Chereads / This Demons Life / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Untitled

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18: Untitled

"I was supposed to be. Sigh. I swear your father tried but…he didn't have the heart to. He knew that my spirt was in here and compared me to a person. He couldn't kill someone for no reason. Especially since they tried to protect them. He was on the brink of death and he still couldn't kill me. Why didn't he let me heal him? If he let me heal him, he would have lived a lot longer." Said Silver in a strained tone in anger with fists clinched.

"Hey Silver. Its ok. My father talked to me before he went to battle. So I can only tell you what he told me. He said he was old his kids were already grown and have families of their own. His wife had died so if he died in battle he wouldn't want to be saved. He wanted to go back to his wife again. I don't know if you remember, but he said he wanted you to protect his future grandchild?" "He said he wanted me to protect the one called Narvian if one of them is called that."

He looked at me. "Yeah, that's another reason I was told to protect you. That is another reason he didn't want to kill me. Not only was I another soul but knew I could protect someone younger than he was and in the future the family if needed. I'm sorry your majesty." "Hey its ok you were still young back then too. you can do better with my son. Right Narvian?" "Yes, father and please call me Narvi? Oh, and I want to tell you this in front of father so he can hear it. If I ever say I don't want to be healed, if you can heal me don't give me a choice. Turn into this form and heal me anyway. Can you do that without my permission?" "Yeah, but we would have to make it an oath. Sort of like a blood pact. As long as I have a body I can still bleed. Ok let's cut our hands. Its ok I have claws it will work." So, he cut my hand he cut his. Then I said the oath. "I Narvian Dragonblood make the oath to have my sword Silver heal me without my permission if I refuse! Also when the time is needed!" "I Sword Silver Accept!" Then there was a bright light and I felt myself fall and I heard Silver, fall in his sword form. 'Please be ok Silver.' I said in my head the last thing I remember thinking.

I was in a meadow when I woke up. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "Hello my child." Said a woman. "Are you the goddess?" "Yes I am." I bowed to her and she said, "No need please rise Narvian. Oh, sorry you go by Narvi right?" "Y-yes." I said. "It's ok though. What happened am I dead? I just made a pact with Silver. Silver! Is he ok? Please tell me he is ok." "Yes, Silver is fine. He is here too. When he is in sword form his other part rests here. Once some creatures die, they turn into weapons. At least their spirit is put into one if someone chooses." "Where is he? Can I see him?" "Relax Narvi. I will bring him here in a moment. I need to tell you something first." So, I looked at her and calmed down. "Sorry I just. In just a few days I got attached to him. I think of him like a brother already." "Hehe. Yeah, he just has that pull. Now what I needed to tell you is in all the time spirits have been put into weapons you are the very first to make a pact. Everyone was afraid of what the consequences would be so they never make one. When you see silver what did you think at first?" "Well I met him before I knew he was a sword so I thought of him as a person. I guess just like grandfather did. Even if there wasn't a spirit in it, I believe everything has a spirit in it. For some reason nature is kind of a thing in me." "Yes even demons have that sort of feeling. You are one of the rare as Silver had said. Now that you have made a pact, the only way for one to break is either one dies or…." Then I answered the last part. "Dark magic." "Yes, I'm sure you know about your uncle Damian being possessed?" "Yes, Storm told me. Is uncle going to be, ok?" "Well there are two ways you can bring him back. Since you are a wielder of the sword you can either talk to him or choose to save him by stabbing him. Now listen, since you are the wielder you can choose to heal them or kill them with stabbing. Just tell Silver what you want and he will do it. Every time you use his power though it drains him. Be careful how you use his powers. I would suggest you try talking him out of it first before you heal him." "Yes goddess. Can I see Silver now?" "Yes, and there are two others who can see you before you go back."

