Chereads / Star Trek X / Chapter 7 - Intelligent Intelligence

Chapter 7 - Intelligent Intelligence

Starship Enterprise quantum jump in the orbit of planet Earth.

Spock: "Captain Pike, according to the position of the stars we are in the same year we left, 31st century, but in a different universe."

Number 1: "Planet Earth has no protective shields.

Not even a satellite in orbit."

Captain Pike: "What is the situation on planet Earth?"

Spock: "Places on planet Earth were great cities was are under shields.

Our scanners can penetrate protective shields.

There are about 500,000,000 people on the planet.

They all live in 5,000 smaller towns.

We are not detecting advanced technology.

The level of development on planet Earth is the end of the 20th century."

Captain Pike: "Let's go visit the planet to see what's going on down there.

Spock, Number 1 you are coming with me."

Captain Pike, Number 1, and Spock are teleported to the northern continent to a town near one of the protective shields.

It was a smaller town and the people seemed simple.

They all carried personal weapons.

Captain Pike: "It's best to start our investigation at a local restaurant."

The crew entered a local restaurant.

Everyone, there was friendly and had personal firearms.

Captain Pike was delighted with the food.

The food was fresh, natural, and homemade.

The waitress Ava recommended them great dishes.

Captain Pike: "Your cuisine is excellent. As far as I can see, these are all organically grown foods."

Ava: "Yes, we are extremely proud of them."

Captain Pike: "Food, people, your area is beautiful, we would like to learn more about the protective shields in your area and the history of your community."

Ava: "Then your best bet is to contact a local watchmaker. He likes to educate people about our history."

The crew went to a local watchmaker.

The watchmaker's name was Bob.

Bob was pleasantly surprised to see them.

He gladly welcomed them into his shop and asked how he could help them.

Captain Pike: "We are interested in learning more about the history of the community and the protective shields nearby."

Bob: "I see that you are people of knowledge.

Are you from another part of the world?"

Captain Pike: "We are, we traveled a long way."

Bob looked at Captain Pike, smiled with pleasure, and began to talk.

Bob: "More than 1,000 years ago, people decided to divide themselves.

One part of people wanted to live in big cities, while the other part of people wanted to live free from technology and systems.

Big cities made protective shields around them and their citizens separated from us.

The rest lived in towns with up to 100,000 inhabitants.

People agreed that no town should exceed 100,000 inhabitants."

Spock: "I see that everyone in your town is armed with personal weapons."

Bob: "Personal weapons were one of the reasons.

Personal weapons are synonymous with freedom and people knew that in towns with up to 100,000 inhabitants it is much easier to create an understanding among the inhabitants that personal weapons are what they are, for defense.

The cities under the protective shields banned personal weapons and turned to a different way of life."

Captain Pike: "Can we enter the city under the protective shields?"

Bob: "In 1000 years no one has come out and entered the city under the protective shields."

The trio left the watch shop and headed off to explore the protective shields.

The scanners couldn't penetrate the protective shields.

Spock: "I'm reading the tunnel below us on the scanner.

It leads under the protective shields."

Number 1: "I can use a phaser to blow through the entrance to the tunnel."

Captain Pike: "Do it."

Number 1 blasted the passage to the tunnel with the phaser.

The three of them entered the tunnel.

The tunnel was damp.

They walked a couple of kilometers.

The tunnel was part of the subway system.

Spock: "We're right under the protective shields."

Spock opened the metal door.

The trio went through the door and headed up the stairs.

They came to the top of the stairs, where there was a metal door that couldn't be opened.

Captain Pike signaled Number 1 to make a pass through the door with her weapon.

Number 1 blasted the door.

A passageway opened before them.

They went through the passage.

Around them were buildings of simple design and all white.

It was seen on the buildings that functionality is the most important.

They set out to explore the city.

The city was deserted.

Spock: "I have a feeling someone is watching us."

Captain Pike: "Be careful.

