Chereads / The Pink Journal / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - She Belongs To Me

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 - She Belongs To Me

" November 19, 1968, I don't have much of conflict now.I have to understand my prime was at my start, very psychotic to see the real side of this glitz and glamor that Hollywood attempts to sway towards the public.It's horrific, I wish thalidomide on these big Hollywood moguls children."

This was a journal entry after Jimmy saw Jetsons's new star flaunting and singing all around Vegas and all around the hotels.He was furious he didn't get that spotlight, the best treatment he got was an audition for "Romeo and Juliet" but Leonard Whiting beat him out.

The next best way he got recognition was those damn cigarettes ads that would always play.

Jimmy was in his home in the Hollywood hills, he was in his home all alone in his squalor.He was watching some cartoons as he ate big bowl of ice cream and brownies.He ate in a depressive state as he was getting a phone call, it was Jetson.

"What ?" He said angrily as Jetson asked

"Whoa, Jimmy what's wrong ? You coming in today, I got you for Sullivan again-"

Jimmy got a bit annoyed and interrupted him in a childish manor

"Nope, I ain't doing it, you can say I'm retired Mr.Hill….." he said with a smug as he continued eating his ice cream.

"The hell you mean, retired ? You still got time to work in this life, let's go come on, the 10th, you're on live kid -" Jimmy got a bit mad and said

"I said I'm done, you want to reach me, see me in person for once, unless those new singers of yours need ya …."

It s moment as Jimmy felt at peace, Jetson hung up on him as Jimmy was appalled.He threw the phone across the room as he continued to watch cartoons in happiness, like he's a child all over again.Think about this, in the span of a couple years, he's only released two albums, got credited on a Oscar nomination and has done a couple commercials, you can see him as a has been now.

There was a big gap of wasted talent for Jimmy from November of 68'-March of 69'.He did completely nothing, he sat in that home of his just hibernating like a bear.Jetson did try to reach out multiple times in person but he got shunned away.He was off the grid for so long people thought he died, sadly he was still there.He had a little recording studio to make songs in the home and had so much free time he'd mess around with making screen plays and did a hefty amount of drawings, not good but he liked them.The only time he finally stepped out was on March 12, 1969.He'd frequently send his ideas and thoughts into the world and over and over it's swept under the rug.All over Hollywood they saw him as a itch that wouldn't go away.

He felt as if he was worthless until someone down in Warner Brother studios saw his script for a film he called " A Diamond's Dozen To California " the movie did come out the following year but I didn't watch it, it looked cheesy.

Well anyways, Jimmy went out to see the executives along side with Jetson.Jimmy still held a grudge as he knows he can't get rid of Jetson yet.They arrived on set as the director chosen was some nobody for now, it was his first film.

Jimmy stared down the director as Jetson explained To him,

"Okay, no pressure my boy, every directors first film is garbage….but that's your motivation to do better….not saying this one is bad just saying, you can't fuck this up ..."

The director was in a serious manor as he looked over at Jimmy and asked

"Alright ….sue you alright ? " Jimmy replied in a sarcastic manor,

"Well I'm alright, I just wrote the greatest script in cinema but like Mr.Hill says "no pressure …." "

All three stared at each other in an awkward silence until Jetson said

"Alright, I'll be going now, just be calm kid and whatever you envision shall come to life …." Jetson walked away as Jimmy followed, the director ignored whatever he said and got to shooting the film.

"Hey, where you going off too Jetson ?" Asked Jimmy as they made it to the parking lot of the set.

"It's Mr.Hill, and I'm going to a meeting….."

Jimmy was comedic of the comment and said

"Okay, Mr.Hill…..listen I Got an track list for my next album …..if you wanna look it over ?" He got out a little notebook with the writing of a 10-track album called " Lucky me ".Jetson read through the list and said

"Alright, alright, so when can you record them ?" He asked as Jimmy replied

"I already did ….." Jetson was stunned and said

"Oh…..alright, well I sort out the rest, I'll be at your home tomorrow okay ?" Jetson entered the car as Jimmy replied

"Alright, see ya then !" Jetson drove off as Jimmy just stood there as he saw him exit the set.Jimmy was now looking around as he felt a bit lost, he started to walk around the studio as he looked upon old memorabilia of old shows and seeing the sets of new ones.He ended up nearly at the entrance of the place until security stopped

"Whoa, whoa, who are you ?" Jimmy was stunned as he replied

"Excuse me ?" The security guard got closer as he asked again

"I said who are you, where's is your identification….?" Jimmy scoffed as he said

"I only got my drivers license and California ID, which one you want-" he got interrupted as the security said

"No, no no- no not that, a little pass you'd get …."