"Silver and other two come here please." It was shadowy at first then the figures were starting to show. I saw an old man that looked like father and a woman who could be his wife maybe. "Hello there Narivan. Oh, sorry Narvi isn't it. As you have probably guessed I am your grandpa. I'm glad my wish came true that I had a grandson named Narvian. This is your grandmother." "Nice to meet you both. Grandpa I'm sure you know what I want to ask. I'm sure you have been watching us. Why didn't you let Silver heal you? He said that if he healed you, you would have survived. I wanted a grandfather to look up to and tell me stories. Well, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Most of my life I was kidnapped anyway. I was already 16 before I was free. Still, you would have been alive. You still could have told me. Father still needed you grandpa. Like dad always said a dad's job is never finished. Neither is a mothers. Why grandpa? I'm sure grandma wanted you to live a lot longer right grandma?" "Sigh. I did. I went through it all when he arrived. Your father was in his early 40's when all this happened."

"So, grandpa. Why did you do it?" "Sigh. Well, I guess you want to hear it from me and not from someone else's mouth. Silver was right about what he said to you. About the reason I didn't want to destroy him. You are just like me kid. Think of him as a person not a weapon like most do. Haha. He was right about what he said to me too. That someday the next chosen one my grandson would come and ask me questions. Well, Narvian. As your grandmother knows I am stubborn. Your father gets that from me. I was actually in a debate with myself weather to live on or return to my beautiful wife. I was already old and wrinkly kid. I just wanted to go and not be in pain anymore. You will know when you get that age. Poor Silver will never age. He gets to stay young and live on until someone destroys him. I'm sure he is lonely and is tired of seeing his owners die when he can't. Kid if he asks you to break him when he can't heal you, you have to make a hard choice. Let him live on or give him peace and destroy him." "Yeah, I know. I knew one day I would have to make it. Grandpa when that day comes, please help me decide if you can. Goddess you too please and everyone here." "We will do our best. Narvi." Said the goddess. "Grandma. Grandpa. I never knew you. But, you were family so I will say what I wanted to say if I had grandparents. Thank you and I love you. Thank you for bringing my father into this world and if I could tell my mother's parents I would too." "Thank you Narvian." Said grandma. "We love you too." "Yes we love you too." Said grandpa. "We also love your kids and future kids as well that you are going to have." "Oh, is there anything you want me to tell dad when I go back?" "Not much just that I love him and not to be so stubborn towards that beautiful wife of his." "Haha that's dad for you even if I didn't get to know him very long. Grandma do you have anything to say to dad?" "That I'm proud of him and your grandfather is too he is just being his stubborn old self. Hehe. Congratulations on your children and marriage Narvian. Tell your father as well congratulations on grandkids." "I will. Well looks like it's time for me to go back. Silver there is something I want to talk to you about before we go back. Is that ok Goddess?" "Yes, but make it quick." "I'll try." I went to Silver and talked to him.

"Silver. Grandfather told me that you are a little lonely after all these years. You have seen 10 people you know die or grow old and die. How can you live like this? if you can't save me, if there comes a time you can't save me what do you want to do? Do you want me to destroy the sword?" "Really? You will do that for me?" "Well I don't know what you want? I know you can't age and you are practically my age. I have had friends die and I can barely handle it. But being around for hundreds of years must be painful. I told grandfather if there came a time if he and the others could help me decide despite your choice. I mean yes it would be hard because you didn't do anything to hurt me. you protect me. It would feel like killing my brother." "Aww its sweet you think of me that way Narvi. Sigh well if I live on again, it wouldn't be any different. I don't like to get attached. I never got as attached to anyone like you kid. It would be harder to let you go than anyone else. Sorry old man back there. You are the only one who has ever made a pact. Even before you made a pact, I was still attached to you for some reason. Even the goddess can't tell you why. Anyway, you know my answer to that now. I would be happier to be here but if I live on, I won't have any grudges. You and your grandfather are pretty ok people." "I'll do my very best Silver. I promise." "I know you will Narvian. Now let's go back." We went over to the goddess and she nodded. I said goodbye to my grandparents and hugged them. "Don't die too young ok Narvian?" said Grandpa "Yes grandpa I'll try my very best not to die too young, ok? Grandma if I do die young, I'll need to help you with grandfather." "Hehe I'll do my best but like he said, try not to. Your kids are still young and you have two on the way. We are proud of you and them as well." "Thank you, grandma? Thank you, grandpa. I never thought I would say this but I hope I don't see you both too soon since you both are gone from this world." "Haha its ok kid no harm done." Said grandpa. Then the goddess touched my head and a white light like before then pitch black.

