Chereads / This Demons Life / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The Meeting

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The Meeting

"So Boss what can I do for you?" "Hmm. What indeed. First of all, how are you and your family doing?" "Good as we are going to why?" "Ash told me that you two aren't going to live here anymore." "Oh, that well yes that is true but if its ok can we come visit?" "Your always welcome here kid." "Sigh why does everyone here even the younger ones call me kid Jeeze. Well, I guess I have to live with it. So, I know you have been trying to get me to do something and I have been putting it off. I apologize Boss. What exactly do or did you want me to do?" "Oh, and there lies the question now, doesn't it?" The boss got a little close to me and grabbed my hand tightly. "Boss are you ok?" "Oh, that's right. You still think I'm your boss that old man I killed before you arrived." "What? So you have been posing as the old man? Why?" "Oh no need for that. I need you to come with me!" "What do you want from me?" "I will tell you when we get there." "Do you plan to hurt me or my family?" "Not unless only, you come with me." "How long do I have to decide?" "Hmm let's see. Tomorrow at dawn." "Ok fine. I promise I won't tell." I know if you did you will regret it." Then the man turned back and I left the office.

I saw Ash waiting for me. "Well, are you finished?" "Yeah, I got one other place to go. Then I have to talk to you." "You ok kid?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll meet you at dinner, ok?" "OK kid see you soon."

I went to the Garden where the fountain was. I saw the old man. I heard him sigh. "What seems to be the problem sir?" "I see you have met the boss? You finally found out." "You knew huh? Can you at least tell me what the real boss was like?" "Maybe some other time. I will miss you Narvian. I know you go by Narvi but I thought I could call you this once. Something happened, didn't it? The only reason you come here is either you have a bad feeling or something bad happened." "A bit of both. Sir I have a question." "Look first ask me after." "Yes sir." I went to the fountain, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Once I let it out, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the old man when I saw him nod, I nodded back and looked down. I didn't like what I saw but I forced myself to see the end until it was done. I fell backwards onto the ground on my butt. "Narvi! Are you ok?" Said the old man. "Ow. Yeah, I'll be fine." I slowly got up and said. "Can I ask some questions now?" "Go ahead." "I wasn't going to ask this question until I saw what just happened. You said that the future isn't written in stone, right?" "Yes. One small change will alternate it. Is there something else you had a question about?" "Uh yes. Uh I can't tell you what it's about but I can tell you in a made-up story. You'll figure it out. So, uh someone that killed another person that a boy never knew and posed as that person. All these years he has been wanting the boy to do something without anyone knowing. This man said he wouldn't hurt the boy should the boy trust this man? He said he won't hurt the family unless he refuses. As long as the boy makes it to where he needs to be after in time should it be, ok?" "Hmm. That is an interesting one. Tell me. In that vision in did someone that boy love die? Someone important? Was that boy there to have his back? That is something to consider." "Sigh. I understand. Thanks for clearing that up old man. I will most likely see you sooner than later." "Be careful out there Narvi." I waved then went back to see Ash.

"Kid you, ok? You look beat." "I…I'm ok I think." I collapsed but Ash caught me. "No. No doctor. I have to talk to you. Just learned a lot. Just a little tired. Is dinner done?" "Yeah kid. I was waiting for you. I had the others go ahead and eat." "Good that's good." "Kid what did you need to tell me?" "Follow me further into the forest. I can't tell you anything of what's going on but I do have something important to tell you."

We got to the forest. I started telling him what I had to say. "First I need you to shift into your fox form." "Ok kid." Then he shifted and I embarrassingly asked. "Can I touch your ears and tail? Just curious." "Kid what is wrong? Are you sure you are, ok?" "Yeah, just let me." I touched his ears and I heard him laugh cause it was ticklish. Then I touched his tail. "Wow its fluffy just like a cloud." "Haha yeah I thought so too. So can you tell me now?" "Yeah, just stay in your form. You will need if for what I am about to tell you." "Ok kid shoot." "Well where do you think we go when we die? Do we go to the goddess or somewhere else?" "Who knows. Some people say they have had an out of body experience and end up with the goddess. She chooses. Is this what you wanted to tell me?" "No, it's just a thought. Listen. I might not be there in the morning to leave with you. You can't stop me from what I am about to do. If I am not here, I will try to meet you at the battlefield of the palace. Just let me finish before you but in please. Again, you can't stop me. I don't know exactly what it is but please please don't get yourself killed. I saw in the fountain you were hurt but I didn't see you die before it disappeared. I saw you were hurt really bad I was afraid you would die. So, if I am not there in the morning don't freak out. Just know I will be on the battlefield late or early who knows ok?" "Kid. Are you sure whatever you are going to do is safe?" "No, I am not. That is why I am saying please be careful out there. Try not to die. If something happens to me you need to protect my wife and kids. I don't care how you do it ok?" "Sigh. There is nothing I can say to talk you out of it huh?" "I'm sorry no." "I've already sent word to my father and brother that if something does happen to protect them and take care of them. Some other lame words as well." "Sounds like you kid. Any word for me in case I survive and you die?" "Yeah, don't be a dick head. No, I'm kidding just take care of my boys and family. My future babies." "I'll do my best kid. Whatever you are doing don't die ok kid?" "I'll try not to. Let's go I'm starving."

