hell is this?! "

Genesis as ask he look at Raphaela. She stood to her feet and brushed off her clothes. Terabyte and Artemis was speechless when they looked her.

" Ugh, who is she and why is those who looking at her like that? "

Overheat ask.

" She's Raphaela Xavier, the one everyone is looking for, She's also the one who came my love's power back to him "

Nightshade explain.

" That's her ? the one we've been looking for ? she's not what I imagine "

Overheats look at her profoundly as he was expecting an old lady instead of this young and beautiful girl.

" Hehehehee, its Raphaela Xavier the smartest person in the galaxy. GG it's crazy to see you here "

Raphaela started asking Genesis a bunch of questions left and right she was getting on his nerves.

" Will you shut up... "

" Gasp, No way did you come to save me,oooh my herooooo Heheheheh "

Raphaela went toward him to give Genesis a hug but he put his hand on her face stopping her from hugging him. Genesis grabbed her face and started squeezing it within his grip.

" Shut up you loudmouth and annoying and tell me what your doing here!? "

" GG that really really really really really really hurts fine I'll do it I'll talk "

Genesis decided to let her go so that she could talk. Before she did Raphaela has to check her face as his grip caused a red hand prints to appear on her face.

"GG why do you have to be so mean to me oweeee. so here's what happened "

One day ago

The streets was being cleared, business place was being closes early as the Android still remains a threat to them. Everyone was returning home except for one restaurant where Raphaela was eating. She was chowing down on grilled stake and drinking wine.

" Deeeliciouuuuus absolutely delicious "

The waiters all looked at her nervously because she was there eating while everyone was evacuating the streets. The manager of the restaurant approach her nervously

" Uhm ma'am, the restaurant is going to be closed right nowb, I'm sorry but we are going to have to ask you to leave "

She said.

" Really? What a bummer ? I was so looking for to enjoying their shrimp pasta Hahahaha, oh well "

Suddenly gun was pointed to her head and without opening her eyes to see three Android standing behind her. They had just came to through a portal that closed up behind them. The manager and her employees ran away as fast as they could leaving Raphaela.

" Heheehehe wow you guys sure find me quick "

She said cutting a large piece of the stake and taking a big bite of it

<< This isny a game of hide and seek. We need you come with us Dr Raphaela >>

" No way, that's such a pain..uhm Waaaaiterrrrr.. Huh, they left.. Ow well I guess I can sneak in their kitchen and see what yummy food they have there.. Hahahahaha "

Raphaela got and headed for the kitchen of the restaurant when another portal open up and two more Android walked through it blocking her path. Without opening her eyes she looks up at the Android standing before her and smiled. She takes up a butter knife and leaped high into the air and throw it in one of the Android eye. The Android kepted firing at her but missed as she dodged by doing spining and maneuvering her body in the air.

" Hahahahahahahah "

Raphaela land behind one of the Android and place her hand in its back. With that slight tap she manage to break it's body into to bending into into a Perfect C. The light in the Android eyes faded as it fall to the ground lifeless. She runs around breaking the Android apart with only her physical strength, even top A ranked would have trouble doing that.

" Hahahahaha, you guys can fight me because Raphaela the supergenius is mentally and physically modified down to the molecular level, as so the only person who can hope to challenge me is GG Hahahaha "

Multiple portals open and more Android walked through it. Raphael smiled and place her hand on one of the Android lying on the ground.

" More of you, sure I'll play with you hehehehehe "

Suddenly a magical circuit runs from her fingertip and through the body of the Androids. The Android body break apart into hundreds of pieces and reconstructs itself into a Gatlin in Raphaela hand.

" Here we gooooooo "

Raphael started to move down Androids one after the other with relative ease until there was none standing.

" Hehehehehe, I hope didn't mess up my hair "

<< Stand down >>

" Huh ?! "

A portal open and another Android step through it. She was as tall as Artemis with a silver naked body and the majestic aura of a queen. This Android came through the portal with another hundreds of Android behind her. Raphael looked up at the Android and dropped the Gatlin.

" Hehehehe, wow this is amazing, no super amazing "

Raphaela started to walk around the Android examining it profoundly.

" So what kind of Android are you ?the long distance type or the close combat type or maybe special defense type "

<< If you want to find out you should come with us >>

Said the female Android.

" Really "

" Yes my creator wants to see you right away so will you come with me "

" So long as I get to look inside of you let's goooo "

Back to present.

" That why I'm here, they locked me up and I didn't even get a chance to look at her specs, what a bummer! "

Listen to her story everyone started to question her intelligence as the world's smartest person. She fell into enemies hands all for the sake of looking at the specs of an Android, Even someone who is a retard would know that it was a trap.

" why are you here GG ? "

Raphaela ask.

" Tch, as much I would hate to say this. Urgh we were looking for your sorry *ss , so let's go "

Suddenly Raphaela gasp and back away from him.

"Who are you and what have you done to GG? "

She ask, Genesis got irritated and punched her on the head slamming her face into the floor.

" Ow, that so hurts, It's you alright, you're the real GG "

" Shut up and let's get out of there "

" What about the ship? "

Terabyte ask.

" Tch, forget the ship we have more important things to worry about, like keeping this idiot from dying by god knows who's hand "

Genesis said.

Zero teleport them back to the ground. The city was almost destroyed and the Android still dominate with their numbers. Ultimate and his friends was slowly being backed into a corner. Genesis and the others stood in front of the warehouse looking at the city that was burning.

" Why do I feel like this is the end of the world? "

Overheat ask.

" It's no point standing here so why don't we go out there, what do you say Genesis "

Terabyte said.

Genesis looked out at the city and as he looked he remembered what Ultimate said about it not being too late for him to do the right thing.

" Tch, fine let's.... "

" You're here "

April said.

Everyone turned and look at April who was standing there with a smile on her face. She looked perfectly healthy after being in such a deep sleep for a long time.

" Hey kid you're awake, that's good for you "

Overheat approach when Raphaela got a bad signal and quickly pulled him away from her.

" Hey what are you doing ? .... "

He ask but Raphaela ignored him and continue to look at April who was still smiling while standing there.

" You're not my sweet little April are you? "

She ask.

Everyone was suprised by Raphaela question, they looked at April silently and her friendly smile turned into something sinister. She started to giggle in a creepy way and this made everyone panic.

" How perceptive of you, You saw me for who I am before anyone did, I would expect nothing less from my Master "

April said.

" My name is Dark Neptune, it's a pleasure to meet all of you "

She introduced herself.

" I don't understand, what's going on here?! "

Overheat ask, Genesis got angry and grabbed Artemis around her throat again.

" Tell me what's going on, what's the meaning of this. Answer me right now "

" I'm sorry but I don't know sir, this was not in my data base, She isn't supposed to be here "

Artemis said.

" It's not in my data base because I'm the one who made it that way "

April said.

" I don't understand What do you mean by that? "

" Hehehehe, haven't you figured yet, everything that happened so far, everything that you're doing was set by me, Artemis, April wasn't the one who created you, it was me "

" What but that's impossible ?! "

Artemis started to panic, She was created by the one person who she was fighting against.

"Not only you , all of humanity has been my pawn this whole time "