Chereads / The Pink Journal / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - Rave On

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2 - Rave On

As noted here,

" February 24, 1963,

I got a call from a man who says he'd love to sign me, I don't know if it's a trap.Maybe he warns to embarrass me more and destroy any dignity I got left but I'm going for it.He's offering five hundred dollars for a contract.Most likely we talk about more money down the line but I'll take it.I'm meeting him next week, god have mercy ."

Jimmy went on the following week to meet this mystery man whom would change him for the worse.He was in an office of a "Generations in the making " CMG Records.Their biggest hits was a unreleased Roy Orbison Record that was never shown to the public.Also had Sam Cooke make a song in these studios, never signed him but he had his moment here.Jimmy walked through the studio as he'd see frame pictures of famous celebrities in these places, not very well known now a days, mostly in the late 1940s.He's walking along side the man that called

"Jetson Hill " , he's a manager for many outdated groups, what you'd call a "has-been", "Washed-up".Many things but you all agree their out of touch, Jimmy noticed this very well.

"You see Jimmy I saw that little performance and I'm going to be honest you looked stupid, but you can have some work." He said as they entered his little office.Jimmy looked annoyed and uncomfortable with his remarks and teasing.

They sat down as you look around his room to see a framed picture of Jetson and Jimmy Hoffa.Jetson noticed him staring as he added on

"You know who that is kid ?" Jimmy turned and said

"Yes sir …" Jetson smiled and said

"Yep that's another good Jimmy right there, ha…" they both laughed as Jetson looked through his paperwork and pulled out a simple contract.

"Alright so you sign here and we can setup your career, and I get 30%….but hey the money you'll make won't matter when you'll be making millions …." Jimmy's eyes jumped as he asked

"You really think so ?" Jetson gave a deeply smile as you can notice a gold tooth.

"Yes, I truly believe you can be big….just shin right here okay ?" Jetson passed him a pen as Jimmy waited, he thought about it until he signed for it.Jetson had a devilish smile as he said

"Perfect ….perfect…."

This alone is what was a big downfall for Jimmy.He didn't read it thoroughly, he just saw the dollar signs and the fame that come with it, what he's always wanted.

Jimmy was always naive to the scam right in front of him.He's a fool, was a bigger fool when he got set for a The Ed Sullivan Show but he never showed up, they had Fats Dominos instead.Why he didn't show up was anybody guess but what where they found him was bizarre.Jetson and associates got word that a few days later he was found in a home in Salida, Colorado.They set off to get him and fix him up for they've gotten him booked for a cameo at the 34th academy awards.They arrived to this run down home that was full of people enjoying the festivities of a man making burgers and hash browns along with some cornbread.It was a little family gathering of sorts and that somehow had Jimmy involved.They didn't knock as the door was left open, they stumbled in as "Mess Around " by Ray Charles was playing in the background.They noticed at first glance was men sitting on a couch watching " A Streetcar Named Desire".They walked past them as they saw them as friendly, they entered the kitchen area to see That man I mentioned making dozens of plates of food to be passed around to the backyard full of people.They walked out to see Jimmy in between dancing like nobody's watching, just enjoying the music.Jetson and his associates looked at him in shock as this isn't the same boy they saw looked stupid in February.

"He ain't no Gene Kelly…." Said one of the men ad Jetson added on

"Well he's all we got ….I'll go get him …"

Jetson started to walk towards him, interrupting his dance with a woman.Jimmy turned angrily ad he noticed it's him

"Holy shit, Mr.Hill, hey what the hell you doing here ?" He asked as the woman he was dancing with found someone else.Jimmy was dancing so much he was sweating profusely.

"Kid are you okay, we had you on a plane to New York for Ed Sullivan….I mean- Christ what happened ?" Asked Jetson in curiosity as the song changed to "Let's Twist Again " by Chubby Checker.

"Oh Christ I love this one Mr.Hill, can I ?" He asked like a child as Jetson was confused and replied

"No kid, we gotta go, look if you're lucky , I could get you on the academy awards …." They started to walk out as people all around praised Jimmy as he exited.

They entered Jetson' car, a 1960 Ford Galaxie as Jimmy exclaimed

" aye what about my car ?" He yelled as he pointed it out down a few feet and waved the keys in his hands.