We went to the table and we grabbed some meat. It was a feast to celebrate our visit. So, we ate and visited until my tummy was full. After dinner I mingled a bit then hit the hay early, so I can leave at dawn. "Ok everyone. I'm a little tired. Night." Then I went to sleep.

I felt a little light so I knew it was probably dawn by now. I got up and looked outside. "It sure was." I slept in my clothes so I didn't have to change. Then I walked into boss's office and told him I'd do what he wanted. Just to keep people safe. "Good choice. Let's go." I followed him out and he turned into his monster form and I flew on him and we were off.

That morning Ash woke up and realized Narvi had already left. "Be careful whatever you are doing kid. Goddess. Please protect that kid and his family. If you can please protect me too. Not that I am afraid but this kid you know what he is like." Then Ash left and headed for the battlefield.

"So, whoever you are what exactly are you going to have me do? You're not going to have me kill anyone or waken anyone that will kill are you?" "Hmm. I can't say. There is someone who wants to meet you. That is all I am going to say." "You killed the old man just to take me to this person?" "Oh that. I was just joking. He isn't dead. I put him in a long sleep for a while in a special place. I'll wake him up when things are calmed down." "You did scare me there." "Yeah, well anyway. Don't worry I'm sure this person will make sure you get to the battlefield on time. I'm rooting for you two after all. I don't want that evil man on the throne." "Wait you know who they are putting up there? If you know please tell me? Do I know him? Does Ash?" "All in good time kid."

Finally, after hours of sitting on a bony back we got to our destination. "Wait this is? Where is my uncle? Is he here too?" "Oh him. He has probably been possessed already." "What? You mean they posed as the real people? Where are the real ones? Did they kill them?" "Woah kid slow down like I said you will find out soon. I'll stop talking now." He landed and said "Get down kid." I jumped down and ran into the Palace. "Hello?" "Ah Narvian good to see you in person. I'd hoped I would." "You, you're J." "Yes I am. Come follow me into my quarters." I looked at the man and he nodded in agreement. Then I followed him.

"So Narvian. You aren't what I pictured but good enough, I guess. I know you go by Narvi. I just wanted to say your name. "Yeah, I know I am only a teenager I'm 18 years old. You are only what 20 or 21? "Good guess 21 and I already have a set of twins and another on the way with a magic pregnancy." "Oh, wow I have heard of those I wonder how they work? With those I heard can be a random time when they have kids. It's different for everyone." "Yeah, well I'd like to be there for the birth can you hurry up and tell me what you want already?" "Ok, ok, jeeze. First of all, my real name and where I come from." "Where you come from what do you mean?" "I'll tell you just give me a minute. When I say my real name, you might figure it out right away. Oh, and my name does not start with a J. I just liked the name." "OK what it." "Before I tell you. I need to tell you something. I am the Goddess's son. I know everyone is the goddess' children. But I am actually her child. The reason I look like you, is because she met a man from here. So, I guess that means I am a demigod." "I see. Do you have any sibling?" "Yeah, my older sister and brother. That is all. Yes, same father. He died when she was pregnant with me in a war. Now as for my name it's after my dad that died. My real name is Storm." "That is a cool name. So, your dad's name was storm?" "Yeah, it was. As for my sister and brother, Michael and Kitiana. Now as for the reason you are here. Oh, by the way nice to meet you, Narvi." Then we shook hands. "Now the reason you are here is to help me. Uh well I know my mom isn't going to like it but I don't care. I'm a grown man now I can do what I can. I need you to open something for me." "What? Why can't you?" "You will find out soon. Only a royal can open it. A royal of this world. If only I had my mom's powers like my sister. Yeah, she is the only one that has them." "Lucky her." I said. So, what do I need to open? Is it dangerous?" "Oh no its not. Don't worry. It's just files mom doesn't want me to see. I have a feeling it's what happened to dad and that he is not really dead. I have a feeling the files are not the only thing in it though." "Follow me." Stupid as I was, I followed him not knowing what would happen.

