Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 37 - Old habits

Chapter 37 - Old habits

Doran was in his room, placing his belongings in a polished tamarind trunk that he could have climbed into himself. Lothar sat in a chair sharpening his sword, glancing from time to time at his prince, who paced up and down the room picking up this or that.

"You could help." says Doran as he carries two books half his size.

"Exercise will help you strengthen the twigs you have for arms." he says with a smirk.

Doran rolls his eyes and continues packing.

Last year he got his parents to allow him to start his martial training under certain conditions: he is not allowed to train without supervision nor to train more than one hour a day. Lothar took care of his training, the young knight is a great mentor but quite arrogant and prone to tease his protégé.

`But I prefer it this way,` Doran prefers someone honest and sincere to a treacherous sycophant as his sworn shield and mentor. He has known Lothar forever and knows he can be trusted, no amount of gold will make the Dornishman sell his prince. `Loyalty is worth more than gold.`

"You should hurry, the Golden Spear will arrive before noon." He reminds him.

"Have you already packed everything?"

"Obviously, unlike a certain prince who left everything to the last minute." He makes fun of him.

Doran blushed, that habit of packing at the last moment was characteristic of Harry Potter, even after a decade of traveling the world Harry couldn't get rid of that habit and it followed him to this life.

Salazar, who was sleeping in Doran's bed, wakes up and looks at Doran's prince who is still packing.

"/Aren't you finished yet?/" complains the snake. "/You are slower than a prey./"

Doran sighs and continues packing.


The Martell family reunion was full of tears, Obella and Mors hugged Doran so tight that the prince feared for a moment that he would be crushed. His father, on the other hand, kept his distance. At first, Doran felt hurt, but when he saw his father's green and sweaty complexion, he understood that Trystanne didn't hug him, not because of lack of love, but because of his illness.

And the silver-haired prince didn't take two steps off the ship before emptying his stomach onto the docks, Doran looked at him sympathetically.

"Worry not about Trystanne son," says Obella who still hasn't let go of him. "Once the illness-"

"Dory!" Mors interrupts his mother, and Doran turns his attention to his brother. "Where's Sally?"

Doran points to Lothar, who has Salazar wrapped around his neck like a scarf. Mors lets go of his brother and runs towards the snake.

"My brother loves my snake more than me." Doran slumps somewhat dejectedly and Obella ruffles his hair.

"Speaking of snakes, where is my little brother?" The princess asks when she notices Lewyn's absence.

"Packing up." The prince shrugs with a smile. `I'm glad I'm not the only lazy one in the family.`

"Really? That boy..." Obella complains.

"Son!" Doran feels a pair of arms lift him off the ground and away from his mother.

Trystanne lifts his son into the air and hugs him tightly. Doran wraps his arms around his father's neck wincing at the smell.

`Sweat and vomit,` the prince shudders slightly.


After the meeting the servants took the belongings of Doran and Lewyn, who finally finished packing, to the ship.

The Martell family set out for Casterly Rock that same day, much to Trystanne's despair, who longed for a few days on dry land.

Doran took the opportunity to give his father an anti seasickness potion that he had prepared in advance. Trystanne stared at the liquid in the vial for a moment before shrugging and drinking it.

"Son, have you tested your invention on humans before?" His mother asks with concern.

Doran nods and answers her.

"I sent one of the servants to round up people suffering from seasickness and gave them a few coins to test my potion." To his mother's expectant gaze, Doran continues, "It worked."

"Calm down my princess, Doran's potion is not harmful to men." Lothar assures her, "I was there while he tested it and none of the men got sick."

Obella's concern makes perfect sense to Doran, new potions can be very volatile which is why Potion Masters have to do a lot of testing before they can sell their new invention on the market.

`But that is in my old world, most likely mother is worried for other reasons. For a five-year-old to create a potion is... `Doran explains that he found the recipe in an ancient Valyrian tome and only had to replace a few ingredients, which reassures his mother.

His father on the other hand is excited, he couldn't care less where Doran got that potion from. The joy of being able to be on board the ship without feeling like dying is the greatest joy the prince has experienced in years.

An animated Trystanne joins the conversation and asks Doran about his time at the Citadel and Oldtown.

Doran recounts the adventures he had in the city through the maze of alleys and winding streets, marveling at the Thieves Market and Ragpickers Wynd, where one could buy wares from all over the world. The prince shows them the robes he bought from a Yi Ti merchant called yukata. Doran bought several yukatas, not only for himself but also as gifts for his family and the Lannisters.

In Kings Landing the Yi Ti merchants sold spices and many trinkets but not clothes so Doran took the opportunity to buy the exotic clothes.

He bought Obella an orange yukata with golden suns, his father a black yukata with purple stars, his brother a blue yukata with white birds,... Doran chose the colors based on each one's preferences, Obella prefers the colors orange and yellow, Trystanne black and purple, Mors blue and white...

Doran taught them how to put on the yukatas and accessories such as the belt called obi.

"They are beautiful, son."


"How long until we arrive?" Morris complains.

"One day." Lewyn answers tiredly, his nephew has been asking him and many others the same thing over and over again.

The time they spent on the ship was the most boring for Lewyn, his nephew was entertained by reading or learning to sail but Lewyn did not find any of those activities entertaining. Dorna's second son has two passions: war and adventure. Lewyn wants to be a knight and fight evildoers, he wants to explore strange lands and fight in a thousand wars. He didn't inherit his mother's love of books, nor his father's patience so the trip has been very boring for him.