"Don't worry we'll bring along , let's just get to the studio for now and sober you up …."

Said Jetson as he got the keys out of Jimmy's hand and tossed it to one of his associates to drive it with them.They started to drive back as Jetson was stressed at this young man who could be on his way to his own career Suicide, you can never really know why Jetson took a liking to him but he went for it.

They arrived at the studio building as they rushed Jimmy inside to prepare him for his song.

"Am I going to see the candy man ?" He said jokingly as he giggled.They got him inside as they helped him into the recording booth.

"All due respect , but what do ya see in this kid Mr.Hill ?" Asked a person as they got the track ready.

"I don't know, but you'll see is punch to the face if you don't get ready !" He exclaimed angrily and frustratedly.Jimmy was acting idiotically in the booth as he was doing a chicken dance of sorts as they were awaiting him to start signing.

"Cut it, just cut …..wait a second …." Said Jetson in fury as he yelled into the mic

"Jimmy, Jimmy…..Jimmy please just focus, give us something …..come on !, Christ -" he yelled as he stepped away in anger.It's about a dozen people awaiting on Jimmy as Jimmy tries to focus as he started playfully sing.

"Alright, you ready ?" He asked as the composer said

"Yep…." It took a moment as Jimmy started to sing.He gave it his all as he had a Sinatra/Dean Martin approach to it.It was an original song, he just did it off the top of his head.After three minutes, he finished and asked

"Good enough Mr.Hill ?"

They all turned to Jetson who looked at him in joy as he said

"Yea, It was good kid….." he let go of the microphone and looked away in complete shock.He knows this song could get up there, not number one spot but it'll get him started.

April 9, 1962, the 34th Academy Awards, a big step for Jimmy.Song's been in Billboard's charts for weeks now, no stopping this bullet.Sold about a hundred- thousands records and already had talks of trying The Ed Sullivan Show again in May of this year.They had to fly Jimmy out to California quickly as stated in the journal

"Jetson doesn't give me a break, I give him a hit record, he wants more.You'd think a man so old, would be more wise ….well I'm off to California, Big time Hollywood man I am, yes sir …."

He arrives shortly as he got to The Santa Monica Civic Auditorium as he was wearing a tuxedo with some Oxford Black and white shoes.He walked in as he looked into the bleachers to see only his brother and Father have arrived.He waved at them as Jetson quickly moved him on inside.His father looked so happy for him and his brother just couldn't believe the glitz and glamor all around.Jimmy sat down as he recalled in the journal

"April 10, 1962, yesterday was really a piece of what I always envisioned, Bob Hope was amazing as always and that Mary Costa voice is a beauty….Gosh that West Side Story made a sweep, I only wished to have met Fred Astaire that night ...such an inspiration…..George C. Scott can kiss my ass …"

Jimmy was sitting far back aside as Mary Costa was about to begin.Jetson and others stood up as Jimmy wasn't paying attention.Jetson turned to him as he said

"Get up, get up now !" Jimmy got back to it and stood for the stars spangled banner.They finished up as he sat back down, he sat through Bob Hopes Monologue and waited until his wait on the short films nominations.This one he has a credit for helping make "Beeb Prepared " They called the winner and he didn't win.Jimmy was angered but Jetson was fine by this.Jimmy should've felt humble of getting a nomination, think about it, two months he was a nobody, somehow he got an Oscar Nomination.If he won he would've accepted it on their behalf and he had a whole little speech ready but that day never came.Jimmy had a deal with Warner Bros. As he'd partnered with them only with the permission of Jimmy, still getting his cut.I'll explain that more as we progress but let me explain more of the Oscars.

Jimmy stormed out angrily as Jetson saw and followed him.

"Jimmy…..Jimmy wait ! What's wrong my boy ?" Jimmy turned as they stood in the lobby, as people still walked by.

"It's over, we lost -" he started to walk as Jetson was confused and stopped him

"Whoa, Jimmy what are you talking about ?, you're making good money, you're name is out there, I got you an audition for this next Sergio Leone Film, isn't this what you wanted ?"

Jimmy stood there in understanding of what he's accomplished and what he still is yet to do.