They both stared at me for a minute then Alex said "Excuse us for a minute"
I was expecting them to move farther away but they both stood there and looked at each other. They started to make faces at each other and I looked at Tyson to see him give me back the same questioning look.
"Uh?, d-do you want us to move over or something?" Tyson asked and they both turned to look at us.
"Alright we've decided. When do we leave to this-place?" Alex said and I raised a brow.
"You're coming?" Tyson asked as his face lit up.
"Sure. Erica and I talked it through and its okay"
"You two didn't even say a wo..."
"She said she's decided, can't you just be happy and not try to mix peanut butter and jelly together?" Tyson looked at me with his eyes widened in disbelief.
"Sorry" I said with my hands up in surrender.
"We'll be leaving tomorrow, if that's okay with you?" Tyson said and Erica waved it off.
"Its totally okay"
"Yeah" Alex said also looking less concerned.
Just a while ago she looked totally against it but all it took was less than a minute of silence with Erica and now she doesn't care that we're leaving so early. Ten years ago it would take her five cones of ice cream three Weeks of persuasion and a neck massage before she would think about changing her mind on a decision she already made.
I wondered what changed her mind but I knew asking would only get me another of Tyson's glare.
He's got some crazy expressions when he's serious.
"Now come. I shall now guide you through this unknown route you are about to embark on" Tyson said as he stretched out his arms and walked stylishly over to the chair.
He's really happy.
They both followed him and took a seat. I joined him on the couch across the table.
"So tell me everything that happened and what he told you"
Based on what Alex told us, my grandpa had managed to get through to her some of the important things but not all.
"Well I had planned to return the key back to him but then I was told he uh... he wasn't... there anymore" She finished as she glanced down and looked back up at us.
"I see" Tyson said, his voice cracked up. We knew about this and it really came as a shock to me but I knew Tyson was hurting even more because he was the closest one to him. He cleared his throat and said "He told you some of the important things but not all"
"There's more?" Erica asked and Tyson nodded.
"We three have a mark that represents something but other than that we are the ones to enter that forest. We have no idea who Kathryn is but we have to find her either way. We have to find five gems and shut the connected gate and also stop the heart from beating. We will encounter a lot of ugly scary things that might scare the living daylight out of us but when we find Kathryn we'll be a lot safer" He said and went silent.
We all went silent.
"That's it?" Erica said breaking the silence.
"Huh yeah?"
"You didn't say anything different from what I just told you" Alex said and he gave it a thought.
I let out a sigh.
"Oh. then that's all you need to know. The other's aren't so important" He said and I looked at him "So. Its settled. We have everyone here. Tomorrow we meet back here at 10am sharp. Pack up whatever you need, cloths, food, and every other thing you see fit. While I try to figure what exactly this pendant-or as you say key, is used for. Any questions?"
"Yeah. How exactly did you move all those stuffs without touching them?" Erica asked looking super interested.
Well, I guess its okay for him to answer her.
"That's my power. I can lift things with my mind, though I'm limited to little things"
"With your mind!? How cool is that!" Erica said looking at Alex then she looked back at Tyson "Try moving the pendant"
Tyson didn't object. They both watched him as he did something barely possible, possible.
"Can you do that too?" Erica shot at me.
"I can't lift things like he does but I can make fire"
"Fire?!" Alex asked looking really shocked.
"Yeah" I replied thinking she found it weird.
"How lucky is he?" Tyson said
"Woah. Can I see?" Erica's eyes glowed with curiosity but-
-Oh no.
I would do anything but that at the moment.
"I don't...think that's such a good idea. I don't want anyone to get hurt. You know, cause its fire" I said with a little smile.
"What's the harm? Just make a little so she could see it" Tyson chipped in.
"I don't have a good control over it so it could go berserk" I said hopping I wouldn't have to decline any more.
"Oh" she laid back disappointedly and I relaxed.
"Then what about Alex? Does she get one too?"
"As a matter of fact, yes she does" Tyson replied
"Really?" Alex finally spoke again.
"Oh my gosh!" Erica squealed.
She was taking this seriously than Alex was.
"Alex, you definitely can't miss this. You have to go" she said to Alex
"I believe we already concluded on that" Alex said with a little chuckle.
"Can I go too?"
Tyson chuckled "Yeah sure...if you wish to be the first to die"
Erica laughed "what do you mean? I can take care of myself. What's the worst that could happen? I mean all we have to do is fight off a bunch of monsters...did I just say fight off?...I meant run- from a bunch of monsters, find Kathryn, get the five gems, seal the path and we're back home. Easy"
"Okay I've got two things to say to you. One, you pretty much get the hang of it. Two, a situation of life and death easy.
"Life and death? You didn't mention anything about life and death?" Erica said looking confused.
