Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 38 - Arriving at Casterly Rock

Chapter 38 - Arriving at Casterly Rock

When they finally reached Lannisport Lewyn almost kissed the ground to the amusement of the others. Lannisport is one of the wealthiest cities in Westeros and it shows, with paved streets and many stone buildings. It's big, almost as big as Oldtown, with nearly 200,000 people.

`Three times bigger than Shadow City, which only has 60,000 inhabitants.` Doran thinks as he walks along the docks. Waiting for them at the end of the docks are two dozen Lannister guards, and in front of them are Tytos and his eldest sons.

Doran notes that they have both grown quite a bit in the last year.

"Welcome to Lannisport." Tytos smiles warmly at them as he welcomes them. Doran greets him briefly before turning his attention back to his friends.

"Tywin, Kevan." Doran greets them and then introduces Lewyn and Mors, the Lannister children shake hands with Lewyn and Mors. "And this is Salazar." He introduces them to his snake that is wrapped around Lothar's neck, both cubs eyeing him warily.

"I see." Tywin murmurs realizing that Doran wasn't bragging when he told him about his snake.

After the greetings the group boards a carriage on the way to Casterly Rock. It took them a few hours to reach the castle, during the trip the friends caught up and Tywin told them about the other guests at Tytos's nameday banquet, which was to be held in two days. Doran is amused when he tells them that the Tarbecks will not be present, and is slightly concerned to notice the somber expression on his friends' faces when they mention the Reynes, who are already at Casterly Rock.

The Reynes and the Tarbecks have been making fun of the Lannisters for years. The current Lady Tarbeck is the younger sister of Lord Reyne, before marrying Tarbeck she was married to Tytos' older brothers. Brothers, plural. She was first married to Gerold Lannister's eldest son, Tywald, after his death she married her husband's younger twin brother, Tion. And after the death of her second husband, she faked a pregnancy so she could keep Casterly Rock. Her lie was discovered and Ellyn Reyne was banished from Casterly Rock.

`Such drama, is like a soap opera`


Genna Lannister waited anxiously in the courtyard, she was standing next to her mother who was holding baby Tygett in her arms. Around her were many people, from lords and ladies to servants, all waiting to see the Martell family.

Everyone had heard of them, of their cunning and intelligence.

Obella Martell was the second woman to study at the Citadel, the first being her mother. Genna heard that the Princess of Dorne got special permission for her and all her descendants thanks to her cousin, King Aerys I. The young Lannister felt very envious as she also wanted to visit the Citadel but could not due to the condition as a woman. She knows that her father will not get such permission, Tytos Lannister hasn't much influence even in his lands, much less with royalty.

Genna sighs remembering her father's reputation, at seven years old she already knows why his lords call him the Laughing Lion. Like her siblings, she is outraged and furious, but there is little she can do. She can only hope the damage isn't too severe by the time Tywin becomes Lord of Casterly Rock.

`Or we could lose our position as Warden of the West.` Genna shoots a dark look at Roger Reyne, who stands a few feet away. The Red Lion stands tall and proud, as if he were the Lord of Casterly Rock and not a mere guest. `An unwanted guest,` she thinks with a grin.

That is why it is of vital importance that House Lannister increase its reputation and influence, for that it is necessary to create alliances with powerful Houses.

House Martell is ruler of one of the richest and most powerful Kingdom of Westeros. They have close ties to royalty and their position in Dorne is strong as steel since most Dornish Houses are loyal to them (with a few exceptions) and those that do not, they respect and fear them too much to do anything against them.

Dorne doesn't have many natural resources, but the Dornish learned millennia ago how to take advantage of what they have and find other ways to enrich themselves. Trade is the main source of wealth for the Dornish, they have the largest trade network in Westeros.

That is why the friendship of her brothers in the future Prince of Dorne is so important.

`We can't allow this friendship to be ruined,` Genna glares at Roy Reyne, Roger's son. Lord Reyne has implied several times that his son would be a better friend than the stoic Tywin or the boring Keven. Genna is worried about what could happen, she knows that her brothers have exchanged letters with the Dornish prince but still she is worried because she knows that none of her brothers are very affable or friendly.

When she hears the sound of horses at the gates she snaps out of her thoughts and looks ahead. She sees her father riding his horse talking to a handsome man with silver hair. Beside them are her brothers who are talking to two boys, both have olive skin and dark hair; one is older than Tywin and one is younger than her. Genna recognizes the older one as Lewyn Martell and the younger one as Doran Martell.

What surprises her is the smile on Tywin's face as he speaks to the younger prince. Genna knows how much her brother hates to show emotions, during the last few months Tywin seemed to change a bit and started to smile and even laugh sometimes, but that's only when he is with his family.

When the entourage is a few meters away they stop and dismount from their horses. Genna notices a man with brown hair and a snake around his neck helping Doran off the pony, she is startled to see the snake approach the prince. Doran strokes its head and the snake returns to its position.

`The rumors don't exaggerate, Prince Doran is the Prince of Snakes.` Genna realizes with amazement.

Stepping out of the carriage is one of the most beautiful women Genna has ever seen, her hair and eyes dark as night, her full lips arched in a half smile. Beside her is a little boy, a slightly smaller version of Prince Doran.