Jimmy looked around his jacket and found nothing as he said

"Looks like I never got one but hey I'm just leaving so I see no problem -" the security gets more angered as he stands face to face with Jimmy with a baton in hand.

"No there is a problem now, if I let you go it makes it look like everyone can just walk right in …."

Jimmy was well mannered at the man's request as he said

"Alright then where do I go to get a pass huh ? I'll get one doesn't matter, look I'm making a movie around here so why argue ….I'm in here for a reason …."

The security guard scoffed and smugly remarked

"Yea and I'm Marlon Brando, I work security for extra cash, now step aside as I call the police …."

Jimmy was now a bit confused as he asked

"For what ? Huh-" the security guard interrupted as he said angrily

"Because you're trespassing ….now please sit aside to wait for the authorities-"

Jimmy laughs it off and starts to walk by as the guard smacks him in the back with the baton.

"Ahhh, you motherfucker-" he slowly fell to the ground as the guard hunched over him and said

"You think you can just leave boy, you think because you're some sort of star you can push anyone around huh ? Not today …."

Jimmy got back up slowly as he asked

"So you know who I am ?" The security guard laughed as he replied

"Yea and you're a hack, no good to music any how …."

Jimmy stood there still beat, he was furious as the police arrived, you can hear the sirens.

"Ah the cavalries here ….." the security was laughing and laughing as the police walked in through the small gate and approached them.

"Alright what's going on here ?" He asked as the guard said "officers, this man's trespassing and I won't leave …." He lied as Jimmy added on

"You lying sack of shit -" the cop interrupted him

"Hey !, alright thank you, we'll take it from here …"

The officers got Jimmy and escorted him out as they asked

"You walking somewhere ?" Jimmy replied angrily as he stared down the security guard

"No I parked, right down there …." He pointed at his car that was a feet away as they walked him to it.

"Alright now, let me see some identification son…." The officer said as Jimmy got out his wallet and handed over his California ID.They looked it over as they both looked at each other in curiosity.Jimmy stood there as he the officers asked "you that singer from those commercials ?" He asked as Jimmy said smugly

"Yes sir …." The two officers laughed at awe as one said

"Big fan, you know those damn things keep me going, hell I got a pack on me now …"

He pulled out a packet of the cigarettes from his shirt pocket and shows it to him.Jimmy laughed a bit as they did as well,

"Well I appreciate that ….." the officers handed back the ID as one said

"You're good to go, but I just got a little favor, can you sign my packet ?" He asked as Jimmy chuckled and opened his back door of his car and said

"Yea, I'd love too, let me get a pen-" he stopped as he's forgotten what he had in the backseat of his car.Suddenly a whole barrage of items felt out into the street.A bag of cocaine, a couple of playboy magazines and the worst of all was two handguns.They all stood there awkwardly for a moment as a cop asked

" Well shit ….this is not good ….." Jimmy laughed out of embarrassment as the other cop walked a bit forward to look at the items as he looked into the car and saw an M14 rifle and a box of Cuban cigars.

"Oh this is really not good….."

Jimmy got sent downtown as the news of his arrest spread like the black plague.Tabloids and articles were made on it and even a detailed description of what he had, some exaggerated it.

One newspaper said "McCarthyism Music ?" They started attacking his album and how it connects to all sorts of communist propaganda.

It took Jetson nearly a week til he found out about his incarceration.They booked him down in Willshire as that's where I first saw him.He was in the holding cell in anger and ignorance as he kept complaining to the others in there with him.

"I mean Christ, a free country but suddenly having a gun makes me Charles Whitman "

The inmates actually listened to him and agreed as an officer passing by smacked the cell bars with his baton and said

"Aye ! Keep it quiet in there …."

Jimmy stayed silent after that as for I was talking with a colleague of mine.

