So dodges in dodges, I asserted my dominance. The intelligence of the hyenas was not high enough for them to change their strategy. Their vines had become predictable and therefore easy to dodge. The only difficulty in this fight had been the first phase, the one where I had to go to the front line to understand the attacks and specialties of the hyenas. Arriving in front of one after a series of tight dodges, I didn't kill it but rather slammed its face on the ground, their death won't be gentle. Seeing the vines of the other hyenas coming at me, I sliced off its legs and eyes, preventing it from escaping and depriving it of its vision to prevent it from aiming its vines at me. Repeating this process 5 more times, the hyenas lay on the ground, moaning in pain. Dangerously I approached. The blade dripping with green blood, a killer aura and eyes with a small owl in the pupils were then filled with a killing intent. Their bodies shook, feeling the future sentence. Their sixth sense alerted their minds to a great danger to flee immediately. But with their legs cut off, they could only await their fate.
Saint's point of view:
The situation was catastrophic, our group had collapsed after the arrival of all these hyenas and we were no match for their attacks on plants. One then two then three, my companions fell one by one like flies, I knew that today was going to be the end. But my desire to survive forces my body to fight until exhaustion. Rodrick the last human still able to fight explained flying backwards, the body at an unnatural angle. He was dead, and that horrible sight destroyed my last barriers, those that still supported my body. I broke down crying, closing my eyes filled with despair. Series of grunts then held back, and vines whipped around a body that surprisingly wasn't mine. Relevant to the head I saw a figure ramming a tree breaking the trunk at the same time. He got up and I recognized the boy whose face I will never forget. This boy, his face turned towards the sky, which was pouring out its cleansing rain, is his face and his body stained with blood. A black blade in his hand dripping with the same blood, he was lonely in the middle of the countless bodies of monsters that littered the ground. And when our eyes met that day, I felt my soul quiver. Today he's here again, I don't know if it's a coincidence but I thank heaven he's here. I couldn't help but worry about him. Hyenas were tough opponents and nearly impossible for a human to handle alone. Yet he was different, I had never seen such a strong man before. For other Races it would seem weak but for us humans it would be a hope. If he could grow and become much stronger than now that would be the beginning of our glory.
Max's point of view:
[ killed 6 creeper hyenas]
[600 EXP + 6 Stockpiles of Hell Stones]
After letting off steam, I feel comfortable. My urge to kill subsided and I became calm again like the smooth, windless water of a lake. I approached the girl, the only survivor of her group. As she watched me approach her, flashbacks of her seductive naked body flashed through my mind. I felt my mouth go dry as little brother walked in. Luckily she didn't see it otherwise it could have been embarrassing. I sat across from her to hide my envy and looked her in the eye. The silence lasted for a few minutes, finally I spoke.
"I don't know what your plans are but I think you're going to have to abandon them, I leave you two choices. Either you follow me or you stay here"
Out of her daze, she looks around her before declaring:
"I think I will follow you"
"Well, first rule, you always have to listen to me, if I tell you to do this, then you do it. Second rule, since you're here you're going to take care of anything non-combat, as long as you're of any use, understood?
"Okay" she said, frowning.
So we set off. After walking for several hours, we had to stop to spend the night. A cave was to our right and we settled into it. My senses had warned me that nothing inhabited the cave. No bad surprise with a big earth dragon coming out explained. After making a fire, and I sit down, she looks at me. Long and without speaking. I did the same. I got lost in their ocean blue tinged with a bit of emerald green. And without even realizing it
[Ding...You have entered in the Colosseum]
Name: Max
Level: 11(EXP: 15840/25200)
Race: Human
Strength: 30
Agility: 30
Dexterity: 20
Sense: 25
Vitality: 27
Magic: 20.01
Stat Points Available: 0
[Innate Ability]
[Skill tab]
[Lightning Coating]
[Pressure of the god of war Ares]
[Strength Boost]
[Darkness of the Underworld]
[Passive]: [Athena's Eyes]
[Speed comprehension]
[Little Samurai]
[Snake Dodge]
[Sense of Magic]
[Hermes Boots]
The Helmet of Hades]
[Oil Spill]
[Construction materials] :
[1 pillar for the temple of Hades + 9 stocks of stones from the underworld + 1 roof + a crystal amphora + 1 stock of ivory]
[Tip] Each time a stat reaches 10, a skill will be unlocked and will be boosted every 10 levels.
[Other information]
0 free draws remaining in the lottery.