`That must be his younger brother, Prince Mors.`

The Martell entourage approach and greet first her mother and then her. They are all friendly and charming. Genna finds little Mors endearing, the boy tries to imitate the gestures and actions of his brother and uncle.

While all Martells are attractive, Genna blushed more when Lewyn kissed her hand. The youngest son of the Princess of Dorne is handsome and gallant, his smile causing Genna to feel a strange sensation in her stomach. She was worried for a moment, thinking that she was getting sick, but when she realized that this feeling is only felt when she looked at the prince, she calmed down a bit.

Then Genna remembered the passage she read in her favorite novel: "The Queen and her Knight" and she blushed even more as she realized what the sensation was.


Doran smirks as Genna Lannister blushes redder than a beet.

`Ah, young love.` Doran bites his lip to keep from laughing as Lewyn puffs out his chest like a peacock at the reaction he elicits from the Lannister girl. Doran also notices the slight reddening of Lewyn's cheeks and makes a mental note to tease him later.

"Princess Obella, it's good to see you again." Doran sees his friends tense up when a handsome man his mother's age approaches them, accompanied by a boy of about seven.

`Roger Reyne and his heir Roy` Doran recognize the Reyne emblem on their clothes.

"Lord Roger, I didn't expect to see you here." Obella answers rather coldly, something that surprises Doran for a moment before educating his expression.

Roger tries to make conversation but the princess cuts him off.

"Lord Tytos, could your servants show us our quarters? We are tired from the trip and we want to freshen up."

"Of course princess Obella!" Tytos orders the servants to carry the Martells' luggage to their quarters and guides them to an elevator.

Lady Jeyne explains to them that Casterly Rock has several elevators as due to the size of the castle it takes a lot of time to use the stairs. Doran compares the pulley system they used in building these elevators to the one used at Sunspear and notes that the Sunspear ones are much more efficient and safer.

The Lannisters accompany them to a corridor with several doors and the servants carry the luggage to different rooms, Doran notes that his quarters are opposite Lewyn's and next to Mors's.

The Martells say goodbye to the Lannisters, they will see them in several hours at dinner, and enter their quarters. While some servants prepare the tubs of water for them to bathe in, Obella talks with Lewyn and Doran.

"Doran, Lewyn listen carefully. During the weeks we stay here, I want you to keep your distance from the Reynes. Be polite but nothing more, avoid them if you can." She tells them seriously.

"But why sister? Aren't they Uncle Jace's family?" Lewyn asks curiously.

"That's why little brother."

"Eh?" They both look at her confused.

"What do you know about Aunt Jocelyn's relationship with her family?" Both boys shrug their shoulders and say nothing.

"Not my story to tell but I will say this: Jocelyn hates House Reyne and for good reasons."


Doran, after bathing, sat on the windowsill and looked at the Sunset sea thoughtfully. He didn't even know that his aunt is a Reyne, the only time he asked her about her family Jocelyn Martell made a face and said they're dead. For a moment he thought of giving her his condolences but seeing the coldness in her eyes he didn't say anything. He was curious but out of respect for his aunt he didn't inquire, now he is even more curious.

"I'll ask Grandmama." In a few months, for his sixth birthday, his grandparents will visit him in Oldtown. Of all the members of his family, the person he is closest to is his grandmother, Dorna recognized his intelligence and dedicated a lot of time to nurturing his talents; she taught him a wide variety of things. Doran is the first to admit that without the teachings of his grandmother he would be lost in the political world, she taught him how to behave, what things to observe and how to react to different situations.

Harry Potter had many teachers but only one mentor, Healer Padme. Doran Nymeros Martell has even more teachers, and of all of them his grandmother is his favorite.


Note: Many dont remember the other members of House Martell so:

House Martell:

Maron Martell (165AC-224AC) - Daenerys Targaryen (172AC)

-Mors Martell (189AC-230AC) (Dead) - Sylvenna Allyrion (190AC-210AC)

*Dorna Martell (210AC) - Arthur Uller (206AC)

{Obella Martell (230AC) - Trystanne Dayne (226AC)

Doran Martell (247AC)

Mors Martell (248AC)

{Lewyn Martell (241AC)

-Maya Martell (192AC) - Willem Tolan (190AC)

*Arianne Toland (210AC-236AC)

{Unnamed Daughter (234AC-236AC)

* Steffon Toland (214AC) - Joanne Tarth (215AC)

{Michael Toland (240AC)

{Theodan Toland (245AC)

{Tanselle Toland (249AC)

- Arron Martell (198AC)

- Jacaerys Martell (201AC) - Jocelyn Reyne (204AC)

*Andrey Martell (225AC) - Alys Motoon (228AC)

{Valena Martell (245AC)

{Guilan Martell (247AC)

{Garibald Martell (247AC)

{ Myles Martell (250AC)

*Manfrey Martell (229AC) - Saera Waters (227AC)

{Trevor Martell (245AC)

{Teora Martell (248AC)

{Maron Martell (253AC)


Ser Lothar (236AC) (Sword Shield of Prince Doran)

Myria (225AC) (Head of servants of Prince Doran)