Free-'Isn't that the place where Jaime died?"
Sen-"It is"
Free-"I see"
Jaime-"Its ok free"
Free-"We are leaving Jaime behind"
Jaime-"Free don't do this to me"
Free-"I have lost you once i can't lose you again"
Jaime-"Look it's going to be ok i can manage"
SEN-"No free is right you are staying
So is rose,Mark and Leo"
Leo-"Why me?"
SEN-"If anything goes wrong then you are our backup"
Leo-"Oh okay"
Mark-"And why me?"
SEN-"You need to assist Leo"
Mark-"I mean you are right but"
Sen-" No more discussion"
SEN-"The ones going to Silverslain is going to be Me, Jake, Free, Jon, David and Emily "
Emily-"You really overestimate me"
SEN-"Well dont you have a past with one of them?"
Emily-"I do and i am very honoured to take care of her"
SEN-"Alright then that's it
Free go do some training under your uncle
Jake go to Ayodhya and figure your powers out
Jon and David stay on gaurd until the day
Emily go with Jake"
Emily-"As you say boss!"
Sen pulls David to the side and talks to him
Sen-" So how is Joe doing ?"
David-"Much better since we transferred him to the hospital nearby us"
1 month ago
Sunstep hospital
Where Joe was being treated with heavy gaurds and protection
David goes to visit Joe with his authority
He goes into them room and meets ariana
David-"We have to move him closer to Jake and Rose. This place is under our enemies and we don't know when they might attack Joe"
Ariana-"How do we move him?"
David-"Let me take care of that!"
Ariana and David remove all the external links attacked to Joe
The slowly move Joe's body outside the room
Before going out David wears a docotors coat
At the entrance of the floor the gaurd stops him and asks him where he is going
David claims they need to run some tests and they are taking him to the lab
The gaurd let's him go
David gets on the lift
At the ground floor as soon as the doors of the elevator open there are 2 gaurds
The see David and try to attack him
David uses his earth magic and makes a baton out of stone
He uses that to hit one of them on the legs and then bends down and hits the other gaurd in the neck
The gaurd that got hit in the legs wakes up
David punches him back to ground
David-"Stay down"
They rush to a ambulance outside the hospital
They board Joe inside it
Before the ambulance moves a huge group of gaurds stand in front of the ambulance
Ariana-"Oh my god"
David-" Don't worry"
As soon as David says that a huge pillar hits the gaurds from the top
They all get smashed under pillar
Ariana-"Oh brutal!"
David-"Well that's the job"
They take Joe to a hospital close to the legion s base
SEN-"Hope he wakes up soon"
David-"I do too"
SEN-"then let's get to work"