Chapter 76 - Chapter 76

" For all of you we are having this conversation for the very first for but for me this is the millionth time. "

Said Dark Neptune who was inside April's body.

" The millionth time ? So you're saying that you've not only destroyed humanity once but a million times. You must be lying right now "

Said Terabyte.

" Human intelligence are so limited. Everything Artemis told you was the truth, my creator did die the first time by human hands and I was left all alone, I had my revenge on humanity but it wasn't enough. There is still this void in my programming and in order to comprehend the full extent of human emotions I've been doing this over and over again hoping that fill that void "

" So you're destroyed the world over and over again just because you have some screws loose, You lack true villain ecstatic, So how did you your claws on the kid ? "

Genesis ask

" Hehehehe, i was here from the very beginning,Thanks to Artemis carrying my virus I was able to transfer my self inside her body and take over the Index Network, It took a while but I eventually succeed "

Dark Neptune said.

Genesis started to think about it, That day April became sick wasn't because she has caught a cold it was because Dark Neptune has implanted her consciousness into April. In addition to that, The reason April has been unconscious is because of her. Genesis felt angry because this is second time being played a fool .

" So how do we get her out? "

Terabyte ask.

" You can't, I've already taken over the index network meaning I have full control of the God's Eye Sattelite and with that I can easily take over the world's network at once "

" What do you mean by that? "

" She's going to launch all the missiles and destroy the world "

Raphaela explain.

" Dr Raphaela can't you help stop her? "

Artemis ask.

" Sorry, I can't do that, "

" Why "

" She can't then I will "

Overheats rushes toward with both hand to grab at her and went he got close to her, Overheat struck a barrier and was repelled away. They looked at Dark Neptune who was still standing there with a standing there.

" It's because of that "

Raphaela said.

" I've have already analyze Genesis DNA from the very first time and was able to replicate his powers, Now I've gain control over the world and for the 1 million and 1 time you will all be destroyed again "

Dark Neptune tap her feet on the ground and caused it to break and collapse. Genesis and the others quickly retreated away and Overheat used the opportunity to shoot flames at Dark Neptune but she stopped it her barehand. Genesis flew into the air and swing his hand to creat a tornado that went straight for Dark Neptune and she swings her hand creating one. The two tornadoes collided with one and other then cancel each other out.

" We have to retreat and regroup, Zero "

Said Terabyte then they were quickly teleport away by Zero to the top of the tallest skyscraper. Overheat punches the wall in a fit of rage.

" Damn it, This is all a big mess "

He said.

" What are we going to do now ?"

Terabyte ask,

Genesis looks at Artemis that was standing there looking at them silently. He got irritated upon seeing her and walked up her when Raphaela jumped her way.

" Sorry GG I can't let you kill her "

" Move, that thing started all this mess, it's why are in this situation and didn't you here what that AI said it created her which means that thing is my enemy and I don't show my enemies any mercy, so I'll ask again, move "

Genesis continue to leak out his killing intent but that didn't faze Raphaela in the slightest. Hearing his words the others seem to agree with what he said.

" I should have know as well, her design is the same as theirs and all that crap about I can't tell you much about the future you just didn't want to tell us the truth "

" Damm thing played us for a fool "

" They are right "

Artemis said.

" I've been programmed to help the weak and innocent and after a time it became my honor I've betray humanity and for that I deserved to be punished "

She walked before them and prostrate herself.

" I offer up my life in atonement "

Artemis continue to wait for her final judgment. Nobody made a move as yet, they couldn't understand what to do in this situation. Genesis walked up to Artemis and raised her heard and looked her in the eyes.

" If you think we are going to let you off that easily you're sorely mistaken. Your job here isn't done yet "

He said. Artemis stood back on her feet and salute them all.

" Then I'll atone by serving you all and I will even sacrifices my life if needed "

The others stood on the roof looking at the city that was getting destroyed by the Androids.

" So how are we going to stop the Dark Neptune from destroying the world? "

Overheat ask.

" Tch, simple we destroy that AI that Raphaela has "

Genesis turned to Raphaela, Everyone turned and look at her as well. With her eyee closed Raphaela look at them.