"Now where is that secret hole." Then I saw him throw some sort of magic ball. "I thought you didn't have powers." "Oh, I don't have mom's powers but my brother and I have powers. Aha here it is." "Ready?" "Yeah, ready let's go."

When we got inside, I heard a voice saying, "Who goes there?" I looked at Storm. "Yeah, I forgot to mention. A protector beast is here. It's me again sir." Then I saw a beast about to claw him. "Woah easy." I spoke up. "Who did you bring Storm?" I bowed to him. "I am prince Narvian sir." " I see so you brought a royal. He can come in you need to stay out." "Fine, fine. Be careful Narvi." Then I saw him go out. "So, uh sir? What animal are you exactly?" "Oh, uh I am a Chimera we don't have a name for us yet. As you can see, I'm half wolf and dragon." "So, what is in this thing that Storm is so eager to get?" "Sigh. I'm sure he told you that his father died when his mother was pregnant right?" "Yeah, he did. So does it really contain files on what happened to him? Also, why a royal from this earth? Does she trust us this much?" "Well, I think she was hoping you would come here. We have been watching you for the longest time. She told me that she could trust you. You will see why we can't tell him about his father. Follow me." "By the way what is your name?" He stood frozen for a minute. "Other than the Goddess no one has bothered to ask my name. It means a lot thank you. My name is Attor. Thank you for asking." "Yeah, no problem." Then we walked on.

Finally, we come to a big vault. "Woah something this big for only files?" "Uh I am sure that Storm told you that he thought there might be more than files, right?" I nodded my head. "Well, he is right. You will see why she wanted to keep it a secret from him. Also, she asks that you don't tell the kids either." "Yes Attor."

"So how am I supposed to open it? I have fire power." " Use your hands." I took a deep breath and let it out. Then I cautiously put my hand on the vault. I was relieved that nothing happened. Then I pulled the vault open when I saw magic sparkles come out from me opening it. "Cool magic sparkles." I said. "Haha yeah it is pretty cool. Now get the files." I picked up all the files, and saw the name Storm on them. I got that one out of the pile and looked in it.

I opened the file and Attor came to me too. "Are you allowed to look?" Yeah, I just couldn't open the vault." Then I started reading. I saw his common info like his name and birthday stuff as well as his age.

Then the next page started with Storms life. I was looking through it and did the blah blah blah thing then found what I wanted. "Ah ha here it is. OK so..." I read quietly first and when I finished my face was so shocked that Attor was worried. "You ok Narvi?" No response. Then Attor saw his green eyes. "Narvi! Are you ok kid?!" I was about to collapse but Attor caught me. I was feeling slightly dizzy. "You, ok?" "pant, pant Yeah just slightly dizzy. Thanks for catching me." I tried to slowly sit up. "Easy now. You need rest kid." "No, I need to get to the battle soon. I need to protect Ash." "Easy he will be fine. He is a strong warrior." "You know him?" "Yeah, we actually grew up together. Then I couldn't find him anymore." "Well at the moment he is fighting at the palace where the Goldhart's live." "I see so he has accepted his role as prince then." "Yeah, and he wants to take one of my boys as king. We decided to wait until the kids get older. As for what happened to storm, here read this. I'm afraid if I tell you I'll get dizzy again." He took it from me and he read it.

"Hmm. I see why you got dizzy. So, he really is still alive and not dead just in a bad situation curse thing." "Now that I saw this I know I'm not supposed to tell him. What is going to happen to the files? Are they going to be destroyed?" "Yeah, that was the plan. The goddess was going to destroy them." Then he put them down and the files disappeared. "Woah creepy. Anyway, Attor what do you plan to do from here?" "Well, I have nothing to do now?" Then Attor felt a strange feeling. He was spaced out and Narvi left him alone for a bit thinking he is talking to the goddess.

When he got back to me he said, "Well I guess I do have something to do. I am to help you in your battle and go back to hanging out with Ash again. My orders." "Hmm ok." As we were walking back, I asked him what was on my mind. "What happened to Damian? I thought my uncle was dead?" "Oh yeah I forgot he was your uncle. I assume that Storm told you that he was possessed right?" "Yeah, is he going to be, ok?" "I hope so. Sigh. He has been through a lot. He did almost die after all. Well, he will come after you I don't know what for though." "Sigh I do. It's my fault. He wanted my help but I told him he had to work for the family that he hurt before I helped him. It looks like it wasn't them after all." "Actually, it was. One of the teenagers must have possessed him. It was their dad that he hurt." "Hmm I never thought it was that. He will need your help as soon as possible." "Yeah, I know."