A screen showing Phoenix Liz laying in a field filled with small phoenixs surrounding her with the words starting soon in the corner of the screen.
But that didn't stop the chat from sending messages in the steam chat room.
[(M)NightShift8:HI Liz, let's have a nice stream]
[Broke_Weeb:Hello Lizzy. I hope your ok...]
[Elk's_heart:Did something happen to her?]
[Tale0r:She said she canceled her last 3 streams.]
[Elk's_heart:Oh... Was it serious?]
[(M)BillionaireCEO:Liz sometimes has to take breaks. it's been a thing even before she started streaming.]
[Elk's_heart:Man... that sounds bad.]
[Broke_Weeb:I only wish it's not serious.]
[Beetlejuice:Wish her well, that's all you can really do here. well you could also gift bits or subs.]
[PhoenixMotherLizzy:You don't have to donate anything, this has nothing to do with your support.]
Liz was sitting in her chair as usual but she was talking deep breaths. "Come on, you can do it... I'll only make it worse."
Liz pressed a button on her stream deck with made the monitor transition from the starting soon to a screen showing a beautiful looking room with Phoenix Liz at the front staring at her.
"Hello my little phoenixs." Liz spoke in a soft tone. As she spoke Phoenix Liz copied her movements.
[Broke_Weeb:Hiya Lizzy]
[(M)BillionaireCEO:Hey Liz.]
[Elk's_heart: Hello Lizzy.]
[Milf_Wizard:Oh wow that's pretty]
[Tale0r:HI Lizzy.]
[Beetlejuice: Good morning Lizzy]
[(M)BillTheCEO: So, what are you doing this stream?]
Liz gave a apologetic smile which was translated to Phoenix Liz giving one. "Alright first off I'm postponing the karaoke stream at least till next week."
[Tale0r:Oh that sucks]
[Broke_Weeb:Take as much time as you need.]
[Elk's_heart:I'll wait for it]
[Beetlejuice:What else did you want to talk about?]
"Well I got a roommate that has a desire to be a maid." Phoenix Liz chuckled to her self.
[Tale0r:Wait what?]
[Slug3r:You let someone move in?]
[(M)Hell'sJester:You got a personal maid now ;)]
[(M)BillTheCEO:Oh, your talking about her already?]
"Yeah, we talked about her showing up in later streams for stuff like co-op games and just chatting." Phoenix Liz smiled.
[Elk's_heart:Nice do you colab with people often?]
[Broke_Weeb:Well what should we call her?]
[Tale0r:Well that's exciting]
Phoenix Liz closed her eyes as she thought for a moment. "No I haven't really done a colab on stream, Elk... I do have a streamer in mind for my first."
A screen showing Phoenix Liz laying in a field filled with small phoenixs surrounding her with the words starting soon in the corner of the screen.
But that didn't stop the chat from sending messages in the steam chat room.
[(M)NightShift8:HI Liz, let's have a nice stream]
[Broke_Weeb:Hello Lizzy. I hope your ok...]
[Elk's_heart:Did something happen to her?]
[Tale0r:She said she canceled her last 3 streams.]
[Elk's_heart:Oh... Was it serious?]
[(M)BillionaireCEO:Liz sometimes has to take breaks. it's been a thing even before she started streaming.]
[Elk's_heart:Man... that sounds bad.]
[Broke_Weeb:I only wish it's not serious.]
[Beetlejuice:Wish her well, that's all you can really do here. well you could also gift bits or subs.]
[PhoenixMotherLizzy:You don't have to donate anything, this has nothing to do with your support.]
Liz was sitting in her chair as usual but she was talking deep breaths. "Come on, you can do it... I'll only make it worse."
Liz pressed a button on her stream deck with made the monitor transition from the starting soon to a screen showing a beautiful looking room with Phoenix Liz at the front staring at her.
"Hello my little phoenixs." Liz spoke in a soft tone. As she spoke Phoenix Liz copied her movements.
[Broke_Weeb:Hiya Lizzy]
[(M)BillionaireCEO:Hey Liz.]
[Elk's_heart: Hello Lizzy.]
[Milf_Wizard:Oh wow that's pretty]
[Tale0r:HI Lizzy.]
[Beetlejuice: Good morning Lizzy]
[(M)BillTheCEO: So, what are you doing this stream?]
