Chereads / Female Hanma [Paused for GOT Fic] / Chapter 2 - Grand Master meets Grand Master

Chapter 2 - Grand Master meets Grand Master

The door popped open in a way that spooked Yujiro because only one person ever does it in this manner and he dropped a fucking mountain on Yujiro's head.

"Quick question. If these Convicts do something unbelievably stupid like show up at a single place all at the same time and all five are close enough to die together... Can I kill them? I'd rather not stay in that accursed country for longer than necessary." The masked woman pops her head in.

"YOU HEARD ME! DON'T CODDLE THE BOY!" Yujiro yelled and then jumped out the window like it wasn't 25 stories off the ground.

"WHAT IF HE FINDS A BOYFRIEND!" she hollers downward.

"MY BOY AIN'T LIKE THAT!" Yujiro wasn't too confident when he said that. He should know because Yujiro, contrary to opinions, has been in his son's life, maybe not in the same house or anything, but he knows everything about his son... Which can be considered very creepy.

"I AM!" Which is true. But who said the truth can't be used to slap someone silly to the point they fall on their face by tripping over nothing, which is what happened to Yujiro. She also jumps out the window except, unlike her father, who is face-planted to the ground, she moves in an unnatural way by entering a small plane without being killed.

/// Japan Arrival Time at the Airport.

"..." x5 the five convicts suddenly... Well, they felt like meat on a chopping block waiting to be cut to pieces and it made them not terrified... No... HAPPY!

'A good sign/omen' x5 The Convicts grinned in an insane manner.

Unaware that within the shadows is someone that is an utter master in unconventional warfare, recon, HVT capture and elimination, assassination, espionage, infiltration, marksmanship, MCMAP Knife Fighting, CBQ and CQC but in the fighting world everyone is obsessed about in Baki she is a Grandmaster in Krav Maga and Muay Tai! She is also a Master Swordswoman. Her name in the fighting rings is... The Masked Desperado. She got the name due to how she started out. It was a fight for her life! She may be six feet tall, but going up against men of the BAKI world as a woman was a life and death fight from the very beginning. Women are simply not meant to take a full powered blow from a man! This is not sexism, it is fact! Because of this fact and the desire among women who want to fight... Nations created women's sports and this goes for combat oriented sports as well!

'Rigghht... They are insane, because why the fuck not?' Shirogane huffed and slinked through the shadows, escaping the sight of security in broad daylight without effort. No one noticed her except a select few, as if they were walking beside air.

'Soft! Why do they have it so good!? They don't know what it's like to fight, steal and kill just for the right to have a meal! Just for some water! Just to live! This... Is why I hate First World countries! They are so entitled without a damn care in the world! It makes me so angry!' her teeth were grinding in anger.

All of the sudden, people felt something wasn't quite right but shrugged and kept moving on, oblivious to the danger! They have it so good they forgot the feeling of unknown danger. All the warning signs were right there! The signs that allowed mankind to survive this long! Allowed them to know that they are not safe where they currently are! And to move away from that danger! They no longer feel the need to rely on their instincts! But there were some such as Doppo, who arrived back in Japan after a good vacation, who stared her dead on and couldn't help but tense up. This tension is the preparation to fight mode that humans have honed for millions of years of constant evolution.

"Heh, look at that Retsu. That woman just made Japan her bitch without most realizing it. I don't like it. How would you feel if you encountered this in China?" Doppo grinned.

"I don't know. I've never had the displeasure of experiencing it." Retsu frowned at the thought.

The mystery woman stopped and then looked Doppo straight in the eye, her mask's eye holes no longer polarized. The golden yellow eyes were like that of a lone wolf who sees an easy meal.

"Oh, I definitely don't like that." Even Doppo frowned at the disrespect. To be seen as nothing more than a meal is not a pleasant experience.

'She's not just any lone wolf! She's a werewolf in human skin! A supernatural predatory! Something that chews on a man and spits it out with a sneer!' Doppo came to the same realization as Retsu. Yes indeed, the supernatural exists in this mixed AU world. She is indeed a werewolf.

The realization came about when she started blasting her aura and bloodlust at full force, straight into them. She put a finger in front of the red smile on the mask, making both Martial Artists grimace and to put their hands in the open. This woman prevented them from speed dialing 110. Yes, they are warriors, but they are also civilized human beings who are concerned about the mundane Japanese walking about without a damn clue. A concern this wolf does not share and will not hesitate to do the unthinkable. The woman starts walking over to them and stops in front of them.

"Tell me... Where's Baki Hanma? He's got me curious. I'll admit I'm not someone who fights in civilized company the way he does... I am well known though in Blood Sport Arenas around the world. Ever heard of... The Masked Desperado?" She lifts her mask and grins.

"Yeah, I've heard of you Wolf Lady. What do you want with the kid? I'd advise not to kill that boy because it will unleash a monster worse than you!" Doppo grins back and gets up in her face.

"Ah, but that very monster hired someone like me to prevent that boy from the loss of a limb and instantaneous death. He did state not to coddle him though. So what now?" She closes the distance and is now an inch from Doppo's face.

"Now... I welcome you to Japan! Wanna meet the boy? Or just to know where he is so you can step in at the right time?" Doppo became more courteous despite his initial impression.

"I'll stick to the shadows. Just show me where he lives and I'll go from there. I never abandon a mission. I'm a professional, after all. It would stain my perfect mission rate record if he suffers more than necessary for a civilized boy... Grandmaster Doppo, founder of Shin Shi Kai, 2nd Grandmaster Shirogane of Tiger Muay Thai from Phuket Dojo, greets herself." She lowers her mask and put a fist to her palm in respect to Doppo, who responds by nodding and returning the gesture.

"I didn't like you at first. But you? You, I like." Doppo grinned and motioned for her to follow and so she let him take the lead.