"No offense, but isn't the word monsters good enough for a heads up? Look. This isn't just some field trip for a number of Happy-go-luckers okay? We've got this mark and power for our protection, I have no idea what we're facing out there but taking you along without you having any means of protection of your own could be dangerous"
"You still haven't explained what you meant by life and death. Oh I get it, that's just your way of saying this is serious"
Tyson went silent for a while then he bobbed his head "let's go with that"
I had decided to leave things up to Tyson but I got the feeling he wasn't planning on telling them a fact. 'He actually meant it'
They looked at me as I completed "we could actually die"
"You're joking right?"
"Tyler I don't think you have to go that deep into the conversation"
"The least you can do is let her know what she's up for and let her decide what she wants. This is her life we're talking about not yours" I said seriously as I looked him in the eye. As much as he didn't want to, he went silent in agreement.
I looked back at Alex "Anything could happen to us, we could get seriously injured... or worse"
I saw her swallow and I hoped I wasn't being a bit too extreme on the explanation. As much as I didn't want to put her in a fright, I still wanted her to go with us knowing fully well of what we are facing.
"Alex. On second thought I think you're going to sit this one out" Erica said. I was expecting that but Alex reply came as a shock to me.
Erica's jaw dropped "uh hello? Have I been the only one listening?"
"I heard them, but just like you said what's the worst that could happen?"
"Death! Death could happen Alex!" Erica raised her voice.
"That doesn't change my mind" Alex replied looking completely unfazed.
Okay now the Alex I know had clicked back in. Once she decides on something, she sticks with it and nothing could change her mind. Like Erica also saw this, she didn't insist any longer.
"How long exactly would you guys be gone for?" Erica asked
Tyson smiled and said "A pretty long time"
"How long is a 'pretty long time?"
"I..." he dragged "...have not the slightest idea"
"What?" Erica said looking confused then she looked back at Alex "Are you hearing this?!"
"Loud and clear"
Erica went silent for a minute then she sighed and sat back like she had completely given up.
"You can take your time to think things through- well not too long actually, but take your time..."
"...I'm fine with tomorrow" Alex said and I just couldn't help the smile that crawled up my face. she's one who's always had that courage and still does.
I still couldn't help but wonder what had changed her mind about her coming along.
The next day, they were running late and Tyson was beginning to get disturbed with the thought that she had changed her mind. I decided to go get her and Tyson suggested he tag along but I declined. He didn't look calm enough to tag along.
I went ahead without him. I know where she stays, not so far from ours but she's usually never around for the summer breaks. I was actually quite surprised to see her around this time.
I walked over to the door and with one last adjustment of myself, I reached for the bell but then the door opened.
"I'll see what I can do but its gonna be tough one" Erica said as she came out with Alex behind her. She turned and noticed me.
"Hey Tyler" Erica waved with her free hand as she carried a bag on the other. "Why are you here?"
"Yeah, you were running late and Tyson was beginning to lose it. So, I came to get you.
"Why thank you. Sorry, it took a while to decide on the stuffs to take along"
"That's fine" I said and looked at Alex
"Hi" Alex waved with a smile as she carried a camping bag at her back. She looked nervous. Well obviously, we were about to head over to a place we had no idea about. I would be kidding myself if I said I wasn't feeling nervous myself.
"Hey" I smiled back her. Again, she looked radiant with her neat French braid. She had on a lilac top and a skinny jeans that had me thinking a lot - really.
"You're staring" Tyson whispered behind me and I flinched. He flashed me one of his silly smiles but I brushed it off.
"I thought I told you to wait behind?"
"And die of curiosity? No thanks" he raised his hand and I sighed.
"Let me help you with that" I went over to Alex reaching for her bag but she stepped back a little.
"Oh its fine, I can handle this" she said.
I smiled "I'm sure you can, but you don't want to tire yourself out before we leave"
I successfully retracted the bag from her. I could hear clanging as I set it on my back. It wasn't too light, wasn't too heavy, just perfect for a trip.
"I'm doing just fine over here, this isn't heavy at all" Erica said and flashed us a smile complementing her sarcasm. Tyson went over and helped with it. We turned to leave when Erica stopped us.
"Hold on, we've still got two more bags in there"
"What?" We all said. Surprisingly, Alex also joined the unison.
"I don't remember packing up more than this" Alex said and Erica sighed.
"After you slept last night, I went over your stuffs again and realized you hadn't packed up anything. I knew I shouldn't have left you to pack up".
"No. I'm sure I packed up everything"
"Really?" She threw a questioning look at Alex "Either way, I sorted everything out again"
I saw Alex give a suspicious look then she looked at me "Sorry, I need that for a minute"
"Uh - yeah sure" I took off the bag and we watched as she set the bag down and opened it. I finally realized what had made the clanging sound.
"Hair spray, hair spray... another hair spray"
"All different products, we've still got eight more others of that in there. We can't have anything happening to your hair while you're gone" Erica said looking proud.
I felt my brows shoot up.
"I also put in an hair straightener, some nail polish and some bunch of other stuffs"
"None of my stuffs are in here. I don't even use a hair straightener" Alex said and Erica shrugged
"I know, but you never know when it can come in handy" we all went silent and she said "You can thank me later"