Liz gave a apologetic smile which was translated to Phoenix Liz giving one. "Alright first off I'm postponing the karaoke stream at least till next week."
[Tale0r:Oh that sucks]
[Broke_Weeb:Take as much time as you need.]
[Elk's_heart:I'll wait for it]
[Beetlejuice:What else did you want to talk about?]
"Well I got a roommate that has a desire to be a maid." Phoenix Liz chuckled to her self.
[Tale0r:Wait what?]
[Slug3r:You let someone move in?]
[(M)Hell'sJester:You got a personal maid now ;)]
[(M)BillTheCEO:Oh, your talking about her already?]
"Yeah, we talked about her showing up in later streams for stuff like co-op games and just chatting." Liz smiled.
[Elk's_heart:Nice do you colab with people often?]
[Broke_Weeb:Well what should we call her?]
[Tale0r:Well that's exciting]
Liz closed her eyes as she thought for a moment. "No I haven't really done a colab on stream, Elk... I do have a streamer in mind for my first."
[Beetlejuice:Who is that?]
[(M)Hell'sJester:Oh, your finally ready?]
[Tale0r:Do they want to as well?]
Liz waved her hand in front of her face. "But anyway, I also wanted to talk about something new I got offered to beta test."
[Broke_Weeb:That's great! Who asked you to?]
[Milf_Wizard:Wait is it a vr headset?]
[(M)NightShift8:Now that's a big step in your career, congrats!]
[Elk's_heart:How do feel about it?]
[(M)BillTheCEO:@Milf_Wizard how did you figure that?]
[Milf_Wizard:@BillTheCEO I guessed]
Liz read Milf Wizard's message and hummed in contemplation. "sort of?... Nami Ji games asked me if I wanted to try something out called The virtual world headset or as they refer to it in a nickname, the VW. They say that it uses all 5 of the senses so it's ether going to be some comic type stuff or it's a over embellished vr helmet."
[Broke_Weeb:Awesome! Are you going to stream it?]
[Tale0r:What kind of game is it coming with?]
[Milf_Wizard:I guessed it. Kek]
[Elk's_heart:Are you excited to try it?]
[Beetlejuice:Wow Nami Ji games?]
Liz shook her head. "Well, they said there wasn't a option to stream on it yet but when they add it I can play it."
Liz thought for a moment before she remembered something. "Now that I think about it, they didn't say what kind of game it would come with. I did see the name of it moonfall but the VW should be arriving sometime today so i can tell you next stream."
[Tale0r:Keep us updated then!]
[Broke_Weeb:I'm willing to bet it's either a sandbox to test things or a MMO like Wow.]
[Tale0r:@Broke_Weeb Why would a new system launch with a MMO?]
[Broke_Weeb:@Tale0r Well the pf7 launched with 1.]
[Tale0r:@Broke_Weeb Oh yeah it did... but it was a p2w so it sucked.]
[Broke_Weeb:@Tale0r Well N.J doesn't need the money and makes weirdly good games for a company that appeared out of nowhere 5 years ago.]
[Elk's_heart:@Broke_Weeb yeah they broke a monopoly in the console market and raised the AAA game bar]
[(M)BillTheCEO:Just make sure to not over do it with the VW.]
"Of course I won't Bill. Now onto the game." Liz smiled as the scene changed to a game familiar to most of her chat.
[Broke_Weeb:Oh your playing BPM again?]
[Tale0r:How many times is that now? 14?]
[Beetlejuice:@Tale0r 16... it's 16 times now.]
[Elk's_heart:Oh wow that many times?]
[(M)BillTheCEO:@Elk's_heart she usually plays it as her comfort game.]
[(M)NightShift8:@BillTheCEO which is kinda funny with it being a fps not to mention she Plays it on hardest difficulty.]
"Well I wanted to play it more since I played that horror game." Phoenix Liz went to the corner of the screen and clicked a nordic valkyrie character and started playing.
As the stream shut off, Liz took a deep sigh. "Are you alright Mistress?"
Liz glanced over at Bell who has been in her peripheral ever since her nightmare. "Yeah, just a bit mentally exhausted."
Bell nodded then pulled a small box with a stylized NJ on it out from a shelf. "Well the VW arrived approximately one hour and 15 minutes and 38 seconds ago, Mistress."
Liz took the box and opened it to see a button with VW on it. "This is the Virtual world headset?"
