Chereads / Female Hanma [Paused for GOT Fic] / Chapter 3 - Flashbacks

Chapter 3 - Flashbacks

"So that's him..." she nearly snarled, but she did growl and it made Doppo step back a little. The aura she has is one of savagery he has only seen in three men.

'Did Yujiro spread his seed in a Female Werewolf? He really gets around... I'd never be insane enough to screw something not human' Doppo breathed out.

"Mind telling me why seeing him makes you angry? You've never met the boy." Doppo had a twitch at the side of his eye.

"I was born and grew up in a third world country. I just hate seeing this! Why does he have it so good!? Why do you all... Get so much without a worry in the world! You don't worry about when you can eat, you don't worry about what day you'll be able to drink some water, you don't worry about having to kill a man just to live. In order to live sometimes you must take the life of another, be it man or animal! Why does he have it so good? Why do you all..." Shirogane was trembling in both rage and sorrow. Her tears dried long ago, not a single drop exits her eyes, but within her heart it is crying a lot.

"That's just reality, Shirogane. There is no such thing as fair in life. You want something? You take it. It's always been that way. You're just not seeing it from our perspectives. In the end people in Japan still take Water and Food from others, it's just that they don't have to kill a man for it, instead they pay money for it, and sometimes we can't afford even that, there's a class system here Grandmaster Shirogane, and it's ruthless! Maybe you should stay in Japan for a while and see the whole picture, not just a side." Doppo walks away after his speech.

"Whole picture? You make it sound so easy." Shirogane exhales her breath and steam comes out of her mask. She was so angry that her breath became hot steam.


"I want to defeat Yujiro!" Mahammad Alai Jr. Said to his father so many years ago and it made the world renowned Boxer pissed beyond reason.


"I ALMOST WON!" Junior yelled back but went into a coughing fit, with blood dripping down his chin.

"She was not at her best. She was sporting stab wounds, bullet wounds, slash wounds, blunt force trauma across her body! And she destroyed your body! The difference between you both is that she is a firearm with the safety off and ready to kill you in a very messy way. You fight to win, not kill. If you can't figure out the difference... You'll die. I don't... I don't want to lose my boy... Stop, please!" The man asked the boy and the boy couldn't form an answer as he couldn't realize he broke something in his father but he knew something was wrong and he was the one that was in the wrong but couldn't understand why. It wouldn't be until years later when Junior faces his father with a broken body that he understood what he did to his father.


"Weird! Why am I thinking about that cowardly idiot?" Shirogane made a strange face as she remembered Junior.


"Boy, you don't understand how merciful that girl was that day! She's being trained by the deadliest man in America. When her training is over... When you see her again... Be very careful about what you say and what you do. When she is exactly 25 years old... You'll see how she kills a man in mere seconds. She's being trained to become the perfect weapon, unbreakable, unbending, indestructible! And she will inherit a sword that you must... never... be cut by!" Muhammad Alai was winded.

"A sword? Something like the Tenka Goken swords that Yujiro talked about?" Junior asked.

"No, it's called Murasame... One Cut Killer Murasame. There are things in this world, son... That may seem like something out of a storybook or fantasy setting, but... When you see that sword. You'll realize the Supernatural exists! Heh haha, one day you won't look at me like I'm senile." Despite the old man's condition, and winded speech he imparted some of his experience to his son, even if his son might find out the hard way he can only hope it's not Murasame, hell he'd be okay with the reforged Kiriichimonji, the unhealable blade compared to Murasame!


"That's it! That's why my father said I wouldn't win! She's not a warrior... She's an... Assassin... Yeah, I'd lose." It seems even Junior has some common sense. Lets hope that extends to his fight with Baki and trying to win over another man's woman.


"Fool, also a coward! Soft and weak!" The girl growled and Junior felt like he saw a massive wolf the size of a truck, but he also noticed how starved and hungry it was.

"I'm not a fool! I'm no coward! I'm a fighter, not soft or weak!" Junior glared.

"..." She proceeded to beat him senseless. She broke his bones, torn his muscles, gave so many injuries that only the best of the best medical professions can save. She was meticulous in her systematic breakdown of the boy's body. He was conscious the whole time and that... Is something Yujiro and other Fighters in BAKI would never do... Yes they are ruthless but... They were never like this. This was something only a sadistic killer could do.

He lay there scared out of his mind, fully aware, without concussion or any kind of delirium. She understood the human body so well she made sure he could hear her word for word and felt everything while being denied the peaceful feeling of being knocked unconscious.

"Peace is a lie

There is only passion

Through passion I gain Strength

Through Strength I gain power

Through Power I gain Victory

Through Victory my chains are Broken

Therefore I am free.

That is my creed. If you can't find your own if we meet again... I'll finish what I started this day." She spat on his face and walked on him, literally using his body as if it were the very ground she relied on to walk. Years later in life, she abandons the twisted creed.


"Heh, find me! Find me! Let me unleash it all! Let me feel it!" She was giving mad laughter into the sky and Yujiro tripped over his feet.

'Yeah... She's mine alright!' Yujiro fled like a bat out of hell.