Chereads / The House of Arcane / Chapter 1 - The Time My Life Changes

The House of Arcane

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Chapter 1 - The Time My Life Changes red as her eyes...and as red as the roses she sniffs. The snow I lie on as I die on the white as her long beautiful hair. I can't feel anything...this seems to be the end for me.

"I can't let you die...not while I am still alive, so open your eyes. Open your eyes...Wake..."

"UP!" My mother yelled as she slammed a pillow on my face.

I groaned and sat up, holding my face. "God that hurt so much mom! Can't you wake me up like a normal person?!"

"I would, if you wasn't such a heavy sleeper! You're gonna be late for school so get your butt up and hurry to your academy!" My mom fussed and smacked my face with the pillow once more.

I groaned and took the pillow from my face then dropped it on the ground. I sighed as I got out of bed to prepare for the school day. I did my normal routine, took a shower, freshened up, put on my uniform, and headed downstairs with my handbag over my shoulder. I said my goodbyes to my parents then headed out to go to the academy.

After riding on my bike for a few minutes to my academy, I finally made it and parked my bike in the bike area then got off. I walked to the courtyard of the school and sat with my friends at the table we always hung out at.

"Morning, guys." I yawned.

"Sup Tatsuya." One of my friends greeted.

"Yo Tatsuya, you peep that new episode of Magical Girl Magumi? She was even more sexier than last episode and I swear they keep making her more lewd with each episode. Her jugulars are also getting slightly bigger, what I'd do to squeeze them." My other friend said.

"No, and unfortunately I missed the huge knockers too because I was so focused on my essay. Ugh, what I would do to even see her jugs in person." I groaned lightly and laid my head down.

"Come on bro! Look at the academy we are enrolled in! An academy where the poon are aplenty and there's so many women to go around that we couldn't possibly get tired of it all!" One of the friends said.

"Takanora. You know that me and Fusashi know, that will never happen." I said.

"Yeah.." Takanora sighed, sounding defeated.

"Oh shit boys, let's go so we won't be late for our daily watch.." Fusashi smirked.

Takanora chuckled and smirked. He stood up and grabbed his bag. I stood up as well and yawned then followed the two to the secret location. Takanora and Fusashi dropped their bags and used the little hole to spy on the women taking baths.

"Oh yeah...this is amazing...their breasts are amazing, their asses are amazing..!" Fusashi said, practically drooling over them.

"Come on guys, you can't keep all of that beautiful boob view all to yourself! Let me see as well, it's my turn..!" I said as I tried to push them out of the way.

We heard a few women scream as they heard us and my friends both darted off without me. I grunted as I fell to the ground and rubbed my hamstring. I opened my eyes and looked up to see women of the kendo class and sighed. I already knew what was coming to me. I just allowed it to happen.

After getting my ass handed to me, I found my friends and sat down with them and grunted, fixing my glasses. "Thanks guys, I really appreciated the help." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry man but the women with the bamboo swords are no joke! I'm surprised you even leave there with a few scratches!" Takanora laughed a bit.

"It's almost like you're used to it or you just put right like it." Fusashi chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I said then looked at the sky and noticed a woman at the window sniffing roses. She had long white hair, had four piercings on her left ear and only one on her right. She had a beauty mark under her left eye. Her nails were red as the rose as well.

She opened her red eyes and looked at me. I sat up a bit then my friends looked at the woman as well then she walked off with her white hair flowing behind.

"Oh boy! That woman is definitely the hottest woman in the academy! Just imagine how sweet her juices are.." Fusashi said.

"Her name is Yuki Arcane. Her family is said to practically own part of Japan and she's ranked number one as the hottest woman in the academy. She's extremely mysterious as she doesn't show her face around much so no one truly knows who she really is on the inside." Takanora said.

"That boy...I have to know who he is." Yuki said as she sat on the couch and read a book.

"Which boy?" Her friend asked.

"The boy with the bruises on him from what looked like bruises from a bamboo sword." Yuki answered.

"Ahh, Tatsuya Hayashi. Age 19. Class 2-A, smartest male of the second year students, and a pervert. Why? Have you seeked interested in him? I didn't know you were into perverts." Yuki's friend said and looked at her.