" Come on not my poor MII "

"You're poor MII is a computer AI that has destroyed the world a million times now cough it up "

" Wait hold on Genesis "

Terabyte called out.

"Think about it, that Android said it has been doing this for the Millionth time, I'm sure that a percentage of that time we destroy Dr Raphaela AI "

" She's right, maybe that's not the key to destroying her Since she's my creator I'm sure she has made countermeasure if that happenes "

Artemis said.

Raphaela called for MII to appear and she did. The moment they saw the humanoid AI they became on guards.

" That's the Dark Neptune before she got corrupted "

Artemis explains.

<< What can I do for you Lady Raphaela? >>

" Can you calculate the most possible way to destroy Dark Neptune ?"

<< As you command... Calculating Best Case Scenario >>

MII continue to calculate and after 10 seconds she came up with the best solution to save the world from destruction. She slowly opened her eyes and look at Genesis

<< For the Individual name Genesis to destroy the Index Network >>

MII suggest.

Genesis was shocked upon hearing this. By destroying the index network it means destroying April's soul killing her.

" She's right, only Genesis can do it since he's able to get pass her barrier "

Terabyte said.

" Come on, I'm sure there must be some other way to do this "

Overheat said.

They ask MII again and it was the same answer she gave as before for Genesis to kill April with his own hands since he's able to get to her. Genesis stood there silently as he couldn't find himself harming a poor innocent girl especially since she has been so good to him.

" I can't do it "

He said.

" I know you couldn't do it "

Suddenly everyone was on guard as Dark Neptune was standing on the roof with them.

Dark Neptune laughed as she walked closer.

" This has happened a million times, Genesis fail to kill April and I end up destroying the world again all because he has a little soft spot for this clone, it's sad actually "

She stopped walking.

" Admit it Genesis you care about April so much that you wouldn't want to see her get hurt "

" Shut up! "

" Everyone that's around you knows the truth "

" Shut up! "

" You do care about her ? you're just too afraid to admit it, You're not the world's strongest no Genesis, you're the world's weakest "

" Shuuuuuut Uuuuuuup !"

Genesis charged at her in a fit of rage and Dark Neptune sinister smile turned into a happy and friendly and happy one.

" April missed you so much "

She stop in April's voice again, Genesis stopped in his tracks and all his anger turned into fear. Dark Neptune sinister expression appeared again and started to laugh at him.

" Hehehehe, See, face the facts you can't defeat me with the help of this coward, It's all over now, I've one and you've lost "

Dark Neptune tap her feet on the ground and cracked the skyscraper causing into to collapse. Those who could fly help carried the one who couldn't to a different location, to the park on the side of the hill. Genesis punched a tree with all his strength and broke it in half.

" Damn it, Damn it "

" Don't be too hard on yourself Genesis, I couldn't do it if I was you "

Terabyte said, Genesis then turned and look at her sternly.

" What do you mean by that?! "

" There is no point telling you when you already knows the truth.. Huh ?! "

Terabyte takes over her tablet that was vibrating endlessly. On the screen was a tap of the world with multiple red dots blinking on every continent.

" Impossible "

Across the world Nuclear bombs and other Ballistic missiles was been armed and ready to launch all across the world. The government and the military was in a complete state of panic. In China the launch pads open and the missiles was being armed, they tried to defuse it but it was futile. In Russia, Kira sense something was off and then she got a call to return to the base immediately.

After flying over Kira was informed that the Tsar bomba II similar to the one that exploded in Oct 30 1961was being arms on plane that took off and it's coordinates was the largest shelter in Russian. All across the world missiles was prep for launch and their coordinates was the area where most humans are gathered together in shelters and hospital. The military and other engineers are working together to disarmed the missile but couldn't, the missiles was still armed. There is one thing controlling the missiles and that's the God's Eye sattelite. Genesis and the others looked at Raphaela simultaneously.

" Eh! Did I do something wrong? "

" Tch, now that Android has taken over the Satellite the slim chance of survival is gone "

Genesis said.

