I think I used up to much blood. For the next days I should concentrate on making some weapons and doing some more experiments to get to know the magic system better. But first I need to get some more food to be able to regenerate my blood. It seems like that My new body can create blood a lot faster, which is obvious if you consider, that you it is an important skill to survive in this world. I can restore around 1 l/h, when I have eaten enough before. Which is around 700 times faster than a normal human being normally can regenerate. (Normal regeneration rate of blood is 1 liter per month). Can I make a car with my magic? Let me think a car weights around 800 kg, so I need also 800/24 days If I keep up at night that would be 34 days, a little much I suppose, but a motorcycle could be done in 10 days, that's convenient. So on that point I need a Engine, Transmission, exhaust system, brakes, ignition switch… That's a lot I have to make. Which brings me to my next problem, how am I going to transport all of my weapons and stuff that I'm going to make, one possibility would be to compress the matter of my items so that they aren´t to big but the problem is, the do not change in weight. For now I can´t come up with a solution, so I'm just going to make backpack and a weapon belt for my 2 pistols I made. But now I need to worry about my diet. I will now go for a hunt and maybe find something more to eat…
(Time skip 20 days)
I have gotten some food the last days finished making a motorcycle. Now I should go to find civilization, because after that many days in the wild it gets really boring. A good meal wouldn't be bad either. After beginning to drive randomly in one direction, I think while walking about ways to get stronger. Many flashy spells like a blackhole are just impossible to realize.
While playing with magic and realizing, that if you don´t understand an object it can´t be materialized I notice a path that looks like it is used quite often. I hope they are not some strange volks like cannibals, but I feel my confidents going up with some shot irons at me. Finally after walking some more time I can see the village. It seems like they are preparing for battle. That's the perfect moment for me to see what the inhabitants of this planet are capable of. I should just observe from a save distance. I think one kilometer away should be enough from this mountain I can see the occurrences perfectly. It looks like in the distance some kind of monsters are coming, they have to be the attacker. They look like a dark blue human shaped figure with a dark red face like a demon and shining yellow eyes.