(Bismika's P.O.V.)
Driinnnggg Driinnnggg Driinnnggg
My Westclox Big Ben twin bell alarm clock is bustling like there's no tomorrow. Damn it! It's morning already!
I look at my clock, hauling ten feet from my not-so-comfortable bed. I keep the alarm clock at the opposite end of my room so that I have to walk there to stop that monster. Cause, if I put the clock closer to my bed like a normal human being, I just might turn it off in my sleep and keep dozing.
Talk about a deep sleeper!
Before my train of imagination reaches a never returning platform, I drag myself out of bed. Leaving my makeshift bed, I walk toward my desk to stop my hyperventilating alarm clock. It is 5:30 a.m. in the morning. If you are thinking about a morning workout routine, a healthy lifestyle, or other rich people's bullshit, my pathetic life routine may highly disappoint you.
As you can guess, I don't live the life of a typical teenager from movies, who wakes up right before her class and get scolded by her mom for not finishing breakfast to leave quickly. On the contrary, I play the role of Cinderella, who wakes up before everyone else to finish all the chores so that the other members don't think about kicking her out of the house. Except, I gotta deal with my alarm clock rather than cute little animals.
After shutting off the 'now-exhausted' clock, I hop into my bathroom. Brushing my teeth, I stare at my dark circles. My life condition is printed on my face. And all I can do is wear thick glasses to hide this panda look along with my big black orbs. No doubt I'm the so-called nerd to everyone's eyes. Giving break into my thoughts, I take a quick shower. Drying my hair, I take glance at the clock. It's 6 o'clock. I take my time cleaning my room. It is 6:15 am when I think it's time to start making breakfast.
I make some finger sandwiches, poached eggs, coffee for Carla, and orange juice for Meg and Mason. I put the food on the breakfast counter and start to marinate the chicken for dinner. I always prepare breakfast and dinner for everyone. The Johnsons think housekeepers are too expensive and there's no need to feed an extra mouth for free. So, here I'm, their free housekeeper, cook, and babysitter. And, to be honest, I never complain about this. Well until they started to ignore me like I am nothing to them. The only time they take interest in me is when they have something to blame me for. I'm a kind of frustration reducer for them!
Chewing a sandwich, I pack my lunch box since the canteen's food is too expensive for me to afford. I take glance at the clock. 7:10 a.m. I think I should get going. I grab my grey oversized hoody, which is actually Masson's.
Mason and Megan are twins. Carla loves her children more than her life. They were such cuties as babies. When I first came into this house with my Dad, they were 1-year-old toddlers. I still can remember their gummy smiles. That time Carla used to be nice too. I was treated like a family member. But after 5 years, everything turned upside down.
My father used to be their driver. Mr. Johnson often had to travel outside of the town for work. And being his driver, my father always tagged along with him. It was just some of those nights. My father and Mr. Johnson were returning from the hills. But for me, it was special. I was going to turn 10 the following day. My father promised to take a break from his work and spend all day with me. I was cheerful all day and was thinking about the gifts I would get.
But my fate had to activate the ultimate bitch mode. And instead of gifts, I got the news that the only family member I used to have was no more! I spent the following day waiting for my Dad's corpse which also never was found. Cops said the car was crashed by a rock slide and fell about 200 meters down from the road to the river underneath.
I put on my black converse sitting on the staircase. My canvas backpack is lying beside me. Tying up my shoelaces I checked my phone one more time out of habit. And this time I notice something.
THE DAMN DATE! How can I forget about this! Holy sh*t!!
Okay, let me make things clear to you. I'm a junior in high school. For others, a high school is a dreamy place where you work hard to persuade your dream. But for me, high school was all about struggling for a normal life without being bullied. Wait, let me change the word. I was getting abused. Getting abused by the most handsome and charming schoolboy you could ever imagine. Liam Miller. The word 'bullied' is definitely an understatement to describe his torture. The tortures were so brutal that, I worked my a$$ off to get admission into my new school. But as I said before. Luck has never been on my side.
Today is my 6th day in my new school, and it was all okay till now cause my ultimate reason for misery, Liam, hasn't arrived here yet. But I knew that this little time of relief wasn't permanent. Cause, to shatter all my hope into pieces, our most wanted charming boy also took admission in the same damn school I got a scholarship into. Just how cruel my fate could be!
Whatever. The first few days weren't bad since Liam was away for a football campaign. Let me clear up one more thing, the football campaign wasn't for new students. But being the brat of loaded parents, he always gets extra advantages. Moreover, he has a relative in this school, who is supposed to be a senior, and also helped Liam to tag along with the football team. Whatsoever, right now all my mind could think about is how to avoid that ultimate jerk.
Dear God, all I want is a normal life. A life without abuse. AM I ASKING FOR TOO MUCH?
The idea of me facing Liam left a shiver down my spine. This is gonna be a long day!