Liz held it up inspecting it not seeing anything and looked at Bell with confusion. "You're suppose to hold your thumb on the button Mistress. It says on the box."
"So like this?" Liz held her thumb on the button.
"...Is it doing anyth- AH! what the..." Liz pulled her hand away when she felt something prick her thumb. The button showed a loading bar.
"Why did that hurt so much... Oh, im even bleeding." She saw a drop of blood forming on her thumb. as Liz stared at her thumb her staring was interrupted when Melody jumped on her lap and licked her thumb. The loading bar was half full.
"Oh, melody... stop, I should stop the..." Liz pet Melody then looked back at her thumb which had no sign of bleeding beside the little bit of blood on Melody's fur. The bar was done loading, soon the button started to warp and grow.
"Bell what was that?" Liz looked at Bell pointed at her lap.
Liz looked down to see a visor with blue fathers that shifted to red towards the front, where the ears are. "What? How?"
Liz held it up and felt the feathers. "It feels like velvet..."
the rest of the headset felt incredibly smooth but wasn't slippery. Liz turned it over in her hands examining what resembled a visor more then a headset. "So how do I use this?"
"You put it on and say 'Link' but I would suggest you lay in bed first Mistress" Bell picked melody up, wiped the blood off and placed her on the floor. Much to Melody's annoyance.
Liz felt the inside before putting it on the desk. "I'll wait until after we eat to try this."
"What are you making this time Mistress?"
Liz took a deep breath and mulled it over. "We have some beef... Let's make burgers."
Bell's eyes flashed for a moment. "Sounds nice."
1 session of cooking later.
"Ah, it's already here? I honestly thought they were exaggerating when they said it would arrive in 2 days." Jill was halfway through her burger
"Yeah, Nami is a weird company..." Liz looked over to Bell who was throughly enjoying her burger.
Jill laughed and smiled at Liz. "So you're going to play it tonight?"
"Yeah its convenient since I don't have a stream planned tomorrow."
"Oh yeah, you wanted to watch Yumi!" Jill took another bite of her food.
Bell looked up from the burger. "Mistress, who is Yumi?"
Liz smiled. "She's a vtuber I became friends with. I even got a figurine of her."
"Don't you call her unhinged every time we talked about her?" Jill chimed in as she finished her burger.
Liz hummed. "I mean... She is."
The meal finished soon after. Liz and Bell went back her room.
Liz was sitting in her bed with VW in her hands talking to Bell. "Do you have any advice for the
Bell thought for awhile before speaking while she cleaned the dresser. "I'm not sure... getting allies and a teacher would be my best advice, Mistress."
"A teacher? Oh, like for fighting?" Liz put the headset on and looked at Bell.
Bell nodded. "Yes, Mistress. Your out of practice of your marts."
Liz looked at Bell with pure confusion. "How do know about that?!"
Bell paused for a moment. "Miss Jill told me."
Liz stared at Bell before shrugging. "I'm surprised Jill told you."
"I'll talk to you later, Mistress." Bell left the room in a hurry.
"See you in the morning then... Link." Liz's vision went black. Confusion hit her, not sure what happened to her sight.
Liz fell into her bed and stopped feeling the bed. She tried to get up but her body wouldn't listen to her.
Liz stopped hearing melody purring. She tried to ask Bell for help but nothing came out of her mouth.
The taste of her saliva in her mouth. She was starting to panic with no way to stop this.
The smell of her room vanished. Liz reassured herself that this was part of the process and not a horrible bug.
All of Liz's senses come back like a switch was flipped. The first thing she noticed was the distinct smell of nicotine in the air combined with the smell of vodka. 'God, why do I smell that? We own any.'
Liz opened her eyes to see she was on a dirty couch. "Um, ok..."
Liz looked around what looked like an old detectives office that was only lit by the streams of sunlight coming through the slightly open blinds. "Where am I?"
"The phoenix mother, I presume?" Liz spun around to saw somebody sitting in a chair behind a desk, a grizzled man in a trench coat was smoking a cigarette.
"Y-yeah, why am I here?" Liz couldn't see his face with the light only catching his torso.
"I was told the mother of phoenixs would show up from another world that I need to teach and then I found you passed out on my couch." He took a long drag of his cigarette.
"And you are?" Liz was starting to understand what happened, but she was definitely going to complain about the login process.
He pulled a flask out from his coat and took a sip of it's contents before continuing. "Temarick, The P.I of this town."