It's 2 days before the meet up of the legion at sliverslain city
Jake finishes up with his work at Ayodhya
As Jake preparea to depart
Karan stops him
Jake-"What now?"
Karan-"Here take this bracelet"
Jake-"Why are you giving us this bracelet?"
Karan-"We belive that this bracelet will give you luck"
Hari-"Yeah and it's important for an important fight!"
Jake-"Thank you very much"
Jake departs for Sliverslain
Meanwhile In an temple somewhere in the north of Ruso
Free is mediating
Jaime walks towards free slowly
She calls his name
After a few minutes Free comes out of his deep mediation
Jaime-"Free it's time"
Free-"Yeah i know. Thanks tho"
Jaime-"Your welcome"
Free-"Jaime I swear that i won't leave any of those guys who hurt you l"
Jaime-"No i just want you to comeback safe"
Free-"I swear i will!"
Jaime-"Don't die because i will kill you if you do"
Free laughs at Jaime
He pats her head
Jaime packs Frees bag and makes him some food
After a while Free hugs Jaime and leaves to go to sliverslain city
At the legions headquarters
SEN-"So tell me Leo where are we meeting"
Leo-"You will be meeting the others in a abandoned Bar near the castle"
SEN-"okay good!"
Leo-"Are you sure it will be alright?"
SEN-"Yes don't worry"
Leo-"Ok fine"
SEN-"Where are Jon and David?"
LEO-"They will be there"
SEN-"Okay then I guess I should get going"
As sen heads out of the base rose shouts and asks him to stop
Sen stops immediately
SEN-"Yes what's the matter?"
Rose-"Take this!"
She hands him a small necklace
SEN-"What is this?"
Rose-"Sen you have been fighting aimlessly all this time after ayodhya. You don't have an actual reason to fight but you did and now I want you to fight for a reason"
SEN-"No rose I haven't been fighting aimlessly. I am fighting for My friends I am fighting for myself!"
Rose-"Now fight so that you can comeback to me"
Sen is suprised by those words
Rose-"Sen I love you!"
Sen is even more suprised
He immediately hugs her
Rose hugs him back
SEN-"I promise!"
Sen-"When i end this and comeback Let's live a happy life"
Rose-"We will"
Sen-"I love you too rose I have since day 1"
Rose hugs him tighter
Sen kisses her on the head
Emily catches up to sen
Emily-"You are a bit to excited"
SEN-"Ahem leave it we have to go"
Emily-"Okay sir"
SEN-"Don't tease me now"
Rose-"I will be waiting Sen"
Sen wears the necklace
SEN-"I will be back soon!"
So little did sen know that this will be the time that will affect everything around him drastically
7 Am 25th December the day after the attack of sliverslain
Rose falls in front of Sens heavily Injured body
JAKE clenches his fist and cries
JAKE-"This isn't how its supposed to be!
HE mumbels and cries