I trust your ears, Mister Spock."

Spock: "Captain, do I hear that you are a little jealous of my ears."

Captain Pike: "Sure. Who wouldn't love to have ears like that?

Number 1, what do you think of the Spock's ears?"

Number 1: "I would like to have one of those ears.

I believe they would look great on me."

Spock: "I saw someone 100 meters away."

Captain Pike: "We're going after him."

The trio ran.

They saw a young person who ran away.

After a few minutes of hunting around the city, they managed to catch him.

He was a young man in his twenties.

Iniq: "Please don't hurt me."

Captain Pike: "We don't want to hurt you.

What is your name?"

Iniq: "Iniq."

Are you barbarians who live outside the protective shields?"

Captain Pike: "We are not, we are visitors from afar.

Where are the other inhabitants of the city?"

Iniq: "There is no one left. They are all dead."

Captain Pike: "What happened."

Iniq: "It is best if I take you to the hall of memories."

Iniq led them to the hall of memories.

Spock: "According to the records, at the beginning of the 21st century there was a breakthrough in global warming.

The sun sent a few degrees more heat to planet Earth.

This would normally not be a problem if the mantle of the planet Earth had not already been damaged.

10 years from hell took place on planet Earth.

Droughts and fires ravaged planet Earth.

After 10 years from hell, there were one billion people left on planet Earth.

The survivors were lost and traumatized.

A part of the population decided to return to animal husbandry and agriculture.

Another part of the population followed the teachings of the Roma.

The great teacher of Roma brought the technology of shields.

He pointed out that humans almost ended up exterminated due to genetic impurity.

Big cities were put under domes and remodeled.

There were a million inhabitants in each of the 500 cities.

Only the smartest multiplied further.

As the IQ of new generations increased, the population would halve every hundred years.

In the last 100 years, there were barely a thousand people left who could have children."

Captain Pike: "From one extreme to another."

Spock: "Captain Pike, look at Rom, he's a Romulan."

In planet Earth's orbit.

A Romulan ship appeared near the Enterprise and opened fire on the Enteprise and retreated."

La'an tried to contact Captain Pike but was unsuccessful.

Under the protective shields.

Spock: "Captain Pike, I've accessed the system. There are more children in the other cities under protective shields.

And in some cities, there are dozens of children."

Captain Pike: "Iniq, what do you think of all this?"

Iniq: "I don't want to be alone anymore."

Spock: "Captain, I have found a way to disable all the protective shields in all cities."

The Romulan ship would attack Enterprise and then retreat.

La'an: "We're bleeding a little by little.

Try to predict the next location the Romulan spaceship will appear."

A Romulan spaceship appeared and the Enteprise fired at it.

La'an: 'We've disabled their warp drive.'

The Romulan spaceship disappeared under the invisible field.

La'an: "Our scanners can't find them, keep scanning."

In the city under the protective shields.

Captain Pike: "Spock, disable the protective shields on all cities."

Spock: "Yes captain Pike."

The protective shields are gone.

Soon, residents from small towns began to arrive.

They were curious.

Bob came too.

Bob said he would take care of Iniq.

Captain Pike's communicator rang.

La'an informed him of the situation with the Romulans.

Captain Pike, Number 1, and Spock were immediately teleported to Enteprise.

On the Enterprise bridge.

La'an: "The Romulan spaceship is nowhere to be found."

Captain Pike: "Perform a detailed multi-phase scan."

Spock: "I'm receiving a quantum energy signal from planet Earth.

It is the coordinates for the quantum drive."

Captain Pike: "Enter the coordinates."

Spock entered the coordinates.

The same moment Spock entered the coordinates, a Romulan ship appeared and captured the Enteprise with a quantum traction beam.

A quantum traction beam activated a quantum drive on the Enterprise.

The Enterprise and the Romulan ship have disappeared.

The next sequel.

Captain Pike wakes up in bed.

He doesn't remember anything.