"It's nothing like that. I just wanted to know if you knew him." Yuki said then closed her book. She stood up and walked off. " should know my type already."

Yuki's friend smiled and watched her leave the room.

The school day went by and I rode on my bike home, sighing. "Ugh, why can't I already be a fourth year and be super hot and shit. I'd have women begging to be in the bedroom with me, but alas such is life. Maybe today I can find some good porn to watch or something.."

I continued to ride on my bike until a woman ran in front of my bike. I pressed the brakes hard and hit a ledge, flying off my bike and landing on the ground. I grunted and looked up then noticed her black lace panties then gave a perverted smile and softly giggled. I stood up quickly and looked at the woman. She stared at me and smiled. She looked like any old beautiful academy girl, but the way she presented herself was vastly different.

"Sorry about that..~ I guess I should've paid more attention." The woman smiled.

"N-No you're hot- I mean fine- I mean all good. So uhm...are you lost?" I asked and rubbed my back of my head.

She giggled and nodded. "I am a little lost. You see I just moved out here and I need to find my way back to a neighborhood called Shikonai."

"Oh that's where I live actually. I can take you there if you'd like." I said then looked my bike. The front tire was done for so there was no using my bike at that point. I looked back at the woman. "We could...perhaps walk together?"

"I'd be delighted for that." The woman smiled and giggled.

I nodded and we began to walk together to Shikonai. As we walked, there was a bit of silence as I didn't know exactly what to talk about since I haven't really spoken to any women other than my mom. I decided to break the ice and ask a simple question.

"So...what's your name?" I asked.

"Hm?" She looked at me then processed what I said. "O-Oh, my name is Michie Okazaki."

"Do you go to my academy, y'know the Acadia Academy?" I asked.

"No, I go to another academy called Ravenwood Academy. It's pretty far from here and usually I ride a bike but I had little accident on the way back." Michie smiled and looked ahead.

"I-I see." I responded.

'Stop acting so shy Tatsuya! This is your one chance! She's not weirded out or anything! Make the best of this as you can because you'll never get another chance with a hot girl like her!' I thought to myself.

"I guess we are here." Michie smiled. "I'm up ahead, thank you for walking with me. Hopefully we can meet again soon."

"Uh- Yeah no problem. I hope we meet again as well." I said then waved her off.

I went home and actually felt a little good that a beautiful woman actually spoke to me outside of a dream! My excitement wouldn't be contained and I rushed into my house, already preparing myself for the days to come.

The next couple of days were the same, wake up, go to school, finish the day and walk home with Michie. It was amazing because we really started to get close and I kinda liked her. Everything was normal until...

"So Tatsuya...are you seeing anyone right now?" Michie asked.

As I heard the question I knew what was to come next out of it. "N-No! I mean nah, I'm not seeing anyone."

Michie smiled and stopped in front of me then turned around. "That's good because I wanted to ask if you could be my boyfriend."

I looked at her in shock and felt my heart skip about 20 beats in seconds. This was my moment and I didn't want to fuck it up. "Uh- Fuck yeah!"

'Holy shit you're embarrassing, Tatsuya!' I thought to myself.

Michie giggled then took out a piece of paper and a pen. She proceeded to write down her number and handed it to me. "Call me later..~ Maybe we can set up a date for later this week?~"

"Uh yeah definitely." I chuckled nervously and nodded.

Michie smiled and waved then hurried off. I looked at the piece of paper in my hand then felt so excited that I did a little dance inside my head before going straight home for the night. I ate dinner with my parents and went straight to my room to call Michie to make sure the number worked and to set up a date for this Sunday. She agreed and expressed her excitement. I was also excited and knew that I was going to see lady parts.

The Saturday arrived and I was waiting on Michie to arrive at a nearby plaza. As I waited a woman hurried over to me and handed me a piece of paper. I took it out of her hand and looked at the paper then looked back at the woman. She smiled and hurried off. The paper looked like some occult shit that you'd only see in video games and movies. I just put it in my pocket and shrugged.

"Hey, Tatsuya!" Michie called out and ran to me. She wore a pretty cute outfit for our first date and wanted to impress me, in which I was. "Sorry for being late, the train was making more stops than usual."