I slowly opened my eyes. Pant pant. "That was a little scary at first." I looked around I was in my room again.

"Oh Talia, Dad everybody. Did someone die?" "We thought you might." Said mother. "Yeah, sorry about that mom and everyone. I'm alive and well just a long sleep. How long was I out this time?" "We had to call the doctor after 2 days since you weren't waking. You were asleep for a month." Said Talia. "Wait a month you? The babies?" "I still haven't had them yet so calm down but doc said any day now. Oh I didn't tell you since you just got back. We are having girls. Both of them are girls." That is when I started to worry. "Talia, you know what that means right?" "Narvian Arton Dragonblood. It will be ok. Our little girls will be fine. Taken or not, ok? We will get back safe and sound." "Yes, because I will get them myself. Even if I have to use Silver." I hugged my wife. "I missed you, Talia. I thought of you all the while I was gone. I thought of our future kids and our boys." "Oh, I know honey. It's going to be ok." She patted my back. "Sorry everyone. I'm acting like a baby." Then Silver decided to show up. "Hey kid why are you balling like a baby? Yeah, I can feel you. Since we made a blood pact, I have your blood as well I can feel your emotions. Luckily that's all I can feel." "Yeah, sorry Silver. I'm ok now." Then the boys came over to me to see if I was ok. "Daddy, ok?" said Ace. "Yes, boys I'm fine. What do you think of having sisters?" I saw Aiden roll his eyes. Then Ace said, "Sisers yay!" "Oh brother. Sigh. You can tell that Aiden is already going to be an over protective brother. We need to work on that." "Hehe yeah." Then everyone else laughed too.

"Ok I have some news everyone. The plan was to leave tomorrow to the Goldhart palace but seeing as how Talia can pop any time we have to wait until my daughters are born first. So, I have to send word to Ash and the others." Then Zaira spoke. "I will do that. I have to make a trip over there then I will come back. I'll be leaving today in a few minutes. I'll tell them, ok?" "Be safe Zaira and thank you for taking care of my stubborn husband." "Oh, any time." Then that reminded me. "Oh father. When I was under, I saw the goddess and I saw your parents. They had some words for you." Then I told him what they said and he laughed. "Yeah, that is my father for you. I never got to see my mother long, she died when I was 5 years old." "I'm sorry father she did look young still." "Thank you, Narvi." "NO problem father. Now I need some time alone with my wife I'll be out soon." "Ok kiddo. Come on everyone let's go. Come on boy's daddy will be out soon." Then they followed father out.

When we were alone, I hugged Talia again. "Sigh. I'm sorry honey. I just wish things weren't like this. I wish they were simple." "I know you know my life hasn't been easy either. I came here after my parents died. I was the same age as you." "Yeah, I know. Well, I better go. I'll have someone here with you in case you go into labor." "Ok see you later Narvi." "Yeah." Then I went out and looked for my brother.

"Hey brother." "Oh Narvian. What's up?" "Well, you heard me when I said had to leave once my girls are born right?" "Yeah, I did. Is everything ok?" "Well, I don't know. I'm acting like a little boy not wanting to leave. But what about you guys? Dad. Mom and you Arson. You're my brother." "Oh Narvi. We will be fine. You helped me when we were kids. When I couldn't speak you were with me. We helped each other and had our fun. Now you have a wife and kids. You can have fun with them. Tell them about the fun times we had, ok?" "Come visit when you are free ok? I will do the same." "Ok sounds good. Are you going to be ok now?" "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm going for a walk." "Ok I'll let the others know."

I went to the forest and go for a breather. "Ah fresh air." I took a deep breath and let it out. "Fresh air always helped me think." I said out loud to no one in particular.

I walked around and watched the animals running around playing. I smiled at them reminding me of the times I was a kid. I sat down and leaned on a tree. Then some of the animals came to me. looks like they were trying to cheer me up. "Haha I'm ok little guys and girls I assume. I just have a lot on my mind. Now go have fun." Then off they went and ran around some more.

After a while I tried to get up but then I almost fell but I caught myself. Then pushed myself back up.