"Aye the hells Mr.Controversial doing in there ?" I asked as he replied

"Got caught with some firearms and two bags of cocaine…'d think he had security to hold that for him … "

On March 20th he was finally released on a $50,000 bail.He walked free as when he left the station there was reporters waiting for him with questions.Him and Jetson walked through them as his security yelled

"Please step away ! Please back away !" All you hear is the flashes from cameras and the dozens of voices yelling out questions.They got to Jetson's car as they both entered, Jimmy stopped as he heard one question.

"What are you gonna do now ?" He turned and yelled back

"Imma get some good old fried chicken !….hehe…."

They left the scene on Willshire and San Vicente Blvd.They arrive at Junior's Chicken, it's a local mom and pop spot that's famous in that neighborhood.They entered the parking lot of it as Jimmy said

"Alright who's paying ? Hehe…" they laughed a bit as Jetson got out a wad of cash and handed it him as he replied

"Let's take it to go alright ?" Jimmy was surprised and said

"No, you kidding let's eat in there ….come on …."

Jimmy got out as Jetson sat there and said

"No no, just buy me a bucket of it and some of those Cajun fries …." Jimmy looked at him with a sigh as some reporters followed them there.

"Alright, but I'm keeping the change….hmmm…." They both laughed as Jimmy entered with him and two men associated with Jetson.A reporter walked up to Jimmy as he was entering and asked

"Jimmy, Jim , a moment please ?" She asked as Jimmy replied

"If you wanna talk, you better come inside …." He walked in as the reporter in the moment, entered as well.

"Alright we'll I have to ask is it true about the allegations ?" Jimmy got in line as people inside stared,

"What allegations ?" He asked as they were next in line.The woman and her cameraman stepped aside to not block the line.

"Well, they say you're a going insane, they say you should be locked away-" she was going to keep bantering until Jimmy said calmly as he was about to order

"Listen !, I'll visit Sigmund Freud if you want just let me eat this good chicken these folks make !" He yelled as he got back to ordering.The reporter looked at the camera then turns back to him and asks

"We know about how infamously dodged the draft but can you speak on the President Nixon's remarks on musicians like you that he thinks are poisoning the youth…."

Jimmy was about finish ordering until he asked the woman and cameraman.

"You guys want some ? I'll pay …" The reporter said

"No thanks you-"

Jimmy interrupted as he got up closer to the camera as he says

"Come on, anything you want, you two look hungry …."

The cameraman said

"Can I get a number 3 with extra fries ….." the reporter gave him a mean look as Jimmy replied

"Of course, how about you ?" The woman stubbornly said

"I'll take a number 3 as well…." Jimmy was cheerful as he turned back to the counter as he finished up the order.

"Alright, 45.34 please …." Jimmy handed over a hundred dollar bill and said

"Keep the change …." He walked off as an associate took the receipt.Jimmy walked with the reporter and cameraman as he escorted them with him to a booth.

"Here sit, go ahead fellas …." The two associates sat first as Jimmy sat me to them.

"You too, come on…." He said to the woman as she agreed in complete annoyance.The cameramen stood there as Jimmy asked him

"Hey get a chair or something man -"

"No I'm alright, thanks …." Replied the Cameraman as Jimmy nodded in accepting that.

"So, can you answer the question …..?" She asked as Jimmy looked at her confused

"What question ?" The woman then repeated herself and said

"Nixon's remarks on musicians like you-" Jimmy remembered and said

"Oh, right right- uh, we'll Mr.President ….if you're watching this …." He looked right into the cameraman as he got ahold of the microphone.

"Imma gonna kills that dog of yours- na I'm playing hehe…..that was a facetious remark …..haha….." he said in a Nixon impression as his order got called upon.He got up quickly as the rest followed.

"Thank you, have a good one …." Jimmy said as he got his food and exited the place with the associates behind him.The reporter followed as they stopped at the parking lot, near Jetson's car.

"Oh I almost forgot….here y'all go …" he handed a bag to the reporter and then a bag to the cameraman as he thanked him.

"No problem, hey anytime you want good chicken, go here !" Yelled Jimmy as the cameraman turned the camera towards the fast food restaurant.

"Turn it back here !-well Thank you for your time and lastly is there anything you want to tell your fans out there ?" Jimmy passed the food into the car as he turned back to the camera and said

"Stay in school and Love you're parents …." He got back in the car as they sped off.The reporter and Cameraman stood there as she said

"This isn't my order ….."