"No you're fine, I'm just glad you showed up." I smiled and placed my hands in my pockets.

"Shall we get going?~" Michie asked.

"Yeah let's go." I nodded.

We walked off together and wandered around the shopping area of the plaza. We talked together and had a blast. We visited various of stores such as the clothing stores, the jewelry shops, and finally went to a nearby ice cream shop where we sat down and had our favorite frozen treats. I looked at Michie as she ate her ice cream and noticed her cleavage then blushed. She looked up at me and smiled then I turned away quickly. She giggled and blushed.

Later that evening we walked around the park together holding hands and it seemed like the perfect first date. I didn't want this day to end at all. Michie let go of my hand then hurried ahead to the fountain and noticed it was snowing and giggled.

"Hey, let's commemorate this moment with a picture!~ My friends in Ravenwood would be so jealous~" Michie said then hurried over to me and took her phone out of her pocket. She held my arm and held her phone up with her other hand, ready to take the picture.

I looked at the camera and smiled, blushing. She snapped the picture and let go of my arm then smiled at the picture. She giggled and noticed something strange about the picture. She was about to show me then I heard a sniper shot and watched the bullet go straight through Michie's head then my eyes widened. I looked back then noticed a woman with blonde hair and gray eyes behind me. She had a black aura crown on her head and black angel wings. She wore a black dress and black stockings with heels on her feet. She looked at me and smirked.

"It was cute watching you two and your little romance moments...But now it's time for the good things to come to an end. I wasn't gonna risk her blowing my cover. I made up my mind and I believe it is the right time to kill you...You are a major threat to my kind and I can not allow you to live any longer." The woman said.

I fell down and scooted backwards. I stared at the woman and her large breasts. On one hand, I was definitely excited to see some nip but on the other hand she killed my girlfriend and now she was targeting me.

"Stay still for me will you..?~ I promise you even if you run, you're not outrunning me..~" The woman said as she turned her sniper into a spear of light energy.

She dashed to me and impaled me through my stomach then ripped her spear out of me. I groaned and coughed blood then laid on the ground. The woman flew off and laughed.

I looked at my hand and noticed my blood rolling down my hand. red as her eyes...and as red as the roses she sniffs. The snow I lie on as I die on the white as her long beautiful hair. I can't feel anything...this seems to be the end for me. Why me..? What have I done to deserve death..? This blows because I didn't want to go out like this...There's so much I want to do and now I can't. I'm gonna die a virgin and a loner forever. If I had one wish...I'd wish that in the next life, I'm a whole lot cooler and can get revenge on that bitch..

My pocket shined and a magic circle appeared beside me and I moved my eyes to look at the magic circle. A woman stepped out of the magic circle and I noticed that it was Yuki. At least my final sight was an acid trip where I see Yuki's face once last time. Would've been better if she was naked but whatever...I can die happily seeing her. I closed my eyes with a smile.

"You're the one who summoned me...Impressive I must reward you and your bravery for summoning an Archdemon. With that being said...I can't let you die...not while I am still alive, so open your eyes. Open your eyes...Wake..." Yuki started.

"UP!" My mother yelled and I subconsciously caught the pillow and opened my eyes. My mom looked surprised and let go of the pillow. "Uhm...breakfast is ready dear...come downstairs so you can eat before you head to school."

I opened my eyes and lowered my arm then looked at my ceiling. "What a strange dream...why did it feel so real..? What the heck is going on..?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes then looked at my phone.

There was no good morning message from Michie, but I took it as it was still early so I decided to check our messages. I was shocked to see that there was none. She had completed disappeared off my phone. There weren't any pictures, her number no longer was on my phone. I dropped my phone and hoped I wasn't only imagining the events. I held my head and tried to find any possible answers and I knew the only one person I could ask...was Yuki, but the chances of me actually talking to her were the chances of me actually having sex outside of a hentai dating simulator. I had to ask so I hurried and got ready then hurried downstairs and left the house.

"Wait Hun! Your breakfast!" My mom called out.

"Huh, he's never this excited to go to school. Maybe he has a girlfriend or something." My dad chuckled.

'Yuki...Please hear me out once I reach you. I need to know if Michie and the events were even real..!' I thought to myself.