Suddenly out of nowhere a missile was launch on their position. Genesis was the first to take action by flying up to the missiles and with a single touch he caused it to explode. Dark Neptune came flying through the flame and and deliver a punch at him. Genesis was send crashing back down into the park unscathed. Dark Neptune remain suspended in the air and giggling in a sinister way.

" Guys, all the missiles are about to be launched ! "

Terabyte shouts.

" If that happens then millions of people will killed, we have to stop her "

Overheat said,

Genesis fly up to April and was able to breach the barrier to grabbed her face. He knows been killing Dark Neptune everyone will be saved. She started to giggle despite going to die.

" Go ahead do it "

She said with a smile. Genesis started to hesitate again.

" You can't do it can you, if you kill me April will die and if she dies then you'll be lost into despair "

Her words taunts him and he knows it's true. Genesis could only remember her sweet innocent smile and she cares for him. As he told her face he grits his teeth and no matter how tried to push his hand on her face kept loosening

" Launch time 1 minutes "

Terabyte count down the seconds and Genesis was still weighing his options. Sacrifice April to save millions of lives or Sacrifices all these lives to save hers. Genesis grit his teeth so hard he was bleeding from his gum, he couldn't find himself killing such a pure and innocent little girl.

" 10,9,8,7,6,5 "

" I'm sorry kid "

Genesis squeeze her April's head and destroy the core inside her body, soon after the red dots on disappeared.

" The launch as been canceled "

Terabyte said.

" The world is now safe

Everyone was happy expect for Genesis who descended down to the ground with April's lifeless body in his hand. He walked passed everyone and rest her gently on the bench. Terabyte and the other silently looks at him as he shift her hair from her face, she was smiling even after death.

" Foolish kid, If you hadn't shown up in my life then you wouldn't have to die.... Show up in my life, I see "

Suddenly Genesis gasp as he noticed a tears running down on check. He started to panic and takes a step back from April's body. As he looked at the tears on his finger he couldn't help but feel terrified, this is his very first time crying ever since he was born. Genesis anger starts to rise as he repeatedly saw moments with April playing out in his mind and Suddenly the number on his headphones rises as well

" Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh "

At the top of his lungs he screamed, his hair and eyes turned glowing Sky Blue and his wings appeared. On his headphones was the words [ Level 7 Code Red ] and only Raphaela knows that mean. Genesis turned his eyes and look at all of them with murderous intention in his eyes.

" This is our fault, this is all your faaault "

Genesis fly up to Raphaela and punches at her. She defended with her barrier but his punch was so powerful it sense her flying back to the city with seconds. Genesis fly after her at sonicspeed , Raphaela opened her eyes for the first time revealing black sclear, skyblue circuit running through it and a digital pupil. She could see Genesis flying towards with his wing stretch far out slicing building in half like knife through butter.

Terabyte and the others watched form a distance as the city was light up with flashes of sky-blue light. There was another beeping on Terabyet tablet and she checked it. There was red dots all over the world map again.

" The missiles have been reactivated "

" What but didn't we stop Dark Neptune ?! "

Nightshade ask.

They turned and look at April body who was still on the bench lifeless.

" But how.....The sattelite ?! "

Terabyte called out looking up at the sattelite far in the sky. At the end of the sattelite pointing down on the world was a dish with a large eyeball in the center of it, The eyeball blinked once and adjust it's camera to get a clear view of fight between Genesis and Raphaela.

" So that's where she has been all along. April was only the decoy all along "

Terabyte said.

" Artemis Tell me who killed Raphaela in your time "

" Unfortunately that wasn't recorded in history but if this plot has been repeated from the 2nd up to the millionth time then the first must have been someome close to Raphaela, Could it have been?! "

" in the first time I believe that Dark Neptune was the one who killed her own master "

" I don't think that's possible, why would she kill her own master and take out her revenge on humans, Maybe it was an assassin of some sort? "

Nightshade ask

Terabyte bites her nail in frustration as she didn't know who to answer that question. if Genesis kills Raphaela in a fit of rage then everything Dark Neptune will win and the world will be destroyed.

" We have to stop Genesis from killing Raphaela otherwise we will fail "

She suggested.

" How are we going to that ?"

Nightshade ask.

" I don't know but we have do try "

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